【C++】Accessor and Mutator Functions & 函数形参与类私有成员重名的解决方法

来源:互联网 发布:绫野刚 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:30

Accessor and Mutator functions


  • Accessor and mutator functions (a.k.a. set and get functions) provide a direct way to change or just access private variables.
  • They must be written with the utmost care because they have to provide the protection of the data that gives meaning to a class in the first place. Remember the central theme of a class: data members are hidden in the private section, and can only be changed by the public member functions which dictate allowable changes.
  • 某个变量只能通过公共方法来存取,这种变量叫做accessor或mutator。
  • accessor和mutator主要用来实现数据的封装,有了accessor和mutator,我们就可以将数据成员设为私有,所有对它们的读写操作都通过这两个函数来实现。
#include<iostream>#include<string>class student{private:     int id;//id这个名称称为accessor存取器或mutator变值器。public:     int getId();//accessor function,是只读性质的函数     void setId(int id);//mutator function,是只写性质的函数};


#include<iostream>class retangle{private:    double width;    double height;public:    void setWidth(double width);    void setHeight(double height);};


#include<iostream>class retangle{private:    double width;    double height;public:    void setWidth(double width) {        width = width;//error        return;    }    void setHeight(double height) {        height = height;//error        return;    }};
  • 但是我们会发现这样是行不通的,会出现编译错误,原因大概是,编译器把两个width和height都当成是传进函数的参数。

  • 这个时候,我们就需要引入this指针来解决这个问题。

#include<iostream>class retangle{private:    double width;    double height;public:    void setWidth(double width) {        this->width = width;        return;    }    void setHeight(double height) {        this->height = height;        return;    }};
  • 通过引用this指针,可以明确复制号的左操作数是调用函数的对象里面的width和height,而不是传进去的参数,从而不会引起混淆。

  • 当然了,这种设形参的方法本来就不太好,如果不是题目要求而是自己编程的时候应该尽量避免使用。

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