Word Break [Leetcode解题报告]

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝可以买弩弦吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/26 20:22

Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words.
For example, given
s = “leetcode”,
dict = [“leet”, “code”].
Return true because “leetcode” can be segmented as “leet code”.

bool wordBreak(string s, unordered_set<string>& wordDict) {        int n=s.length(),temp;        stack<int> st;        if(n<1)return false;        bool fa[n];        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){            if(wordDict.find(s.substr(0,i+1))!=wordDict.end()){                st.push(i);            }            fa[i]=false;        }        while(!st.empty()){            temp=st.top();            st.pop();            if(temp==n-1)return true;            for(int i=temp+1,j=1+temp;i<n;i++){                if(wordDict.find(s.substr(j,i-temp))!=wordDict.end()&&!fa[i]){                    st.push(i);                    }            }            fa[temp]=true;        }        return false;    }


 bool wordBreak(string s, unordered_set<string>& dict) {       int n=s.size();       if(n==0)return false;       bool dp[n+1];       for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)       dp[i]=false;       dp[0]=true;       for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){           for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--){               if(dp[j]&&dict.find(s.substr(j,i-j))!=dict.end()){                   dp[i]=true;                   break;               }           }       }       return dp[n];    }
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