
来源:互联网 发布:监听rpc服务器端口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 17:54


    /**     * Implements a binomial queue.(实现二项队列)     * Note that all "matching" is based on the compareTo method.     * (节点的匹配借助compareTo方法)     */      public class BinomialQueue    {        public BinomialQueue( ) //Construct the binomial queue.        {            theTrees = new BinomialNode[ MAX_TREES ];            makeEmpty( );         }        /**         * Merge rhs into the priority queue.         * rhs becomes empty. rhs must be different from this.         * @param rhs the other binomial queue.         * @exception Overflow if result exceeds capacity.         */        public void merge( BinomialQueue rhs ) throws Overflow        {             if( this == rhs )    // Avoid aliasing problems                return;             if( currentSize + rhs.currentSize > capacity( ) )                throw new Overflow( );            currentSize += rhs.currentSize;            BinomialNode carry = null;            for( int i = 0, j = 1; j <= currentSize; i++, j *= 2 )            {                BinomialNode t1 = theTrees[ i ];                BinomialNode t2 = rhs.theTrees[ i ];                int whichCase = t1 == null ? 0 : 1;                whichCase += t2 == null ? 0 : 2;                whichCase += carry == null ? 0 : 4;                switch( whichCase )                {                  case 0: /* No trees */                  case 1: /* Only this */                    break;                  case 2: /* Only rhs */                    theTrees[ i ] = t2;                    rhs.theTrees[ i ] = null;                    break;                  case 4: /* Only carry */                    theTrees[ i ] = carry;                    carry = null;                    break;                  case 3: /* this and rhs */                    carry = combineTrees( t1, t2 );                    theTrees[ i ] = rhs.theTrees[ i ] = null;                    break;                  case 5: /* this and carry */                    carry = combineTrees( t1, carry );                    theTrees[ i ] = null;                    break;                  case 6: /* rhs and carry */                    carry = combineTrees( t2, carry );                    rhs.theTrees[ i ] = null;                    break;                  case 7: /* All three */                    theTrees[ i ] = carry;                    carry = combineTrees( t1, t2 );                    rhs.theTrees[ i ] = null;                    break;                 }            }            for( int k = 0; k < rhs.theTrees.length; k++ )                rhs.theTrees[ k ] = null;            rhs.currentSize = 0;}                /**         * Return the result of merging equal-sized t1 and t2.         */        private static BinomialNode combineTrees( BinomialNode t1,                                                  BinomialNode t2 )        {            if( t1.element.compareTo( t2.element ) > 0 )                return combineTrees( t2, t1 );            t2.nextSibling = t1.leftChild;            t1.leftChild = t2;            return t1;}        /**         * Insert into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.         * This implementation is not optimized for O(1) performance.         * @param x the item to insert.         * @exception Overflow if capacity exceeded.         */        public void insert( Comparable x ) throws Overflow        {            BinomialQueue oneItem = new BinomialQueue( );            oneItem.currentSize = 1;            oneItem.theTrees[ 0 ] = new BinomialNode( x );            merge( oneItem );}        /**         * Find the smallest item in the priority queue.         * @return the smallest item, or null, if empty.         */        public Comparable findMin( )        {            if( isEmpty( ) )                return null;            return theTrees[ findMinIndex( ) ].element;}        /**         * Find index of tree containing the smallest item in the priority queue.         * The priority queue must not be empty.         * @return the index of tree containing the smallest item.         */        private int findMinIndex( )        {            int i;            int minIndex;            for( i = 0; theTrees[ i ] == null; i++ )                ;            for( minIndex = i; i < theTrees.length; i++ )                if( theTrees[ i ] != null &&                    theTrees[ i ].element.compareTo( theTrees[ minIndex ].element ) < 0 )                    minIndex = i;            return minIndex;}        /**         * Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.         * @return the smallest item, or null, if empty.         */        public Comparable deleteMin( )        {            if( isEmpty( ) )                return null;            int minIndex = findMinIndex( );            Comparable minItem = theTrees[ minIndex ].element;            BinomialNode deletedTree = theTrees[ minIndex ].leftChild;            BinomialQueue deletedQueue = new BinomialQueue( );            deletedQueue.currentSize = ( 1 << minIndex ) - 1;            for( int j = minIndex - 1; j >= 0; j-- )            {                deletedQueue.theTrees[ j ] = deletedTree;                deletedTree = deletedTree.nextSibling;                deletedQueue.theTrees[ j ].nextSibling = null;}            theTrees[ minIndex ] = null;            currentSize -= deletedQueue.currentSize + 1;            try              { merge( deletedQueue ); }            catch( Overflow e ) {}            return minItem;}        /**         * Test if the priority queue is logically empty.         * @return true if empty, false otherwise.         */        public boolean isEmpty( )        {            return currentSize == 0;}        /**         * Test if the priority queue is logically full.         * @return true if full, false otherwise.         */        public boolean isFull( )        {            return currentSize == capacity( );}        /**         * Make the priority queue logically empty.         */        public void makeEmpty( )        {            currentSize = 0;            for( int i = 0; i < theTrees.length; i++ )                theTrees[ i ] = null;}        private static final int MAX_TREES = 14;        private int currentSize;            // # items in priority queue        private BinomialNode [ ] theTrees;  // An array of tree roots        /**         * Return the capacity.         */        private int capacity( )        {            return ( 1 << theTrees.length ) - 1;}        public static void main( String [ ] args )        {            int numItems = 10000;            BinomialQueue h  = new BinomialQueue( );            BinomialQueue h1 = new BinomialQueue( );            int i = 37;            System.out.println( "Starting check." );            try            {                for( i = 37; i != 0; i = ( i + 37 ) % numItems )                    if( i % 2 == 0 )                        h1.insert( new MyInteger( i ) );                    else                        h.insert( new MyInteger( i ) );                h.merge( h1 );                for( i = 1; i < numItems; i++ )                    if( ((MyInteger)( h.deleteMin( ) )).intValue( ) != i )                        System.out.println( "Oops! " + i );}            catch( Overflow e ) { System.out.println( "Unexpected overflow" ); }             System.out.println( "Check done." );}}
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