嵌入式操作系统 《ARM System Developer's Guide》

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝牙齿矫正器的好处 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:12

1. 讲述组成嵌入式操作系统的基础组件和关于ARM处理器的特殊问题
2. 通过简单的嵌入式操作系统Simple Little Operating System(SLOS) 来看看基础组件的实现

Fundamental Components

Components function Initialization 在firmware移交控制权后第一段执行的代码。用于设立内部数据结构,全局变量,硬件,初始化设备驱动,设立可变控制寄存器。 Memory handling 设计建立系统和任务栈。system stack定位在哪里是第一阶段决定的。而task stack则依赖于其是静态的还是动态的。详细内容p382 handling interrupts and exceptions 基本上所有操作系统设计的时候都需要处理异常和中断。而不是所有的异常都需要handler的,这时候可以将infinite loop作为unused exceptions.这样做便于DEBUG和保护系统。 periodic interrupt for a preemptive operating system。由目标硬件的定时器或者计数器产生。 polling for a nonpreemptive operating system。持续检查目标设备状态的改变。对于特定的状态改变产生相应的处理。 scheduler 决定接下来哪个任务被执行的算法。最简单之一的算法是round-robin algorithm。scheduler algorithm将会在性能和算法复杂度上取得平衡。当任务完成时,新旧任务的切换通过context switch完成。context switch将所有的旧任务寄存器的值从processor保存到数据结构中去。而新任务寄存器的值加载到processor中。 device driver framework 操作系统上的一种机制,在不同硬件外设之间提供了恒定的接口。便于操作系统支持新的外设。framework也提供了安全的方法访问外设(比如拒绝多个应用同时访问一个外设)

Example:Simple Little Operating System



There are three main stages pf initialization SLOS.(具体内容见p385)
1. startup-sets up FIQ registers and SVC,System,IRQ mode stacks.
2. PCB stepup code-initialize PCB,which contains task’s states and all registers
3. C initialization code-initialize device driver, event handler and periodic timer

Memory Model


We adpoted a simple memory model for SLOS.Code portion are located in low momery.The stacks for IRQ and for each task are loacted in high memory.SVC stack is located in top of memory.The arrows in the memeory show the dirction of stack growth.

Interrupts and Exceptions Handling

我们仅仅使用了3种异常,其余异常handler均设置为dummy handlers。

Exception Purpose Reset Initialize the OS SWI mechanism to access the device drivers IRQ mechanism to service events




SWI指令强制processor从user模式进入SVC模式。在SWI handler中保存相应寄存器值并且跳转到C handler进行相应处理,r0包含SWI number,r1指向 存储在SVC stack中的寄存器。


IRQ handler比SWI handler简单很多。是一种基础的无嵌套中断handler。The handler first saves the context and then copied the contents of the interrupt contrller status register,INTPND,int register r0.If r0 is matched with a particular interrupt source, then the service routine is called.


eventsTickVener    BL eventsTickService; //reset tick hardware    B  kernelScheduler;   //branch to scheduler



The low-level shceduler, or dispatcher, used in SLOS is a simple round-robin algorithm.following:

//pseudocodetask t = 0;task t';scheduler(){    t' = t + 1;    if(t' == MAX_NUMBER_OF)TASKS)    {        t' = 0;    }    ContextSwitch(t, t');}

1. PCB_PtrCurrentTask指向当前激活的PCB的地址
2. PCB_PtrNextTask指向下个激活的PCB的地址
3. PCB_CurrentTask holds the value of the next task identifier

Context Switch

通过使用scheduler更新后的信息,context switch完成task t和task t’之间的切换。为完成切换,需要经过two stage:(图解见p396)

stage-1 Save the Current Context

1. reset the IRQ stack and save it to PCB_IRQStack
2. The user mode registers for task t are saved to the current PCB

stage-2 Load the Next Context

1. transferring the PCB for t‘ into the banked user mode registers
2. The IRQ stack is restored to the original setting before entering the IRQ handler

Device Drive Framework(DDF)

DDF通过SWI instructions实现。DDF通过避免应用直接访问hardware来保护操作系统,and provide a uniform standard interface for tasks.If a task wanna to access a device ,it must first obtain a unique indentification number(UID).UID一般用于确定没有其他任务访问同一个设备。

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