
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客服快捷短语 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 00:07



using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using Com.Mygame;namespace Com.Mygame {    public enum WinOrLose {Win,Lose,Gaming};    public interface ImyAction {        void DevilGoOnBoat();        void DevilGoOffBoat ();        void PriestGoOnBoat();        void PriestGoOffBoat();        void BoatGo ();        bool IQueryGameStatus ();    }    public class GameSceneController:System.Object, ImyAction {        private static GameSceneController _instance;        private BaseCode _base_code;        private GenGameObjects _gen_game_object;        public WinOrLose wl = WinOrLose.Gaming;        public static GameSceneController GetInstance(){            if (null == _instance) {                _instance = new GameSceneController ();            }            return _instance;        }        public BaseCode getBaseCode(){            return _base_code;        }        internal void setBaseCode(BaseCode bc){            if (null == _base_code) {                _base_code = bc;            }        }        public GenGameObjects getGenGameObject(){            return _gen_game_object;        }        internal void setGenGameObject(GenGameObjects g){            if (_gen_game_object == null){                _gen_game_object = g;            }        }        public void DevilGoOnBoat(){            _gen_game_object.DevilGoOnBoat ();        }        public void DevilGoOffBoat (){            _gen_game_object.DevilGoOffBoat ();        }        public void PriestGoOnBoat(){            _gen_game_object.PriestGoOnBoat ();        }        public void PriestGoOffBoat(){              _gen_game_object.PriestGoOffBoat ();        }        public void BoatGo (){            _gen_game_object.BoatGo ();        }        public bool IQueryGameStatus (){            return _gen_game_object.IQueryGameStatus ();        }    }    // action factory    public class ActionManager :System.Object {        private static ActionManager _instance;        public static ActionManager GetInstance(){            if (_instance == null) {                _instance = new ActionManager();            }            return _instance;        }        public U3dAction ApplyMoveGameObjectTo(GameObject obj,Vector3 target,int speed,IU3dActionCompleted com) {            MoveGameObjectTo ac = obj.AddComponent<MoveGameObjectTo> ();            ac.setting (obj,target,speed,com);            return ac;        }        public U3dAction ApplyMoveToLocal(GameObject obj,Vector3 targetlocal,int speed,IU3dActionCompleted com){            MoveToLocalPosition ac = obj.AddComponent<MoveToLocalPosition> ();            ac.setting (obj,targetlocal,speed,com);            return ac;        }    }    //?    public class U3dActionException : System.Exception {}    public interface IU3dActionCompleted {        void OnActionCompleted (U3dAction action);    }    public class U3dAction : MonoBehaviour {        public void Free(){}    }    public class U3dActionman : U3dAction {}    public class MoveGameObjectTo : U3dActionman {        public GameObject obj;        public Vector3 target;        public int speed;        private IU3dActionCompleted monitor = null;        public void setting(GameObject obj,Vector3 target,int speed,IU3dActionCompleted monitor){            this.obj = obj;            this.target = target;            this.speed = speed;            this.monitor = monitor;        }        void Update(){            float step = speed * Time.deltaTime;            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position,target,step);            if(transform.position == target){                if (monitor != null) {                    monitor.OnActionCompleted (this);                }                Destroy (this); // destory when action done!            }        }    }    public class MoveToLocalPosition : U3dActionman {        public GameObject obj;        public Vector3 targetlocal;        public int speed;        private IU3dActionCompleted monitor = null;        public void setting(GameObject obj,Vector3 targetlocal,int speed,IU3dActionCompleted monitor){            this.obj = obj;            this.targetlocal = targetlocal;            this.speed = speed;            this.monitor = monitor;        }        void Update(){            float step = speed * Time.deltaTime;            transform.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.localPosition,targetlocal,step);            if(transform.localPosition == targetlocal){                if(monitor != null){                    monitor.OnActionCompleted (this);                }                Destroy (this);            }        }    }}public class BaseCode : MonoBehaviour {    public string gameName;    public string gameRule;    // Use this for initialization    void Start () {        this.transform.position = new Vector3 (0.0f,5.0f,-12.0f);        GameSceneController mygame = GameSceneController.GetInstance ();        mygame.setBaseCode (this);    }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update () {    }}


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using Com.Mygame;public class GenGameObjects : MonoBehaviour , IU3dActionCompleted{    GameSceneController mygame;    //boat    public int moving = 0;    int state = 0;    GameObject Boat;    Vector3 boatscale = new Vector3(4.0f,0.3f,2.0f);  //boat's size;    Vector3 boatStartpos = new Vector3(-6.0f,0.0f,0.0f);    Vector3 boatEndpos = new Vector3(6.0f,0.0f,0.0f);    // sits on the boat    Vector3 boatsit1 = new Vector3 (-0.25f,3.45f,0.0f); //  localposition is care with the scale    Vector3 boatsit2 = new Vector3 (0.25f,3.45f,0.0f);    // others about boats    int boatspeed = 4;    int boatnumber = 0;    int Ifboatsit1have = 0;    int Ifboatsit2have = 0;    //river    //Devils    List<GameObject> devils = new List<GameObject>();    Vector3[] devilStartpos = new Vector3[3]{         new Vector3(-10f,1.15f,-3f),        new Vector3(-10f,1.15f,-2f),        new Vector3(-10f,1.15f,-1f)    };    Vector3[] devilEndpos = new Vector3[3]{         new Vector3(10f,1.15f,-3f),        new Vector3(10f,1.15f,-2f),        new Vector3(10f,1.15f,-1f)    };    Vector3[] devilScale = new Vector3[3]{         new Vector3(),        new Vector3(),        new Vector3()    };    int[] DevilsState = new int[3]{0,0,0}; // 0-startside 1-endside 2-onboat    int[] Devilssite = new int[3]{0,0,0}; //0表示 nosite 1-1site 2-2site    int devilStartside = 3;    int devilEndside = 0;    //Priest    List<GameObject> priests = new List<GameObject>();    Vector3[] priestStartpos = new Vector3[3]{         new Vector3(-10f,1.15f,1f),        new Vector3(-10f,1.15f,2f),        new Vector3(-10f,1.15f,3f)    };    Vector3[] prisetEndpos = new Vector3[3]{         new Vector3(10f,1.15f,1f),        new Vector3(10f,1.15f,2f),        new Vector3(10f,1.15f,3f)    };    Vector3[] priestScale = new Vector3[3]{         new Vector3(),        new Vector3(),        new Vector3()    };    int[] PriestState = new int[3]{0,0,0}; // 0-startside 1-endside 2-onboat    int[] Priestsite = new int[3]{0,0,0};    int priestStartside = 3;    int priestEndside = 0;    // startside    GameObject startside;    Vector3 startsidepos = new Vector3 (-10.0f,0.0f,0.0f);    Vector3 startsidescale =  new Vector3(4f,0.3f,8f);    // endside    GameObject endside;    Vector3 endsidepos = new Vector3 (10.0f,0.0f,0.0f);    Vector3 endsidescale = new Vector3(4f,0.3f,8f);    // Use this for initialization    void Start () {        mygame = GameSceneController.GetInstance ();        mygame.setGenGameObject (this);        InsAll ();    }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update () {        float step = boatspeed * Time.deltaTime;        if(state == 2){            //Boat.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (Boat.transform.position,boatEndpos,boatspeed);            if(Boat.transform.position == boatEndpos) state = 1;        } else if (state == 3){            //Boat.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (Boat.transform.position,boatStartpos,boatspeed);            if(Boat.transform.position == boatStartpos) state = 0;        }    }    // ins all gameobjects    void InsAll(){        //sides        startside = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);        startside.transform.localScale = startsidescale;        startside.transform.position = startsidepos;        startside.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = Color.green;        endside = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Cube);        endside.transform.localScale = endsidescale;        endside.transform.position = endsidepos;        endside.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = Color.green;        //boat        Boat = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);        Boat.transform.position = boatStartpos;        Boat.transform.localScale = boatscale;        Boat.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = Color.grey;        //devils and Priests        for(int i = 0;i<3;i++){            GameObject devil = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Cylinder);            devil.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = Color.red;            devil.transform.position = devilStartpos [i];            devils.Add (devil);            GameObject priest = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Cylinder);            priest.transform.position = priestStartpos [i];            priests.Add (priest);        }        //light !!cool        GameObject light = new GameObject("The light");        Light lightComp = light.AddComponent<Light> ();        lightComp.type = LightType.Directional;        light.transform.position = new Vector3 ();        Quaternion Q;        Q = Quaternion.Euler (20.0f,0.0f,0.0f);        light.transform.rotation = Q;    }    public void DevilGoOnBoat(){ // must write by public ,or the interface can not use it        if (!IQueryGameStatus ())            return;        if (state == 0) { //startside            if (boatnumber != 2) {                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                    if (DevilsState [i] == 0) {                        DevilsState [i] = 2;//mean now this devil's state is on boat                        devils [i].transform.parent = Boat.transform;                        if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (devils[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Devilssite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 1 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (devils[i],boatsit2,4,this);                            Devilssite [i] = 2;                            Ifboatsit2have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 1) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (devils[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Devilssite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        }                        devilStartside--;                        boatnumber++;                        break;                    }                }            }        } else if (state == 1) { // endside            if (boatnumber != 2) {                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                    if (DevilsState [i] == 1) {                        DevilsState [i] = 2;//mean now this devil's state is on boat                        devils [i].transform.parent = Boat.transform;                        if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (devils[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Devilssite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 1 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (devils[i],boatsit2,4,this);                            Devilssite [i] = 2;                            Ifboatsit2have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 1) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (devils[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Devilssite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        }                        devilEndside--;                        boatnumber++;                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }    public void DevilGoOffBoat(){        if (!IQueryGameStatus ())            return;        if (state == 0) { // startside            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                if(DevilsState[i] == 2){                    devils [i].transform.parent = null;                    //devils[i].transform.position = devilStartpos[i];                    ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveGameObjectTo (devils[i],devilStartpos[i],6,this);                    DevilsState[i] = 0;                    if (Devilssite [i] == 1)                        Ifboatsit1have = 0;                    else if (Devilssite [i] == 2)                        Ifboatsit2have = 0;                    Devilssite [i] = 0;                    devilStartside++;                    boatnumber--;                    break;                }            }        } else if (state == 1) { // endside            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                if(DevilsState[i] == 2){                    devils [i].transform.parent = null;                    ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveGameObjectTo (devils[i],devilEndpos[i],6,this);                    DevilsState[i] = 1;                    if (Devilssite [i] == 1)                        Ifboatsit1have = 0;                    else if (Devilssite [i] == 2)                        Ifboatsit2have = 0;                    Devilssite [i] = 0;                    devilEndside++;                    boatnumber--;                    break;                }            }        }    }    public void PriestGoOnBoat(){        if (!IQueryGameStatus ())            return;        if (state == 0) { //startside            if (boatnumber != 2) {                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                    if (PriestState [i] == 0) {                        PriestState [i] = 2;//mean now this devil's state is on boat                        priests [i].transform.parent = Boat.transform;                        if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (priests[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Priestsite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 1 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (priests[i],boatsit2,4,this);                            Priestsite [i] = 2;                            Ifboatsit2have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 1) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (priests[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Priestsite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        }                        priestStartside--;                        boatnumber++;                        break;                    }                }            }        } else if (state == 1) { // endside            if (boatnumber != 2) {                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                    if (PriestState [i] == 1) {                        PriestState [i] = 2;//mean now this devil's state is on boat                        priests [i].transform.parent = Boat.transform;                        if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (priests[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Priestsite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 1 && Ifboatsit2have == 0) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (priests[i],boatsit2,4,this);                            Priestsite [i] = 2;                            Ifboatsit2have = 1;                        } else if (Ifboatsit1have == 0 && Ifboatsit2have == 1) {                            ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveToLocal (priests[i],boatsit1,4,this);                            Priestsite [i] = 1;                            Ifboatsit1have = 1;                        }                        priestEndside--;                        boatnumber++;                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }    public void PriestGoOffBoat(){        if (!IQueryGameStatus ())            return;        if (state == 0) { // startside            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                if(PriestState[i] == 2){                    priests [i].transform.parent = null;                    //priests[i].transform.position = priestStartpos[i];                    ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveGameObjectTo (priests[i],priestStartpos[i],6,this);                    PriestState[i] = 0;                    if (Priestsite [i] == 1)                        Ifboatsit1have = 0;                    else if (Priestsite [i] == 2)                        Ifboatsit2have = 0;                    Priestsite [i] = 0;                    priestStartside++;                    boatnumber--;                    break;                }            }        } else if (state == 1) { // endside            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                if(PriestState[i] == 2){                    priests [i].transform.parent = null;                    ActionManager.GetInstance ().ApplyMoveGameObjectTo (priests[i],prisetEndpos[i],6,this);                    PriestState[i] = 1;                    if (Priestsite [i] == 1)                        Ifboatsit1have = 0;                    else if (Priestsite [i] == 2)                        Ifboatsit2have = 0;                    Priestsite [i] = 0;                    priestEndside++;                    boatnumber--;                    break;                }            }        }    }    public void BoatGo(){        if (!IQueryGameStatus ())            return;        if(boatnumber != 0){            check ();            if (state == 0) {                // from startpos to endpos,move                ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveGameObjectTo(Boat,boatEndpos,boatspeed,this);                state = 2;            } else if (state == 1){                ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveGameObjectTo(Boat,boatStartpos,boatspeed,this);                state = 3;                // form endpos to startpos,move            }        }    }    public bool IQueryGameStatus(){        if (moving == 1) {            return false;        }        else {            moving = 1;            return true;        }    }    public void check(){        //lose check        print(devilStartside);        print (devilEndside);        print (priestStartside);        print (priestEndside);        if (state == 0) {            if ((devilStartside > priestStartside && priestStartside!=0) || ((3 - devilStartside) > (3 - priestStartside) && (3-priestStartside)!=0)) {                mygame.wl = WinOrLose.Lose;                return;            }        } else if (state == 1) {            if ((devilEndside > priestEndside && priestEndside!=0 ) || ((3 - devilEndside) > (3 - priestEndside) && (3-priestEndside)!=0)) {                mygame.wl = WinOrLose.Lose;                return;            }        }        //win check        if(devilStartside == 0 && priestStartside == 0) mygame.wl = WinOrLose.Win;    }    public void OnActionCompleted(U3dAction action){            moving = 0;    }}


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using Com.Mygame;public class Actions : MonoBehaviour {    GameSceneController mygame;    ImyAction actions;    float BottonW = Screen.width/4;    float BottonH = Screen.height/16;    float firstBx = Screen.width/4;    float firstBy = Screen.height/8;    float blank = 5;    private string str = "点击重置!";    // Use this for initialization    void Start () {        mygame = GameSceneController.GetInstance();        actions = GameSceneController.GetInstance () as ImyAction;    }    void OnGUI(){        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(firstBx,firstBy,BottonW,BottonH), "魔鬼上船")){            actions.DevilGoOnBoat ();        }        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(firstBx+BottonW+blank,firstBy,BottonW,BottonH), "魔鬼下船")){            actions.DevilGoOffBoat ();        }        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(firstBx,firstBy+BottonH+blank,BottonW,BottonH), "牧师上船")){            actions.PriestGoOnBoat ();        }        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(firstBx+BottonW+blank,firstBy+BottonH+blank,BottonW,BottonH), "牧师下船")){            actions.PriestGoOffBoat ();        }        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(firstBx,firstBy+(BottonH+blank)*2,BottonW*2+blank,BottonH*2), "开船!")){            actions.BoatGo ();            if (mygame.wl == WinOrLose.Gaming) str = "点击重置!";            else if (mygame.wl == WinOrLose.Lose) str = "输了...重来!";            else if (mygame.wl == WinOrLose.Win) str = "赢了!再来!";        }        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width-BottonW/2,firstBy,BottonW/2,BottonH),str)){            Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevelName);            mygame.wl = WinOrLose.Gaming;        }        //GUI.Label (new Rect (firstBx,firstBy-BottonH,BottonW*2,BottonH), str);    }}
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