
来源:互联网 发布:dr.com mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 09:10


  1. 在多线程程序中,线程的创建和销毁有很高的代价,因此线程池来分担这一部分性能的损耗。就是说线程池使用场景之一就是当线程的创建和销毁所消耗的时间远大于线程执行任务所消耗的时间。
  2. 在并发编程实践中提到,单线程程序的缺点就是串行执行效率低,单纯的多线程呢,没法管理多线程的数量。因此折中方式就是线程池了。换句话说,线程池可以广泛的使用在多线程程序中。


package com.lenovo.pool;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;public class ThreadPool {    private static int workNum = 5; // the default number of threads in thread array    private static volatile int finishedTask = 0;    private List<Runnable> taskQueue = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); //task queue    private static ThreadPool threadPool;    private WorkThread[] workThreads; // thread array    //default constructor    private ThreadPool(){        this(5);    }    // constructor: to initiate the thread array and start to run the     // thread in thread array.    private ThreadPool(int workNum){        ThreadPool.workNum = workNum;        workThreads = new WorkThread[workNum];        for(int i = 0;i<workNum;i++){            workThreads[i] = new WorkThread();            workThreads[i].start();        }    }    // the method can get the threadPool object    public static ThreadPool getThreadPool(){        return getThreadPool(ThreadPool.workNum);    }    public static ThreadPool getThreadPool(int workNum1){        if(workNum1 <= 0){            workNum1 = ThreadPool.workNum;        }        if(threadPool == null){            threadPool = new ThreadPool(workNum1);        }        return threadPool;    }    // the method to add the task in task queue and notify the taskQueue waiting     public void execute(Runnable task){        synchronized(taskQueue){            taskQueue.add(task);            taskQueue.notify();        }    }    public void execute(Runnable[] task){        synchronized(taskQueue){            for(Runnable t : task){                taskQueue.add(t);            }            taskQueue.notify();        }    }    public int getWorkThreadNumber(){        return workNum;    }    public int getFinishedTaskNumber(){        return finishedTask;    }    // shutdown method    // to stop all the threads in thread array.    // to clear the task queue    public void shutdown(){        while(!taskQueue.isEmpty()){            try {                Thread.sleep(10);            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                // TODO Auto-generated catch block                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        for(int i=0;i<workNum;i++){            workThreads[i].stopWorker();            workThreads[i] = null;        }        threadPool = null;        taskQueue.clear();    }    // task Object.to run the task     private class WorkThread extends Thread{        private boolean isRunning = true;        @Override        public void run() {            // TODO Auto-generated method stub            super.run();            Runnable r = null;            while(isRunning){                synchronized(taskQueue){                    while(isRunning && taskQueue.isEmpty()){                        try {                            taskQueue.wait(20);                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block                            e.printStackTrace();                        }                    }                    if(!taskQueue.isEmpty()){                        r = taskQueue.remove(0);                    }                    if(r!=null){                        r.run();                    }                    finishedTask ++;                    r = null;                }            }        }        public void stopWorker(){            isRunning = false;        }    }}


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