lintcdoe: Number of Airplanes in the Sky

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Number of Airplanes in the Sky


Given an interval list which are flying and landing time of the flight. How many airplanes are on the sky at most?


If landing and flying happens at the same time, we consider landing should happen at first.

For interval list [[1,10],[2,3],[5,8],[4,7]], return 3

/** * Definition of Interval: * classs Interval { *     int start, end; *     Interval(int start, int end) { *         this->start = start; *         this->end = end; *     } */class Solution {public:    /**     * @param intervals: An interval array     * @return: Count of airplanes are in the sky.     */    int countOfAirplanes(vector<Interval> &airplanes) {        // write your code here                vector<int> departure;        vector<int> landing;                for (int i=0; i< airplanes.size(); i++)        {            departure.push_back(airplanes[i].start);            landing.push_back(airplanes[i].end);        }                sort(departure.begin(), departure.end());        sort(landing.begin(), landing.end());                int airplane_in_sky = 1;        int most_airplane_in_sky = 1;                int i=1; int j=0; //因为首先要有一只飞机在天上飞,所以i要先于j                while (i < departure.size() && j < landing.size())        {            if (departure[i] < landing[j])            {                airplane_in_sky++;                                if (airplane_in_sky > most_airplane_in_sky)                {                    most_airplane_in_sky = airplane_in_sky;                }                                i++;            }            else            {                airplane_in_sky--;                j++;            }        }                return most_airplane_in_sky;    }};

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