hdoj 5634 Rikka with Phi 【线段树 + 欧拉】

来源:互联网 发布:word表格数据求和 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 04:58

Rikka with Phi

Time Limit: 16000/8000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 207    Accepted Submission(s): 64

Problem Description
Rikka and Yuta are interested in Phi function (which is known as Euler's totient function).

Yuta gives Rikka an array A[1..n] of positive integers, then Yuta makes m queries. 

There are three types of queries: 


Change A[i] into φ(A[i]), for all i[l,r].


Change A[i] into x, for all i[l,r].


Sum up A[i], for all i[l,r].

Help Rikka by computing the results of queries of type 3.


The first line contains a number T(T100) ——The number of the testcases. And there are no more than 2 testcases with n>105

For each testcase, the first line contains two numbers n,m(n3×105,m3×105)

The second line contains n numbers A[i]

Each of the next m lines contains the description of the query. 

It is guaranteed that 1A[i]107 At any moment.

For each query of type 3, print one number which represents the answer.

Sample Input
110 1056 90 33 70 91 69 41 22 77 451 3 91 1 103 3 82 5 6 741 1 83 1 91 2 101 4 92 8 8 693 3 9

Sample Output


1 x y 表示将区间[x, y]里面的数变为自己的欧拉函数。

2 x y v 表示将区间[x, y]里面的数修改为v。

3 x y 表示求区间[x, y]的和。



对于操作1,我们标记 每个区间是否满足直接区间更新的条件——条件为左、右子区间的所有数全部相等。若某一个区间满足条件,可以用一个变量记录当前区间的元素值。这样在更新时,没必要直接更新到底。初始显然只有叶子区间,之后每次两个子区间改变,我们都需要将信息向上传递。


#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cmath>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#define ll o<<1#define rr o<<1|1using namespace std;typedef long long LL;const int MAXN = 3*1e5+1;const int MAXM = 1e7+1;LL euler[MAXM];void Geteuler(){    memset(euler, 0, sizeof(euler));    euler[1] = 1;    for(LL i = 2; i < MAXM; i++) if(!euler[i])        for(LL j = i; j < MAXM; j += i){            if(!euler[j]) euler[j] = j;            euler[j] = euler[j] / i * (i-1);        }}struct Tree{    int l, r, len; LL sum, lazy;};Tree tree[MAXN<<2];void PushUp(int o){    tree[o].sum = tree[ll].sum + tree[rr].sum;    if(tree[ll].lazy == tree[rr].lazy) tree[o].lazy = tree[ll].lazy;    else tree[o].lazy = 0;}void PushDown(int o){    if(tree[o].lazy)    {        tree[ll].lazy = tree[rr].lazy = tree[o].lazy;        tree[ll].sum = tree[o].lazy * tree[ll].len;        tree[rr].sum = tree[o].lazy * tree[rr].len;    }}void Build(int o, int l, int r){    tree[o].l = l; tree[o].r = r;    tree[o].len = r - l + 1;    if(l == r)    {        scanf("%lld", &tree[o].sum);        tree[o].lazy = tree[o].sum;        return ;    }    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;    Build(ll, l, mid); Build(rr, mid+1, r);    PushUp(o);}void Update1(int o, int L, int R){    if(tree[o].lazy && L == tree[o].l && R == tree[o].r)    {        tree[o].sum = euler[tree[o].lazy] * tree[o].len;        tree[o].lazy = euler[tree[o].lazy];        return ;    }    PushDown(o);    int mid = (tree[o].l + tree[o].r) >> 1;    if(R <= mid) Update1(ll, L, R);    else if(L > mid) Update1(rr, L, R);    else { Update1(ll, L, mid); Update1(rr, mid+1, R); }    PushUp(o);}void Update2(int o, int L, int R, int v){    if(L == tree[o].l && R == tree[o].r)    {        tree[o].lazy = v;        tree[o].sum = 1LL * v * tree[o].len;        return ;    }    PushDown(o);    int mid = (tree[o].l + tree[o].r) >> 1;    if(R <= mid) Update2(ll, L, R, v);    else if(L > mid) Update2(rr, L, R, v);    else { Update2(ll, L, mid, v); Update2(rr, mid+1, R, v); }    PushUp(o);}LL Query(int o, int L, int R){    if(L == tree[o].l && R == tree[o].r)        return tree[o].sum;    PushDown(o);    int mid = (tree[o].l + tree[o].r) >> 1;    if(R <= mid) return Query(ll, L, R);    else if(L > mid) return Query(rr, L, R);    else return Query(ll, L, mid) + Query(rr, mid+1, R);}int main(){    Geteuler();    int t; scanf("%d", &t);    while(t--)    {        int n, m;        scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);        Build(1, 1, n);        while(m--)        {            int op, x, y, v;            scanf("%d%d%d", &op, &x, &y);            if(op == 1) Update1(1, x, y);            else if(op == 2) {scanf("%d", &v); Update2(1, x, y, v);}            else if(op == 3) printf("%lld\n", Query(1, x, y));        }    }    return 0;}

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