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/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 x265 project * * Authors: Steve Borho <steve@borho.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA. * * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license. * For more information, contact us at license @ x265.com. *****************************************************************************/#include "common.h"#include "primitives.h"#include "quant.h"#include "framedata.h"#include "entropy.h"#include "yuv.h"#include "cudata.h"#include "contexts.h"using namespace x265;#define SIGN(x,y) ((x^(y >> 31))-(y >> 31))namespace {struct coeffGroupRDStats{    int     nnzBeforePos0;     /* indicates coeff other than pos 0 are coded */    int64_t codedLevelAndDist; /* distortion and level cost of coded coefficients */    int64_t uncodedDist;       /* uncoded distortion cost of coded coefficients */    int64_t sigCost;           /* cost of signaling significant coeff bitmap */    int64_t sigCost0;          /* cost of signaling sig coeff bit of coeff 0 */};inline int fastMin(int x, int y){    return y + ((x - y) & ((x - y) >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1))); // min(x, y)}inline int getICRate(uint32_t absLevel, int32_t diffLevel, const int* greaterOneBits, const int* levelAbsBits, const uint32_t absGoRice, const uint32_t maxVlc, uint32_t c1c2Idx){    X265_CHECK(c1c2Idx <= 3, "c1c2Idx check failure\n");    X265_CHECK(absGoRice <= 4, "absGoRice check failure\n");    if (!absLevel)    {        X265_CHECK(diffLevel < 0, "diffLevel check failure\n");        return 0;    }    int rate = 0;    if (diffLevel < 0)    {        X265_CHECK(absLevel <= 2, "absLevel check failure\n");        rate += greaterOneBits[(absLevel == 2)];        if (absLevel == 2)            rate += levelAbsBits[0];    }    else    {        uint32_t symbol = diffLevel;        bool expGolomb = (symbol > maxVlc);        if (expGolomb)        {            absLevel = symbol - maxVlc;            // NOTE: mapping to x86 hardware instruction BSR            unsigned long size;            CLZ(size, absLevel);            int egs = size * 2 + 1;            rate += egs << 15;            // NOTE: in here, expGolomb=true means (symbol >= maxVlc + 1)            X265_CHECK(fastMin(symbol, (maxVlc + 1)) == (int)maxVlc + 1, "min check failure\n");            symbol = maxVlc + 1;        }        uint32_t prefLen = (symbol >> absGoRice) + 1;        uint32_t numBins = fastMin(prefLen + absGoRice, 8 /* g_goRicePrefixLen[absGoRice] + absGoRice */);        rate += numBins << 15;        if (c1c2Idx & 1)            rate += greaterOneBits[1];        if (c1c2Idx == 3)            rate += levelAbsBits[1];    }    return rate;}#if CHECKED_BUILD || _DEBUGinline int getICRateNegDiff(uint32_t absLevel, const int* greaterOneBits, const int* levelAbsBits){    X265_CHECK(absLevel <= 2, "absLevel check failure\n");    int rate;    if (absLevel == 0)        rate = 0;    else if (absLevel == 2)        rate = greaterOneBits[1] + levelAbsBits[0];    else        rate = greaterOneBits[0];    return rate;}#endifinline int getICRateLessVlc(uint32_t absLevel, int32_t diffLevel, const uint32_t absGoRice){    X265_CHECK(absGoRice <= 4, "absGoRice check failure\n");    if (!absLevel)    {        X265_CHECK(diffLevel < 0, "diffLevel check failure\n");        return 0;    }    int rate;    uint32_t symbol = diffLevel;    uint32_t prefLen = (symbol >> absGoRice) + 1;    uint32_t numBins = fastMin(prefLen + absGoRice, 8 /* g_goRicePrefixLen[absGoRice] + absGoRice */);    rate = numBins << 15;    return rate;}/* Calculates the cost for specific absolute transform level */inline uint32_t getICRateCost(uint32_t absLevel, int32_t diffLevel, const int* greaterOneBits, const int* levelAbsBits, uint32_t absGoRice, uint32_t c1c2Idx){    X265_CHECK(absLevel, "absLevel should not be zero\n");    if (diffLevel < 0)    {        X265_CHECK((absLevel == 1) || (absLevel == 2), "absLevel range check failure\n");        uint32_t rate = greaterOneBits[(absLevel == 2)];        if (absLevel == 2)            rate += levelAbsBits[0];        return rate;    }    else    {        uint32_t rate;        uint32_t symbol = diffLevel;        if ((symbol >> absGoRice) < COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION)        {            uint32_t length = symbol >> absGoRice;            rate = (length + 1 + absGoRice) << 15;        }        else        {            uint32_t length = 0;            symbol = (symbol >> absGoRice) - COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION;            if (symbol)            {                unsigned long idx;                CLZ(idx, symbol + 1);                length = idx;            }            rate = (COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION + length + absGoRice + 1 + length) << 15;        }        if (c1c2Idx & 1)            rate += greaterOneBits[1];        if (c1c2Idx == 3)            rate += levelAbsBits[1];        return rate;    }}}Quant::Quant(){    m_resiDctCoeff = NULL;    m_fencDctCoeff = NULL;    m_fencShortBuf = NULL;    m_frameNr      = NULL;    m_nr           = NULL;}bool Quant::init(int rdoqLevel, double psyScale, const ScalingList& scalingList, Entropy& entropy){    m_entropyCoder = &entropy; // 初始化熵编码器    m_rdoqLevel    = rdoqLevel; // 初始化rdoq级别    m_psyRdoqScale = (int32_t)(psyScale * 256.0); // 针对RDOQ的心理视觉优化    X265_CHECK((psyScale * 256.0) < (double)MAX_INT, "psyScale value too large\n");    m_scalingList  = &scalingList;    m_resiDctCoeff = X265_MALLOC(int16_t, MAX_TR_SIZE * MAX_TR_SIZE * 2);    m_fencDctCoeff = m_resiDctCoeff + (MAX_TR_SIZE * MAX_TR_SIZE);    m_fencShortBuf = X265_MALLOC(int16_t, MAX_TR_SIZE * MAX_TR_SIZE);    m_tqBypass = false;    return m_resiDctCoeff && m_fencShortBuf;}bool Quant::allocNoiseReduction(const x265_param& param){    m_frameNr = X265_MALLOC(NoiseReduction, param.frameNumThreads);    if (m_frameNr)        memset(m_frameNr, 0, sizeof(NoiseReduction) * param.frameNumThreads);    else        return false;    return true;}Quant::~Quant(){    X265_FREE(m_frameNr);    X265_FREE(m_resiDctCoeff);    X265_FREE(m_fencShortBuf);}void Quant::setQPforQuant(const CUData& ctu, int qp){    m_tqBypass = !!ctu.m_tqBypass[0];    if (m_tqBypass)        return;    m_nr = m_frameNr ? &m_frameNr[ctu.m_encData->m_frameEncoderID] : NULL;    m_qpParam[TEXT_LUMA].setQpParam(qp + QP_BD_OFFSET);    setChromaQP(qp + ctu.m_slice->m_pps->chromaQpOffset[0], TEXT_CHROMA_U, ctu.m_chromaFormat);    setChromaQP(qp + ctu.m_slice->m_pps->chromaQpOffset[1], TEXT_CHROMA_V, ctu.m_chromaFormat);}void Quant::setChromaQP(int qpin, TextType ttype, int chFmt){    int qp = x265_clip3(-QP_BD_OFFSET, 57, qpin);    if (qp >= 30)    {        if (chFmt == X265_CSP_I420)            qp = g_chromaScale[qp];        else            qp = X265_MIN(qp, QP_MAX_SPEC);    }    m_qpParam[ttype].setQpParam(qp + QP_BD_OFFSET);}/* To minimize the distortion only. No rate is considered */uint32_t Quant::signBitHidingHDQ(int16_t* coeff, int32_t* deltaU, uint32_t numSig, const TUEntropyCodingParameters &codeParams){    const uint32_t log2TrSizeCG = codeParams.log2TrSizeCG;    const uint16_t* scan = codeParams.scan;    bool lastCG = true;    for (int cg = (1 << (log2TrSizeCG * 2)) - 1; cg >= 0; cg--)    {        int cgStartPos = cg << LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE;        int n;        for (n = SCAN_SET_SIZE - 1; n >= 0; --n)            if (coeff[scan[n + cgStartPos]])                break;        if (n < 0)            continue;        int lastNZPosInCG = n;        for (n = 0;; n++)            if (coeff[scan[n + cgStartPos]])                break;        int firstNZPosInCG = n;        if (lastNZPosInCG - firstNZPosInCG >= SBH_THRESHOLD)        {            uint32_t signbit = coeff[scan[cgStartPos + firstNZPosInCG]] > 0 ? 0 : 1;            uint32_t absSum = 0;            for (n = firstNZPosInCG; n <= lastNZPosInCG; n++)                absSum += coeff[scan[n + cgStartPos]];            if (signbit != (absSum & 0x1)) // compare signbit with sum_parity            {                int minCostInc = MAX_INT,  minPos = -1, curCost = MAX_INT;                int16_t finalChange = 0, curChange = 0;                for (n = (lastCG ? lastNZPosInCG : SCAN_SET_SIZE - 1); n >= 0; --n)                {                    uint32_t blkPos = scan[n + cgStartPos];                    if (coeff[blkPos])                    {                        if (deltaU[blkPos] > 0)                        {                            curCost = -deltaU[blkPos];                            curChange = 1;                        }                        else                        {                            if (n == firstNZPosInCG && abs(coeff[blkPos]) == 1)                                curCost = MAX_INT;                            else                            {                                curCost = deltaU[blkPos];                                curChange = -1;                            }                        }                    }                    else                    {                        if (n < firstNZPosInCG)                        {                            uint32_t thisSignBit = m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos] >= 0 ? 0 : 1;                            if (thisSignBit != signbit)                                curCost = MAX_INT;                            else                            {                                curCost = -deltaU[blkPos];                                curChange = 1;                            }                        }                        else                        {                            curCost = -deltaU[blkPos];                            curChange = 1;                        }                    }                    if (curCost < minCostInc)                    {                        minCostInc = curCost;                        finalChange = curChange;                        minPos = blkPos;                    }                }                /* do not allow change to violate coeff clamp */                if (coeff[minPos] == 32767 || coeff[minPos] == -32768)                    finalChange = -1;                if (!coeff[minPos])                    numSig++;                else if (finalChange == -1 && abs(coeff[minPos]) == 1)                    numSig--;                if (m_resiDctCoeff[minPos] >= 0)                    coeff[minPos] += finalChange;                else                    coeff[minPos] -= finalChange;            }        }        lastCG = false;    }    return numSig;}/** 函数功能       : 对残差块进行变换、量化* \参数 cu         :CUData对象* \参数 fenc       :原始图像* \参数 fencStride :原始图像块的步长* \参数 residual   :残差数据* \参数 resiStride :残差数据的步长* \参数 coeff      :存储残差经过变换、量化后的系数* \参数 log2TrSize :TU尺寸* \参数 ttype      :数据分量类型(亮度/色度)* \参数 absPartIdx :CU地址* \参数 useTransformSkip :是否使用变换跳过模式* \返回            :量化后非零系数的个数**/uint32_t Quant::transformNxN(const CUData& cu, const pixel* fenc, uint32_t fencStride, const int16_t* residual, uint32_t resiStride,                             coeff_t* coeff, uint32_t log2TrSize, TextType ttype, uint32_t absPartIdx, bool useTransformSkip){    const uint32_t sizeIdx = log2TrSize - 2;    if (m_tqBypass) // 如果使用 变换/量化的bypass模式,即跳过变换/量化,则直接将残差块拷贝到变换系数块    {        X265_CHECK(log2TrSize >= 2 && log2TrSize <= 5, "Block size mistake!\n");        return primitives.cu[sizeIdx].copy_cnt(coeff, residual, resiStride); // 拷贝残差块到变换系数块coeff,返回非零系数的个数    }    bool isLuma  = ttype == TEXT_LUMA;    bool usePsy  = m_psyRdoqScale && isLuma && !useTransformSkip;    int transformShift = MAX_TR_DYNAMIC_RANGE - X265_DEPTH - log2TrSize; // Represents scaling through forward transform    X265_CHECK((cu.m_slice->m_sps->quadtreeTULog2MaxSize >= log2TrSize), "transform size too large\n");    if (useTransformSkip) // 如果应用"跳过变换"模式,则只需将残差进行相应的移位,无需进行其他操作    {#if X265_DEPTH <= 10        X265_CHECK(transformShift >= 0, "invalid transformShift\n");        primitives.cu[sizeIdx].cpy2Dto1D_shl(m_resiDctCoeff, residual, resiStride, transformShift); // 将残差数据进行左移操作#else        if (transformShift >= 0)            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].cpy2Dto1D_shl(m_resiDctCoeff, residual, resiStride, transformShift);        else            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].cpy2Dto1D_shr(m_resiDctCoeff, residual, resiStride, -transformShift);#endif    }    else // 进行常规变换    {        bool isIntra = cu.isIntra(absPartIdx);        if (!sizeIdx && isLuma && isIntra) // 如果变换块是4x4(sizeIdx=0),且是亮度块、intra预测模式,则使用4x4的dst变换            primitives.dst4x4(residual, m_resiDctCoeff, resiStride);        else // 否则使用dct变换            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].dct(residual, m_resiDctCoeff, resiStride); // 对残差做DCT变换,得到的结果存储在m_resiDctCoeff中        /* NOTE: if RDOQ is disabled globally, psy-rdoq is also disabled, so         * there is no risk of performing this DCT unnecessarily */        if (usePsy)        {            int trSize = 1 << log2TrSize;            /* perform DCT on source pixels for psy-rdoq */            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].copy_ps(m_fencShortBuf, trSize, fenc, fencStride);            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].dct(m_fencShortBuf, m_fencDctCoeff, trSize);        }        if (m_nr)        {            /* denoise is not applied to intra residual, so DST can be ignored */            int cat = sizeIdx + 4 * !isLuma + 8 * !isIntra;            int numCoeff = 1 << (log2TrSize * 2);            primitives.denoiseDct(m_resiDctCoeff, m_nr->residualSum[cat], m_nr->offsetDenoise[cat], numCoeff);            m_nr->count[cat]++;        }    }    if (m_rdoqLevel) // 如果RDOQ的级别大于0,才进行RDOQ量化,否则使用常规(均匀)量化        return rdoQuant(cu, coeff, log2TrSize, ttype, absPartIdx, usePsy);    else // 常规量化(均匀量化或非均匀量化)    {        int deltaU[32 * 32]; // 用于存储量化误差矩阵,在常规量化中,deltaU只用于进行符号位隐藏的操作        int scalingListType = (cu.isIntra(absPartIdx) ? 0 : 3) + ttype; // 根据预测模式和亮度/色度分量得到 前向量化表的类型,用于选择不同的前向量化表        int rem = m_qpParam[ttype].rem; // 得到Qp的余数部分,实际上 rem = Qp%6        int per = m_qpParam[ttype].per; // 得到Qp的倍数部分,实际上 per = Qp/6        const int32_t* quantCoeff = m_scalingList->m_quantCoef[log2TrSize - 2][scalingListType][rem]; // 根据TU的尺寸、前向量化类型和Qp余数部分,选择对应的量化表        int qbits = QUANT_SHIFT + per + transformShift; // 量化右移的位数,由3部分组成:1.量化带来的位数增加 2.Qp/6部分带来的位数增加 3.前向变换所带来的位数增加        int add = (cu.m_slice->m_sliceType == I_SLICE ? 171 : 85) << (qbits - 9); // 量化后右移可能会带来低位上的损失,这里对右移可能带来的损失进行补偿,HEVC规定I_SLICE补偿1/3,其他类型SLICE补偿1/6                                                                                  // 结合量化公式,I_SLICE中的add实际相当于: add >> qbits = (171 << (qbits-9))>>qbits = 171>>9 = 171/512 = 1/3                                                                                  // 非I_SLICE中add实际相当于: add >> qbits = (85 << (qbits-9))>>qbits = 85>>9 = 85/512 = 1/6        int numCoeff = 1 << (log2TrSize * 2); // 当前变换块中包含得系数个数        uint32_t numSig = primitives.quant(m_resiDctCoeff, quantCoeff, deltaU, coeff, qbits, add, numCoeff); // 进行常规量化,参看C版本函数 quant_c,返回值为量化后非零系数的个数        if (numSig >= 2 && cu.m_slice->m_pps->bSignHideEnabled) // 假如非零系数的个数大于等于2,并且使能符号位隐藏,则进行符号位隐藏的操作        {            TUEntropyCodingParameters codeParams;            cu.getTUEntropyCodingParameters(codeParams, absPartIdx, log2TrSize, isLuma);            return signBitHidingHDQ(coeff, deltaU, numSig, codeParams);        }        else            return numSig;    }}void Quant::invtransformNxN(int16_t* residual, uint32_t resiStride, const coeff_t* coeff,                            uint32_t log2TrSize, TextType ttype, bool bIntra, bool useTransformSkip, uint32_t numSig){    const uint32_t sizeIdx = log2TrSize - 2;    if (m_tqBypass)    {        primitives.cu[sizeIdx].cpy1Dto2D_shl(residual, coeff, resiStride, 0);        return;    }    // Values need to pass as input parameter in dequant    int rem = m_qpParam[ttype].rem;    int per = m_qpParam[ttype].per;    int transformShift = MAX_TR_DYNAMIC_RANGE - X265_DEPTH - log2TrSize;    int shift = QUANT_IQUANT_SHIFT - QUANT_SHIFT - transformShift;    int numCoeff = 1 << (log2TrSize * 2);    if (m_scalingList->m_bEnabled)    {        int scalingListType = (bIntra ? 0 : 3) + ttype;        const int32_t* dequantCoef = m_scalingList->m_dequantCoef[sizeIdx][scalingListType][rem];        primitives.dequant_scaling(coeff, dequantCoef, m_resiDctCoeff, numCoeff, per, shift);    }    else    {        int scale = m_scalingList->s_invQuantScales[rem] << per;        primitives.dequant_normal(coeff, m_resiDctCoeff, numCoeff, scale, shift);    }    if (useTransformSkip)    {#if X265_DEPTH <= 10        X265_CHECK(transformShift > 0, "invalid transformShift\n");        primitives.cu[sizeIdx].cpy1Dto2D_shr(residual, m_resiDctCoeff, resiStride, transformShift);#else        if (transformShift > 0)            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].cpy1Dto2D_shr(residual, m_resiDctCoeff, resiStride, transformShift);        else            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].cpy1Dto2D_shl(residual, m_resiDctCoeff, resiStride, -transformShift);#endif    }    else    {        int useDST = !sizeIdx && ttype == TEXT_LUMA && bIntra;        X265_CHECK((int)numSig == primitives.cu[log2TrSize - 2].count_nonzero(coeff), "numSig differ\n");        // DC only        if (numSig == 1 && coeff[0] != 0 && !useDST)        {            const int shift_1st = 7 - 6;            const int add_1st = 1 << (shift_1st - 1);            const int shift_2nd = 12 - (X265_DEPTH - 8) - 3;            const int add_2nd = 1 << (shift_2nd - 1);            int dc_val = (((m_resiDctCoeff[0] * (64 >> 6) + add_1st) >> shift_1st) * (64 >> 3) + add_2nd) >> shift_2nd;            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].blockfill_s(residual, resiStride, (int16_t)dc_val);            return;        }        if (useDST)            primitives.idst4x4(m_resiDctCoeff, residual, resiStride);        else            primitives.cu[sizeIdx].idct(m_resiDctCoeff, residual, resiStride);    }}/* Rate distortion optimized quantization for entropy coding engines using * probability models like CABAC *//** 函数功能       : 使用RDO(率失真优化)技术对变换后的系数进行量化 **                  RDOQ主要可以分成三步: **                      step1. 对每个系数单独做RDO优化,找到率失真意义上的最优量化值 **                      step2. 对每一个系数组(Coefficient Group,下面都缩写为CG)进行优化,试图将整个CG都设置为0 **                      step3. 找到最优的最后一个非零系数的位置,尝试从最后一个非零位置开始将量化后的系数设置为0 **  调用范围       :只在Quant::transformNxN函数中被调用* \参数 cu         :CUData对象* \参数 dstCoeff   :进行RDOQ量化后的系数(变换后的系数存储在m_resiDctCoeff中)* \参数 log2TrSize :TU尺寸* \参数 ttype      :数据分量类型(亮度/色度)* \参数 absPartIdx :CU地址* \参数 usePsy     :是否使用心理视觉量化* \返回            :非零系数的个数**/uint32_t Quant::rdoQuant(const CUData& cu, int16_t* dstCoeff, uint32_t log2TrSize, TextType ttype, uint32_t absPartIdx, bool usePsy){    int transformShift = MAX_TR_DYNAMIC_RANGE - X265_DEPTH - log2TrSize; // 前变换的需要的右移位数,需要在量化中完成 /* Represents scaling through forward transform */    int scalingListType = (cu.isIntra(absPartIdx) ? 0 : 3) + ttype; // 根据预测类型(Intra/Inter)和当前分量(Y/U/V)判断list类型    const uint32_t usePsyMask = usePsy ? -1 : 0; // 是否使用心理视觉量化    X265_CHECK(scalingListType < 6, "scaling list type out of range\n"); //scalingListType 最大为6    int rem = m_qpParam[ttype].rem; // 得到Qp的余数部分,=Qp%6    int per = m_qpParam[ttype].per; // 得到Qp的整数部分,=Qp/6    int qbits = QUANT_SHIFT + per + transformShift; // 常规量化中需要右移的位数 /* Right shift of non-RDOQ quantizer level = (coeff*Q + offset)>>q_bits */    int add = (1 << (qbits - 1)); // 常规量化中右移前需要补偿的加数    const int32_t* qCoef = m_scalingList->m_quantCoef[log2TrSize - 2][scalingListType][rem]; // 得到常规量化使用的量化乘数    int numCoeff = 1 << (log2TrSize * 2); // 当前TU中系数的个数    uint32_t numSig = primitives.nquant(m_resiDctCoeff, qCoef, dstCoeff, qbits, add, numCoeff); // 对变换系数进行常规量化,参考C语言版本的函数 nquant_c    X265_CHECK((int)numSig == primitives.cu[log2TrSize - 2].count_nonzero(dstCoeff), "numSig differ\n"); // 再次统计量化后的非零系数个数,并判断与常规量化的结果是否一致    if (!numSig) // 如果常规量化后系数为全零,则跳过RDOQ过程(这是RDOQ提前终止的快速算法)        return 0;    uint32_t trSize = 1 << log2TrSize; // 得到TU大小    int64_t lambda2 = m_qpParam[ttype].lambda2; // 得到RDO中的lambda    const int64_t psyScale = ((int64_t)m_psyRdoqScale * m_qpParam[ttype].lambda); // 得到心理视觉量化系数    /* unquant constants for measuring distortion. Scaling list quant coefficients have a (1 << 4)     * scale applied that must be removed during unquant. Note that in real dequant there is clipping     * at several stages. We skip the clipping for simplicity when measuring RD cost */    const int32_t* unquantScale = m_scalingList->m_dequantCoef[log2TrSize - 2][scalingListType][rem]; // 得到反量化乘数    int unquantShift = QUANT_IQUANT_SHIFT - QUANT_SHIFT - transformShift + (m_scalingList->m_bEnabled ? 4 : 0); // 得到反量化右移位数    int unquantRound = (unquantShift > per) ? 1 << (unquantShift - per - 1) : 0; // 反量化右移时补偿加数    int scaleBits = SCALE_BITS - 2 * transformShift; // #define UNQUANT(lvl)    (((lvl) * (unquantScale[blkPos] << per) + unquantRound) >> unquantShift)#define SIGCOST(bits)   ((lambda2 * (bits)) >> 8)#define RDCOST(d, bits) ((((int64_t)d * d) << scaleBits) + SIGCOST(bits))#define PSYVALUE(rec)   ((psyScale * (rec)) >> (2 * transformShift + 1))    // 以下是系数级别的变量,即每个系数都占用一个存储单元    int64_t costCoeff[32 * 32];   // 每一个系数花费                                /* d*d + lambda * bits */    int64_t costUncoded[32 * 32]; // 每一个系数被量化为0的花费(Z型顺序存储)        /* d*d + lambda * 0    */    int64_t costSig[32 * 32];     // 每一个系数的是否为0标记(sig_coeff_flag)的花费  /* lambda * bits       */    int rateIncUp[32 * 32];      /* signal overhead of increasing level */    int rateIncDown[32 * 32];    /* signal overhead of decreasing level */    int sigRateDelta[32 * 32]; // 将系数量化为0和量化为非0,系数标记(sig_coeff_flag)的花费差异  /* signal difference between zero and non-zero */    // 以下是系数组(CG)级别的变量    int64_t costCoeffGroupSig[MLS_GRP_NUM]; // 每一个系数组CG的花费 /* lambda * bits of group coding cost */    uint64_t sigCoeffGroupFlag64 = 0; // CG的非零标记,每一位代表一个CG,某一位为1代表对应的CG不是全0,反之代表对应的CG为全0    const uint32_t cgSize = (1 << MLS_CG_SIZE); // 一个系数组CG中的系数个数 /* 4x4 num coef = 16 */    bool bIsLuma = ttype == TEXT_LUMA; // 当前是否是亮度分量    /* total rate distortion cost of transform block, as CBF=0 */    int64_t totalUncodedCost = 0; // 当前块都被量化为0时的cost    /* Total rate distortion cost of this transform block, counting te distortion of uncoded blocks,     * the distortion and signal cost of coded blocks, and the coding cost of significant     * coefficient and coefficient group bitmaps */    int64_t totalRdCost = 0;    TUEntropyCodingParameters codeParams;    cu.getTUEntropyCodingParameters(codeParams, absPartIdx, log2TrSize, bIsLuma); // 得到熵编码参数    const uint32_t cgNum = 1 << (codeParams.log2TrSizeCG * 2); // TU中的系数组CG的个数    const uint32_t cgStride = (trSize >> MLS_CG_LOG2_SIZE); // TU中CG的步长    uint8_t coeffNum[MLS_GRP_NUM];   // 每个CG中的非零系数的个数   // value range[0, 16]    uint16_t coeffSign[MLS_GRP_NUM]; // 每个CG中的非零系数的符号   // bit mask map for non-zero coeff sign    uint16_t coeffFlag[MLS_GRP_NUM]; // 每个CG中的非零系数的标记   // bit mask map for non-zero coeff#if CHECKED_BUILD || _DEBUG    // clean output buffer, the asm version of scanPosLast Never output anything after latest non-zero coeff group    memset(coeffNum, 0, sizeof(coeffNum));    memset(coeffSign, 0, sizeof(coeffNum)); // 这里size应该是写错了,应该改为 sizeof(coeffSign),下面也是一样    memset(coeffFlag, 0, sizeof(coeffNum));#endif    // 统计每个CG中的非零系数的符号、非零系数的标志(是否是非零系数)、非零系数个数,以及最后一个非零系数的扫描位置(lastScanPos)    const int lastScanPos = primitives.scanPosLast(codeParams.scan, dstCoeff, coeffSign, coeffFlag, coeffNum, numSig, g_scan4x4[codeParams.scanType], trSize); // 参看 scanPosLast_c    const int cgLastScanPos = (lastScanPos >> LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE); // 得到最后一个非零系数的扫描位置(lastScanPos)所对应的系数组CG的位置                                                                   // 但是如果 lastScanPos%(2^LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE) != 0,即如果最后一个非零系数位置并不能被16整除,这里得到的实际上倒数第二个非零CG的位置    /* TODO: update bit estimates if dirty */    EstBitsSbac& estBitsSbac = m_entropyCoder->m_estBitsSbac;    uint32_t scanPos = 0;    uint32_t c1 = 1;    // process trail all zero Coeff Group    /* coefficients after lastNZ have no distortion signal cost */    const int zeroCG = cgNum - 1 - cgLastScanPos; // 得到全零CG的个数    memset(&costCoeff[(cgLastScanPos + 1) << MLS_CG_SIZE], 0, zeroCG * MLS_CG_BLK_SIZE * sizeof(int64_t)); // 将全零CG中的每个系数花费都设置为0    memset(&costSig[(cgLastScanPos + 1) << MLS_CG_SIZE], 0, zeroCG * MLS_CG_BLK_SIZE * sizeof(int64_t)); // 将全零CG中的每个系数的标记花费设置为0    /* sum zero coeff (uncodec) cost */    // TODO: does we need these cost?    if (usePsyMask) // 如果使用心理视觉量化    {        for (int cgScanPos = cgLastScanPos + 1; cgScanPos < (int)cgNum ; cgScanPos++)        {            X265_CHECK(coeffNum[cgScanPos] == 0, "count of coeff failure\n");            uint32_t scanPosBase = (cgScanPos << MLS_CG_SIZE);            uint32_t blkPos      = codeParams.scan[scanPosBase];            // TODO: we can't SIMD optimize because PSYVALUE need 64-bits multiplication, convert to Double can work faster by FMA            for (int y = 0; y < MLS_CG_SIZE; y++)            {                for (int x = 0; x < MLS_CG_SIZE; x++)                {                    int signCoef         = m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos + x]; // 得到变换系数           /* pre-quantization DCT coeff */                    int predictedCoef    = m_fencDctCoeff[blkPos + x] - signCoef; /* predicted DCT = source DCT - residual DCT*/                    costUncoded[blkPos + x] = ((int64_t)signCoef * signCoef) << scaleBits; // 计算将变换系数量化为0的cost(distortion 部分)                    /* when no residual coefficient is coded, predicted coef == recon coef */                    costUncoded[blkPos + x] -= PSYVALUE(predictedCoef);                    totalUncodedCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x]; // 累加量化为0的cost                    totalRdCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x]; // 累加量化为0的cost                }                blkPos += trSize;            }        }    }    else // 不使用心理视觉量化,对量化为全零的CG计算每个系数的cost    {        // non-psy path        for (int cgScanPos = cgLastScanPos + 1; cgScanPos < (int)cgNum ; cgScanPos++) // 遍历每一个全零的CG        {            X265_CHECK(coeffNum[cgScanPos] == 0, "count of coeff failure\n"); // 再次确认是否该CG中非零系数的个数是0            uint32_t scanPosBase = (cgScanPos << MLS_CG_SIZE); // 得到每个CG的首地址(这里的CG顺序是Z型扫描,而不是按照选择的scan模式扫描)            uint32_t blkPos      = codeParams.scan[scanPosBase];  // 找到一个CG首地址对应的扫描位置            for (int y = 0; y < MLS_CG_SIZE; y++) // 每个CG内部仍然按照Z型扫描存储 costUncoded,但CG位置是通过选择的扫描顺序得到的            {                for (int x = 0; x < MLS_CG_SIZE; x++)                {                    int signCoef = m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos + x]; // 得到变换系数        /* pre-quantization DCT coeff */                    costUncoded[blkPos + x] = ((int64_t)signCoef * signCoef) << scaleBits; // 计算将变换系数量化为0的cost(distortion 部分)                    totalUncodedCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x]; // 累加量化为0的cost                    totalRdCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x]; // 累加量化为0的cost                }                blkPos += trSize;            }        }    }    static const uint8_t table_cnt[5][SCAN_SET_SIZE] =    {        // patternSigCtx = 0        {            2, 1, 1, 0,            1, 1, 0, 0,            1, 0, 0, 0,            0, 0, 0, 0,        },        // patternSigCtx = 1        {            2, 2, 2, 2,            1, 1, 1, 1,            0, 0, 0, 0,            0, 0, 0, 0,        },        // patternSigCtx = 2        {            2, 1, 0, 0,            2, 1, 0, 0,            2, 1, 0, 0,            2, 1, 0, 0,        },        // patternSigCtx = 3        {            2, 2, 2, 2,            2, 2, 2, 2,            2, 2, 2, 2,            2, 2, 2, 2,        },        // 4x4        {            0, 1, 4, 5,            2, 3, 4, 5,            6, 6, 8, 8,            7, 7, 8, 8        }    };    /* iterate over coding groups in reverse scan order */    // step1. 对每个系数单独做RDO优化,找到率失真意义上的最优量化值    for (int cgScanPos = cgLastScanPos; cgScanPos >= 0; cgScanPos--) // 从最后一非零CG开始遍历每个CG,从最后一个到第一个    {        uint32_t ctxSet = (cgScanPos && bIsLuma) ? 2 : 0;        const uint32_t cgBlkPos = codeParams.scanCG[cgScanPos]; // 得到CG的扫描位置        const uint32_t cgPosY   = cgBlkPos >> codeParams.log2TrSizeCG; // CG扫描位置的Y坐标        const uint32_t cgPosX   = cgBlkPos - (cgPosY << codeParams.log2TrSizeCG); // CG扫描位置的X坐标        const uint64_t cgBlkPosMask = ((uint64_t)1 << cgBlkPos); // 当前CG的位置,使用cgBlkPosMask中1的位置来表示        const int patternSigCtx = calcPatternSigCtx(sigCoeffGroupFlag64, cgPosX, cgPosY, cgBlkPos, cgStride);        const int ctxSigOffset = codeParams.firstSignificanceMapContext + (cgScanPos && bIsLuma ? 3 : 0);        if (c1 == 0)            ctxSet++;        c1 = 1;        if (cgScanPos && (coeffNum[cgScanPos] == 0)) // 如果当前CG不是第一个CG,并且CG系数为全零,即在最后一个非全零CG可能还会存在全零的CG        {                                            // 如果发现全零的CG,处理方法与上文中,最后一个非零CG之后的CG的处理方法相同;但是对这些系数又计算了量化为0和非零时,系数标记的花费,这是为了之后进行step2、step3的优化            // TODO: does we need zero-coeff cost?            const uint32_t scanPosBase = (cgScanPos << MLS_CG_SIZE);            uint32_t blkPos = codeParams.scan[scanPosBase];            if (usePsyMask) // 如果使用心理视觉量化            {                // TODO: we can't SIMD optimize because PSYVALUE need 64-bits multiplication, convert to Double can work faster by FMA                for (int y = 0; y < MLS_CG_SIZE; y++)                {                    for (int x = 0; x < MLS_CG_SIZE; x++)                    {                        int signCoef         = m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos + x];            /* pre-quantization DCT coeff */                        int predictedCoef    = m_fencDctCoeff[blkPos + x] - signCoef; /* predicted DCT = source DCT - residual DCT*/                        costUncoded[blkPos + x] = ((int64_t)signCoef * signCoef) << scaleBits;                        /* when no residual coefficient is coded, predicted coef == recon coef */                        costUncoded[blkPos + x] -= PSYVALUE(predictedCoef);                        totalUncodedCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x];                        totalRdCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x];                        const uint32_t scanPosOffset =  y * MLS_CG_SIZE + x;                        const uint32_t ctxSig = table_cnt[patternSigCtx][g_scan4x4[codeParams.scanType][scanPosOffset]] + ctxSigOffset;                        X265_CHECK(trSize > 4, "trSize check failure\n");                        X265_CHECK(ctxSig == getSigCtxInc(patternSigCtx, log2TrSize, trSize, codeParams.scan[scanPosBase + scanPosOffset], bIsLuma, codeParams.firstSignificanceMapContext), "sigCtx check failure\n");                        costSig[scanPosBase + scanPosOffset] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig]);                        costCoeff[scanPosBase + scanPosOffset] = costUncoded[blkPos + x];                        sigRateDelta[blkPos + x] = estBitsSbac.significantBits[1][ctxSig] - estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig];                    }                    blkPos += trSize;                }            }            else // 如果不使用心理视觉量化            {                // non-psy path                for (int y = 0; y < MLS_CG_SIZE; y++) // 对整个CG进行遍历                {                    for (int x = 0; x < MLS_CG_SIZE; x++)                    {                        int signCoef = m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos + x]; // 得到变换系数         /* pre-quantization DCT coeff */                        costUncoded[blkPos + x] = ((int64_t)signCoef * signCoef) << scaleBits; // 计算将变换系数量化为0的cost(distortion 部分)                        totalUncodedCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x]; // 累加量化为0的cost                        totalRdCost += costUncoded[blkPos + x]; // 累加量化为0的cost                        const uint32_t scanPosOffset =  y * MLS_CG_SIZE + x;                        const uint32_t ctxSig = table_cnt[patternSigCtx][g_scan4x4[codeParams.scanType][scanPosOffset]] + ctxSigOffset;                        X265_CHECK(trSize > 4, "trSize check failure\n");                        X265_CHECK(ctxSig == getSigCtxInc(patternSigCtx, log2TrSize, trSize, codeParams.scan[scanPosBase + scanPosOffset], bIsLuma, codeParams.firstSignificanceMapContext), "sigCtx check failure\n");                        costSig[scanPosBase + scanPosOffset] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig]); // 计算系数标记的cost,实际上全零的CG没有这部分的花费                        costCoeff[scanPosBase + scanPosOffset] = costUncoded[blkPos + x]; // 对于全零的CG,每个系数的花费就是量化为0的distortion部分                        sigRateDelta[blkPos + x] = estBitsSbac.significantBits[1][ctxSig] - estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig]; // 计算系数被量化为0和非0,系数标记的bit花费差异                    }                    blkPos += trSize;                }            }            /* there were no coded coefficients in this coefficient group */            {                uint32_t ctxSig = getSigCoeffGroupCtxInc(sigCoeffGroupFlag64, cgPosX, cgPosY, cgBlkPos, cgStride);                costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantCoeffGroupBits[ctxSig][0]); // 得到CG的非零标记的cost                totalRdCost += costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos];  /* add cost of 0 bit in significant CG bitmap */            }            continue;        }        coeffGroupRDStats cgRdStats;        memset(&cgRdStats, 0, sizeof(coeffGroupRDStats));        uint32_t subFlagMask = coeffFlag[cgScanPos]; // 得到一个CG内系数的标记        int    c2            = 0;        uint32_t goRiceParam = 0;        uint32_t c1Idx       = 0;        uint32_t c2Idx       = 0;        /* iterate over coefficients in each group in reverse scan order */        for (int scanPosinCG = cgSize - 1; scanPosinCG >= 0; scanPosinCG--) // 扫描CG内部的每一个系数        {            scanPos              = (cgScanPos << MLS_CG_SIZE) + scanPosinCG; // 找到每个系数的Z型扫描顺序            uint32_t blkPos      = codeParams.scan[scanPos]; // 找到对应的扫描位置            uint32_t maxAbsLevel = abs(dstCoeff[blkPos]);    // 得到常规量化后的值         /* abs(quantized coeff) */            int signCoef         = m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos];   // 得到DCT系数               /* pre-quantization DCT coeff */            int predictedCoef    = m_fencDctCoeff[blkPos] - signCoef; /* predicted DCT = source DCT - residual DCT*/            /* RDOQ measures distortion as the squared difference between the unquantized coded level             * and the original DCT coefficient. The result is shifted scaleBits to account for the             * FIX15 nature of the CABAC cost tables minus the forward transform scale */            /* cost of not coding this coefficient (all distortion, no signal bits) */            costUncoded[blkPos] = ((int64_t)signCoef * signCoef) << scaleBits; // 得到量化为0的cost            X265_CHECK((!!scanPos ^ !!blkPos) == 0, "failed on (blkPos=0 && scanPos!=0)\n"); // ^表示按位异或,若参加运算的两个二进制位值相同则为0,否则为1。这里是保证scanPos和blkPos同时为0或者同时不为0            if (usePsyMask & scanPos)                /* when no residual coefficient is coded, predicted coef == recon coef */                costUncoded[blkPos] -= PSYVALUE(predictedCoef);            totalUncodedCost += costUncoded[blkPos]; // 累加量化为0的cost            // coefficient level estimation            const int* greaterOneBits = estBitsSbac.greaterOneBits[4 * ctxSet + c1];            const uint32_t ctxSig = (blkPos == 0) ? 0 : table_cnt[(trSize == 4) ? 4 : patternSigCtx][g_scan4x4[codeParams.scanType][scanPosinCG]] + ctxSigOffset;            X265_CHECK(ctxSig == getSigCtxInc(patternSigCtx, log2TrSize, trSize, blkPos, bIsLuma, codeParams.firstSignificanceMapContext), "sigCtx check failure\n");            // before find lastest non-zero coeff            if (scanPos > (uint32_t)lastScanPos) // 如果当前扫描位置在最后一个非零系数之后,则将这些系数的cost都设置为0            {                                    // 这种情况出现是由于最后一个非零系数可能出现在最后一个非零CG中的任何位置,所以对最后一个CG扫描就会出现这种情况                /* coefficients after lastNZ have no distortion signal cost */                costCoeff[scanPos] = 0;                costSig[scanPos] = 0;                /* No non-zero coefficient yet found, but this does not mean                 * there is no uncoded-cost for this coefficient. Pre-                 * quantization the coefficient may have been non-zero */                totalRdCost += costUncoded[blkPos];            }            else if (!(subFlagMask & 1)) // 如果当前位置位于最后一个非零系数之前,并且该系数为0,计算量化为0的cost            {                // fast zero coeff path                /* set default costs to uncoded costs */                costSig[scanPos] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig]); // 计算系数标记sig_coeff_flag为0的cost                costCoeff[scanPos] = costUncoded[blkPos] + costSig[scanPos]; // 得到一个系数的总花费, = 量化为0的distortion + 系数标记为0的cost                sigRateDelta[blkPos] = estBitsSbac.significantBits[1][ctxSig] - estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig]; // 将系数量化为0和量化为非0,系数标记(sig_coeff_flag)的花费差异                totalRdCost += costCoeff[scanPos]; // 累加系数总花费                rateIncUp[blkPos] = greaterOneBits[0]; // 得到比当前量化系数大1所需要花费的bit ???                subFlagMask >>= 1; // 系数非零标记右移移位,下次取到CG中前一个系数的非零标记            }            else // 如果当前位置位于最后一个非零系数之前,并且该系数为1,估计每一个系数的最优量化值            {                subFlagMask >>= 1; // 系数非零标记右移移位,下次取到CG中前一个系数的非零标记                const uint32_t c1c2Idx = ((c1Idx - 8) >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + (((-(int)c2Idx) >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1) * 2;                const uint32_t baseLevel = ((uint32_t)0xD9 >> (c1c2Idx * 2)) & 3;  // {1, 2, 1, 3}                X265_CHECK(!!((int)c1Idx < C1FLAG_NUMBER) == (int)((c1Idx - 8) >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1)), "scan validation 1\n");                X265_CHECK(!!(c2Idx == 0) == ((-(int)c2Idx) >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1, "scan validation 2\n");                X265_CHECK((int)baseLevel == ((c1Idx < C1FLAG_NUMBER) ? (2 + (c2Idx == 0)) : 1), "scan validation 3\n");                // coefficient level estimation                const int* levelAbsBits = estBitsSbac.levelAbsBits[ctxSet + c2];                uint32_t level = 0;                uint32_t sigCoefBits = 0;                costCoeff[scanPos] = MAX_INT64;                if ((int)scanPos == lastScanPos) // 如果当前位置是最后一个非零系数的位置,则将量化为0和非0的系数标记(sig_coeff_flag)的花费差异设为0                    sigRateDelta[blkPos] = 0;                else                {                    if (maxAbsLevel < 3) // 如果该系数的常规量化值很小,则尝试将它量化为0                    {                        /* set default costs to uncoded costs */                        costSig[scanPos] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig]); // 计算系数标记sig_coeff_flag为0的cost                        costCoeff[scanPos] = costUncoded[blkPos] + costSig[scanPos]; // 得到一个系数的总花费, = 量化为0的distortion + 系数标记为0的cost                    }                    sigRateDelta[blkPos] = estBitsSbac.significantBits[1][ctxSig] - estBitsSbac.significantBits[0][ctxSig]; // 将系数量化为0和量化为非0,系数标记(sig_coeff_flag)的花费差异                    sigCoefBits = estBitsSbac.significantBits[1][ctxSig]; // 将系数量化为非0,系数标记(sig_coeff_flag)的花费                }                // NOTE: X265_MAX(maxAbsLevel - 1, 1) ==> (X>=2 -> X-1), (X<2 -> 1)  | (0 < X < 2 ==> X=1)                if (maxAbsLevel == 1) // 如果常规量化值为1,则与量化为0相比较                {                    uint32_t levelBits = (c1c2Idx & 1) ? greaterOneBits[0] + IEP_RATE : ((1 + goRiceParam) << 15) + IEP_RATE; // 计算量化为1时,系数幅值的bit消耗                    X265_CHECK(levelBits == getICRateCost(1, 1 - baseLevel, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits, goRiceParam, c1c2Idx) + IEP_RATE, "levelBits mistake\n");                    int unquantAbsLevel = UNQUANT(1); // 得到1的反量化值                    int d = abs(signCoef) - unquantAbsLevel; // 得到distortion                    int64_t curCost = RDCOST(d, sigCoefBits + levelBits); // 计算量化为1的RDcost                    /* Psy RDOQ: bias in favor of higher AC coefficients in the reconstructed frame */                    if (usePsyMask & scanPos)                    {                        int reconCoef = abs(unquantAbsLevel + SIGN(predictedCoef, signCoef));                        curCost -= PSYVALUE(reconCoef);                    }                    if (curCost < costCoeff[scanPos]) // 将量化为1的cost与量化为0相比较,如果量化为1更好,则将其量化为1                    {                        level = 1; // 更新量化值为1                        costCoeff[scanPos] = curCost; // 更新量化当前系数的cost                        costSig[scanPos] = SIGCOST(sigCoefBits); // 更新sig_coeff_flag的cost                    }                }                else if (maxAbsLevel) // 如果常规量化值大于1                {                    // 计算量化为当前常规量化值所花费的比特数,并计算量化为常规量化值减1所花费的比特数                    uint32_t levelBits0 = getICRateCost(maxAbsLevel,     maxAbsLevel     - baseLevel, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits, goRiceParam, c1c2Idx) + IEP_RATE;                    uint32_t levelBits1 = getICRateCost(maxAbsLevel - 1, maxAbsLevel - 1 - baseLevel, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits, goRiceParam, c1c2Idx) + IEP_RATE;                    // 计算量化为当前常规量化值所产生的cost                    int unquantAbsLevel0 = UNQUANT(maxAbsLevel); // 得到反量化值                    int d0 = abs(signCoef) - unquantAbsLevel0; // 得到distortion                    int64_t curCost0 = RDCOST(d0, sigCoefBits + levelBits0); // 计算得到RDcost                    // 计算量化为当前常规量化值减1所产生的cost                    int unquantAbsLevel1 = UNQUANT(maxAbsLevel - 1); // 得到反量化值                    int d1 = abs(signCoef) - unquantAbsLevel1; // 得到distortion                    int64_t curCost1 = RDCOST(d1, sigCoefBits + levelBits1); // 计算得到RDcost                    /* Psy RDOQ: bias in favor of higher AC coefficients in the reconstructed frame */                    if (usePsyMask & scanPos)                    {                        int reconCoef;                        reconCoef = abs(unquantAbsLevel0 + SIGN(predictedCoef, signCoef));                        curCost0 -= PSYVALUE(reconCoef);                        reconCoef = abs(unquantAbsLevel1 + SIGN(predictedCoef, signCoef));                        curCost1 -= PSYVALUE(reconCoef);                    }                    if (curCost0 < costCoeff[scanPos]) // 如果量化为当前常规量化值的cost更小,则更新量化值和cost                    {                        level = maxAbsLevel; // 更新量化值为1                        costCoeff[scanPos] = curCost0; // 更新量化当前系数的cost                        costSig[scanPos] = SIGCOST(sigCoefBits); // 更新sig_coeff_flag的cost                    }                    if (curCost1 < costCoeff[scanPos]) // 如果量化为当前常规量化值减1的cost更小,则更新量化值和cost                    {                        level = maxAbsLevel - 1; // 更新量化值为1                        costCoeff[scanPos] = curCost1; // 更新量化当前系数的cost                        costSig[scanPos] = SIGCOST(sigCoefBits); // 更新sig_coeff_flag的cost                    }                }                dstCoeff[blkPos] = (int16_t)level; // 在对当前量化系数进行完RDO优化后,更新目标量化值                totalRdCost += costCoeff[scanPos]; // 累加总的RDcost                /* record costs for sign-hiding performed at the end */                if ((cu.m_slice->m_pps->bSignHideEnabled ? ~0 : 0) & level)                {                    const int32_t diff0 = level - 1 - baseLevel;                    const int32_t diff2 = level + 1 - baseLevel;                    const int32_t maxVlc = g_goRiceRange[goRiceParam];                    int rate0, rate1, rate2;                    if (diff0 < -2)  // prob (92.9, 86.5, 74.5)%                    {                        // NOTE: Min: L - 1 - {1,2,1,3} < -2 ==> L < {0,1,0,2}                        //            additional L > 0, so I got (L > 0 && L < 2) ==> L = 1                        X265_CHECK(level == 1, "absLevel check failure\n");                        const int rateEqual2 = greaterOneBits[1] + levelAbsBits[0];;                        const int rateNotEqual2 = greaterOneBits[0];                        rate0 = 0;                        rate2 = rateEqual2;                        rate1 = rateNotEqual2;                        X265_CHECK(rate1 == getICRateNegDiff(level + 0, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits), "rate1 check failure!\n");                        X265_CHECK(rate2 == getICRateNegDiff(level + 1, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits), "rate1 check failure!\n");                        X265_CHECK(rate0 == getICRateNegDiff(level - 1, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits), "rate1 check failure!\n");                    }                    else if (diff0 >= 0 && diff2 <= maxVlc)     // prob except from above path (98.6, 97.9, 96.9)%                    {                        // NOTE: no c1c2 correct rate since all of rate include this factor                        rate1 = getICRateLessVlc(level + 0, diff0 + 1, goRiceParam);                        rate2 = getICRateLessVlc(level + 1, diff0 + 2, goRiceParam);                        rate0 = getICRateLessVlc(level - 1, diff0 + 0, goRiceParam);                    }                    else                    {                        rate1 = getICRate(level + 0, diff0 + 1, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits, goRiceParam, maxVlc, c1c2Idx);                        rate2 = getICRate(level + 1, diff0 + 2, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits, goRiceParam, maxVlc, c1c2Idx);                        rate0 = getICRate(level - 1, diff0 + 0, greaterOneBits, levelAbsBits, goRiceParam, maxVlc, c1c2Idx);                    }                    rateIncUp[blkPos] = rate2 - rate1;                    rateIncDown[blkPos] = rate0 - rate1;                }                else                {                    rateIncUp[blkPos] = greaterOneBits[0];                    rateIncDown[blkPos] = 0;                }                /* Update CABAC estimation state */                if (level >= baseLevel && goRiceParam < 4 && level > (3U << goRiceParam))                    goRiceParam++;                c1Idx -= (-(int32_t)level) >> 31;                /* update bin model */                if (level > 1)                {                    c1 = 0;                    c2 += (uint32_t)(c2 - 2) >> 31;                    c2Idx++;                }                else if ((c1 < 3) && (c1 > 0) && level)                    c1++;                if (dstCoeff[blkPos]) // 如果当前量化系数为非零                {                    sigCoeffGroupFlag64 |= cgBlkPosMask; // 与当前CG位置的Mask相或,标志该CG不是全0                    cgRdStats.codedLevelAndDist += costCoeff[scanPos] - costSig[scanPos]; //                     cgRdStats.uncodedDist += costUncoded[blkPos];                    cgRdStats.nnzBeforePos0 += scanPosinCG;                }            }            cgRdStats.sigCost += costSig[scanPos];        } /* end for (scanPosinCG) */        X265_CHECK((cgScanPos << MLS_CG_SIZE) == (int)scanPos, "scanPos mistake\n");        cgRdStats.sigCost0 = costSig[scanPos];        costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos] = 0;        /* nothing to do at this case */        X265_CHECK(cgLastScanPos >= 0, "cgLastScanPos check failure\n");        if (!cgScanPos || cgScanPos == cgLastScanPos)        {            /* coeff group 0 is implied to be present, no signal cost */            /* coeff group with last NZ is implied to be present, handled below */        }        else if (sigCoeffGroupFlag64 & cgBlkPosMask)        {            if (!cgRdStats.nnzBeforePos0)            {                /* if only coeff 0 in this CG is coded, its significant coeff bit is implied */                totalRdCost -= cgRdStats.sigCost0;                cgRdStats.sigCost -= cgRdStats.sigCost0;            }            /* there are coded coefficients in this group, but now we include the signaling cost             * of the significant coefficient group flag and evaluate whether the RD cost of the             * coded group is more than the RD cost of the uncoded group */            uint32_t sigCtx = getSigCoeffGroupCtxInc(sigCoeffGroupFlag64, cgPosX, cgPosY, cgBlkPos, cgStride);            int64_t costZeroCG = totalRdCost + SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantCoeffGroupBits[sigCtx][0]);            costZeroCG += cgRdStats.uncodedDist;       /* add distortion for resetting non-zero levels to zero levels */            costZeroCG -= cgRdStats.codedLevelAndDist; /* remove distortion and level cost of coded coefficients */            costZeroCG -= cgRdStats.sigCost;           /* remove signaling cost of significant coeff bitmap */            costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantCoeffGroupBits[sigCtx][1]);            totalRdCost += costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos];  /* add the cost of 1 bit in significant CG bitmap */            if (costZeroCG < totalRdCost && m_rdoqLevel > 1)            {                sigCoeffGroupFlag64 &= ~cgBlkPosMask;                totalRdCost = costZeroCG;                costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantCoeffGroupBits[sigCtx][0]);                /* reset all coeffs to 0. UNCODE THIS COEFF GROUP! */                const uint32_t blkPos = codeParams.scan[cgScanPos * cgSize];                memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 0 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));                memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 1 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));                memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 2 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));                memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 3 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));            }        }        else        {            /* there were no coded coefficients in this coefficient group */            uint32_t ctxSig = getSigCoeffGroupCtxInc(sigCoeffGroupFlag64, cgPosX, cgPosY, cgBlkPos, cgStride);            costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos] = SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.significantCoeffGroupBits[ctxSig][0]);            totalRdCost += costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos];  /* add cost of 0 bit in significant CG bitmap */            totalRdCost -= cgRdStats.sigCost;             /* remove cost of significant coefficient bitmap */        }    } /* end for (cgScanPos) */    X265_CHECK(lastScanPos >= 0, "numSig non zero, but no coded CG\n");    /* calculate RD cost of uncoded block CBF=0, and add cost of CBF=1 to total */    int64_t bestCost;    if (!cu.isIntra(absPartIdx) && bIsLuma && !cu.m_tuDepth[absPartIdx])    {        bestCost = totalUncodedCost + SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.blockRootCbpBits[0]);        totalRdCost += SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.blockRootCbpBits[1]);    }    else    {        int ctx = ctxCbf[ttype][cu.m_tuDepth[absPartIdx]];        bestCost = totalUncodedCost + SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.blockCbpBits[ctx][0]);        totalRdCost += SIGCOST(estBitsSbac.blockCbpBits[ctx][1]);    }    /* This loop starts with the last non-zero found in the first loop and then refines this last     * non-zero by measuring the true RD cost of the last NZ at this position, and then the RD costs     * at all previous coefficients until a coefficient greater than 1 is encountered or we run out     * of coefficients to evaluate.  This will factor in the cost of coding empty groups and empty     * coeff prior to the last NZ. The base best cost is the RD cost of CBF=0 */    int  bestLastIdx = 0;    bool foundLast = false;    for (int cgScanPos = cgLastScanPos; cgScanPos >= 0 && !foundLast; cgScanPos--)    {        if (!cgScanPos || cgScanPos == cgLastScanPos)        {            /* the presence of these coefficient groups are inferred, they have no bit in             * sigCoeffGroupFlag64 and no saved costCoeffGroupSig[] cost */        }        else if (sigCoeffGroupFlag64 & (1ULL << codeParams.scanCG[cgScanPos]))        {            /* remove cost of significant coeff group flag, the group's presence would be inferred             * from lastNZ if it were present in this group */            totalRdCost -= costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos];        }        else        {            /* remove cost of signaling this empty group as not present */            totalRdCost -= costCoeffGroupSig[cgScanPos];            continue;        }        for (int scanPosinCG = cgSize - 1; scanPosinCG >= 0; scanPosinCG--)        {            scanPos = cgScanPos * cgSize + scanPosinCG;            if ((int)scanPos > lastScanPos)                continue;            /* if the coefficient was coded, measure the RD cost of it as the last non-zero and then             * continue as if it were uncoded. If the coefficient was already uncoded, remove the             * cost of signaling it as not-significant */            uint32_t blkPos = codeParams.scan[scanPos];            if (dstCoeff[blkPos]) // 如果目标量化系数不是0,则试图将该系数设置为0            {                // Calculates the cost of signaling the last significant coefficient in the block                 uint32_t pos[2] = { (blkPos & (trSize - 1)), (blkPos >> log2TrSize) }; // 得到该系数所在位置的X/Y坐标,X = blkPos&(trSize-1); Y = blkPos>>log2TrSize                if (codeParams.scanType == SCAN_VER) // 如果当前的扫描类型是竖直扫描,则调换X和Y坐标                    std::swap(pos[0], pos[1]);                uint32_t bitsLastNZ = 0;                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // 估计该位置的X/Y坐标所需要的bit花费,X=pos[0],Y=pos[1]                {                    int temp = g_lastCoeffTable[pos[i]]; // 得到该系数位置的前缀和后缀                    int prefixOnes = temp & 15;                     int suffixLen = temp >> 4;                    bitsLastNZ += m_entropyCoder->m_estBitsSbac.lastBits[i][prefixOnes]; // 估计对前缀熵编码所消耗的bits                    bitsLastNZ += IEP_RATE * suffixLen; // 加上后缀所消耗的bits                }                int64_t costAsLast = totalRdCost - costSig[scanPos] + SIGCOST(bitsLastNZ);                if (costAsLast < bestCost)                {                    bestLastIdx = scanPos + 1;                    bestCost = costAsLast;                }                if (dstCoeff[blkPos] > 1 || m_rdoqLevel == 1)                {                    foundLast = true;                    break;                }                totalRdCost -= costCoeff[scanPos];                totalRdCost += costUncoded[blkPos];            }            else                totalRdCost -= costSig[scanPos];        }    }    /* recount non-zero coefficients and re-apply sign of DCT coef */    numSig = 0;    for (int pos = 0; pos < bestLastIdx; pos++)    {        int blkPos = codeParams.scan[pos];        int level  = dstCoeff[blkPos];        numSig += (level != 0);        uint32_t mask = (int32_t)m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos] >> 31;        dstCoeff[blkPos] = (int16_t)((level ^ mask) - mask);    }    // Average 49.62 pixels    /* clean uncoded coefficients */    for (int pos = bestLastIdx; pos <= fastMin(lastScanPos, (bestLastIdx | (SCAN_SET_SIZE - 1))); pos++)    {        dstCoeff[codeParams.scan[pos]] = 0;    }    for (int pos = (bestLastIdx & ~(SCAN_SET_SIZE - 1)) + SCAN_SET_SIZE; pos <= lastScanPos; pos += SCAN_SET_SIZE)    {        const uint32_t blkPos = codeParams.scan[pos];        memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 0 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));        memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 1 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));        memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 2 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));        memset(&dstCoeff[blkPos + 3 * trSize], 0, 4 * sizeof(*dstCoeff));    }    /* rate-distortion based sign-hiding */    if (cu.m_slice->m_pps->bSignHideEnabled && numSig >= 2)    {        const int realLastScanPos = (bestLastIdx - 1) >> LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE;        int lastCG = true;        for (int subSet = realLastScanPos; subSet >= 0; subSet--)        {            int subPos = subSet << LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE;            int n;            if (!(sigCoeffGroupFlag64 & (1ULL << codeParams.scanCG[subSet])))                continue;            /* measure distance between first and last non-zero coef in this             * coding group */            const uint32_t posFirstLast = primitives.findPosFirstLast(&dstCoeff[codeParams.scan[subPos]], trSize, g_scan4x4[codeParams.scanType]);            int firstNZPosInCG = (uint16_t)posFirstLast;            int lastNZPosInCG = posFirstLast >> 16;            if (lastNZPosInCG - firstNZPosInCG >= SBH_THRESHOLD)            {                uint32_t signbit = (dstCoeff[codeParams.scan[subPos + firstNZPosInCG]] > 0 ? 0 : 1);                int absSum = 0;                for (n = firstNZPosInCG; n <= lastNZPosInCG; n++)                    absSum += dstCoeff[codeParams.scan[n + subPos]];                if (signbit != (absSum & 1U))                {                    /* We must find a coeff to toggle up or down so the sign bit of the first non-zero coeff                     * is properly implied. Note dstCoeff[] are signed by this point but curChange and                     * finalChange imply absolute levels (+1 is away from zero, -1 is towards zero) */                    int64_t minCostInc = MAX_INT64, curCost = MAX_INT64;                    int minPos = -1;                    int16_t finalChange = 0, curChange = 0;                    for (n = (lastCG ? lastNZPosInCG : SCAN_SET_SIZE - 1); n >= 0; --n)                    {                        uint32_t blkPos = codeParams.scan[n + subPos];                        int signCoef    = m_resiDctCoeff[blkPos]; /* pre-quantization DCT coeff */                        int absLevel    = abs(dstCoeff[blkPos]);                        int d = abs(signCoef) - UNQUANT(absLevel);                        int64_t origDist = (((int64_t)d * d)) << scaleBits;#define DELTARDCOST(d, deltabits) ((((int64_t)d * d) << scaleBits) - origDist + ((lambda2 * (int64_t)(deltabits)) >> 8))                        if (dstCoeff[blkPos])                        {                            d = abs(signCoef) - UNQUANT(absLevel + 1);                            int64_t costUp = DELTARDCOST(d, rateIncUp[blkPos]);                            /* if decrementing would make the coeff 0, we can include the                             * significant coeff flag cost savings */                            d = abs(signCoef) - UNQUANT(absLevel - 1);                            bool isOne = abs(dstCoeff[blkPos]) == 1;                            int downBits = rateIncDown[blkPos] - (isOne ? (IEP_RATE + sigRateDelta[blkPos]) : 0);                            int64_t costDown = DELTARDCOST(d, downBits);                            if (lastCG && lastNZPosInCG == n && isOne)                                costDown -= 4 * IEP_RATE;                            if (costUp < costDown)                            {                                curCost = costUp;                                curChange =  1;                            }                            else                            {                                curChange = -1;                                if (n == firstNZPosInCG && isOne)                                    curCost = MAX_INT64;                                else                                    curCost = costDown;                            }                        }                        else if (n < firstNZPosInCG && signbit != (signCoef >= 0 ? 0 : 1U))                        {                            /* don't try to make a new coded coeff before the first coeff if its                             * sign would be different than the first coeff, the inferred sign would                             * still be wrong and we'd have to do this again. */                            curCost = MAX_INT64;                        }                        else                        {                            /* evaluate changing an uncoded coeff 0 to a coded coeff +/-1 */                            d = abs(signCoef) - UNQUANT(1);                            curCost = DELTARDCOST(d, rateIncUp[blkPos] + IEP_RATE + sigRateDelta[blkPos]);                            curChange = 1;                        }                        if (curCost < minCostInc)                        {                            minCostInc = curCost;                            finalChange = curChange;                            minPos = blkPos;                        }                    }                    if (dstCoeff[minPos] == 32767 || dstCoeff[minPos] == -32768)                        /* don't allow sign hiding to violate the SPEC range */                        finalChange = -1;                    if (dstCoeff[minPos] == 0)                        numSig++;                    else if (finalChange == -1 && abs(dstCoeff[minPos]) == 1)                        numSig--;                    if (m_resiDctCoeff[minPos] >= 0)                        dstCoeff[minPos] += finalChange;                    else                        dstCoeff[minPos] -= finalChange;                }            }            lastCG = false;        }    }    return numSig;}/* Context derivation process of coeff_abs_significant_flag */uint32_t Quant::getSigCtxInc(uint32_t patternSigCtx, uint32_t log2TrSize, uint32_t trSize, uint32_t blkPos, bool bIsLuma,                             uint32_t firstSignificanceMapContext){    static const uint8_t ctxIndMap[16] =    {        0, 1, 4, 5,        2, 3, 4, 5,        6, 6, 8, 8,        7, 7, 8, 8    };    if (!blkPos) // special case for the DC context variable        return 0;    if (log2TrSize == 2) // 4x4        return ctxIndMap[blkPos];    const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> log2TrSize;    const uint32_t posX = blkPos & (trSize - 1);    X265_CHECK((blkPos - (posY << log2TrSize)) == posX, "block pos check failed\n");    int posXinSubset = blkPos & 3;    X265_CHECK((posX & 3) == (blkPos & 3), "pos alignment fail\n");    int posYinSubset = posY & 3;    // NOTE: [patternSigCtx][posXinSubset][posYinSubset]    static const uint8_t table_cnt[4][4][4] =    {        // patternSigCtx = 0        {            { 2, 1, 1, 0 },            { 1, 1, 0, 0 },            { 1, 0, 0, 0 },            { 0, 0, 0, 0 },        },        // patternSigCtx = 1        {            { 2, 1, 0, 0 },            { 2, 1, 0, 0 },            { 2, 1, 0, 0 },            { 2, 1, 0, 0 },        },        // patternSigCtx = 2        {            { 2, 2, 2, 2 },            { 1, 1, 1, 1 },            { 0, 0, 0, 0 },            { 0, 0, 0, 0 },        },        // patternSigCtx = 3        {            { 2, 2, 2, 2 },            { 2, 2, 2, 2 },            { 2, 2, 2, 2 },            { 2, 2, 2, 2 },        }    };    int cnt = table_cnt[patternSigCtx][posXinSubset][posYinSubset];    int offset = firstSignificanceMapContext;    offset += cnt;    return (bIsLuma && (posX | posY) >= 4) ? 3 + offset : offset;}

1 0