
来源:互联网 发布:重庆时时彩开奖软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 17:13

zh.c + 原创作品转载请注明出处 + 《Linux内核分析》MOOC课程


  1. 函数调用堆栈:记录调用的路径和参数的空间
  2. 存储程序计算机:冯诺依曼结构
  3. 中断机制:由CPU和内核代码共同实现了保存现场和恢复现场,把ebp,esp,eip寄存器的数据push到内核堆栈中。再把eip指向中断程序的入口,保存现场。



__asm__(    汇编语句    :输出部分    :输入部分    破坏描述部分(即寄存器改变部分)    );


  1. 中断上下文
  2. 进程上下文的切换


1. 首先分析mypcb.h文件中代码:

#define MAX_TASK_NUM 4   #define KERNEL_STACK_SIZE 1024*8/* CPU‐specific state of this task */struct Thread {    unsigned long ip;  //保存该线程的%eip    unsigned long sp;  //保存该线程的%esp};/*定义了进程管理相关的数据结构*/typedef struct PCB{    int pid;  //进程id    volatile long state; /* ‐1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */    char stack[KERNEL_STACK_SIZE];  //当前进程堆栈    /* CPU‐specific state of this task */    struct Thread thread;  //    unsigned long task_entry; //进程入口    struct PCB *next;  //下个进程,用链表链接下一个进程}tPCB;void my_schedule(void);  //调度器



#include "mypcb.h"tPCB task[MAX_TASK_NUM];tPCB * my_current_task = NULL;volatile int my_need_sched = 0;void my_process(void);void __init my_start_kernel(void){    int pid = 0;  //在内核运行前初始化进程,从0进程开始    int i;    /* Initialize process 0*/    task[pid].pid = pid;    task[pid].state = 0;/* ‐1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */    task[pid].task_entry = task[pid].thread.ip = (unsigned long)my_process; //进程的入口,从my_process函数开始,========(unsigned long)my_process是传入my_process函数的地址???????    task[pid].thread.sp = (unsigned long)&task[pid].stack[KERNEL_STACK_SIZE‐1];//该进程的栈顶    task[pid].next = &task[pid]; //由于是第一个进程,还没有其他进程从而指向自己    /*fork more process */    for(i=1;i<MAX_TASK_NUM;i++)    {        memcpy(&task[i],&task[0],sizeof(tPCB));  //===' 这里又干了啥?        task[i].pid = i;        task[i].state = ‐1;        task[i].thread.sp = (unsigned long)&task[i].stack[KERNEL_STACK_SIZE‐1];        task[i].next = task[i‐1].next;        task[i‐1].next = &task[i];    }     /* start process 0 by task[0] */    pid = 0; //从0进程开始    my_current_task = &task[pid];     asm volatile(        "movl %1,%%esp\n\t" /* set task[pid].thread.sp to esp */        "pushl %1\n\t" /* push ebp 由于刚开始时内核堆栈中%esp等于%ebp*/        "pushl %0\n\t" /* push task[pid].thread.ip 把0进程的eip入栈的目的是为了下一行代码赋值给%eip寄存器(程序员不能直接操作%eip寄存器)*/        "ret\n\t" /* pop task[pid].thread.ip to eip */        "popl %%ebp\n\t"        :         :"c" (task[pid].thread.ip),"d" (task[pid].thread.sp) /* input c or d mean %ecx/%edx*/        );} //my_process()函数是进程所做的工作void my_process(void){    int i = 0;    while(1)    {        i++;        if(i%10000000 == 0)        {            //打印调度前的进程ID            printk(KERN_NOTICE "this is process %d ‐\n",my_current_task‐>pid);            if(my_need_sched == 1)            {                my_need_sched = 0;                my_schedule();   //主动调度,,但是查看该文件,并没有发现#include "myinterrupt.c"文件,究竟是怎么导入该文件的呢,啊,不解啊。先留着这个坑            }             //打印调度后的进程ID,其实是原来的进程ID            printk(KERN_NOTICE "this is process %d +\n",my_current_task‐>pid);        }    }}



#include <linux/types.h>#include <linux/string.h>#include <linux/ctype.h>#include <linux/tty.h>#include <linux/vmalloc.h>#include "mypcb.h"//扩展全局变量extern tPCB task[MAX_TASK_NUM];extern tPCB * my_current_task;extern volatile int my_need_sched;volatile int time_count = 0;   //记录时间片/** Called by timer interrupt.* it runs in the name of current running process,* so it use kernel stack of current running process*///啊啊,我不知道谁调用了这个函数void my_timer_handler(void){ #if 1    if(time_count%1000 == 0 && my_need_sched != 1)    {        printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>my_timer_handler here<<<\n");        my_need_sched = 1;    }     time_count ++ ;#endif    return;} //进程调度函数,在这个实验中是被mymain.c文件中my_process()函数所调用void my_schedule(void){    tPCB * next;    tPCB * prev;  //当前进程    if(my_current_task == NULL|| my_current_task‐>next == NULL)    {        return;    }    printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>my_schedule<<<\n");    /* schedule */    next = my_current_task‐>next;    prev = my_current_task;    if(next‐>state == 0)/* ‐1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */    {   //当下个进程已经在运行时所使用的进程间切换        /* switch to next process */        asm volatile(            "pushl %%ebp\n\t" /* save ebp */            "movl %%esp,%0\n\t" /* save esp */            "movl %2,%%esp\n\t" /* restore esp */            "movl $1f,%1\n\t" /* save eip */            "pushl %3\n\t"            "ret\n\t" /* restore eip */            "1:\t" /* next process start here */            "popl %%ebp\n\t"            : "=m" (prev‐>thread.sp),"=m" (prev‐>thread.ip)            : "m" (next‐>thread.sp),"m" (next‐>thread.ip)        );        my_current_task = next;        printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>switch %d to %d<<<\n",prev‐>pid,next‐>pid);    }    else    {        //下一个进程并没有运行过。        next‐>state = 0;        my_current_task = next;        printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>switch %d to %d<<<\n",prev‐>pid,next‐>pid);        /* switch to new process */        asm volatile(            "pushl %%ebp\n\t" /* save ebp */            "movl %%esp,%0\n\t" /* save esp */            "movl %2,%%esp\n\t" /* restore esp */            "movl %2,%%ebp\n\t" /* restore ebp */            "movl $1f,%1\n\t" /* save eip */            "pushl %3\n\t"            "ret\n\t" /* restore eip */            : "=m" (prev‐>thread.sp),"=m" (prev‐>thread.ip)            : "m" (next‐>thread.sp),"m" (next‐>thread.ip)        );    }    return;}




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