
来源:互联网 发布:天谕玲珑捏脸数据图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 09:59


Priests and Devils is a puzzle game in which you will help the
Priests and Devils to cross the river within the time limit.
There are 3 priests and 3 devils at one side of the river.
They all want to get to the other side of this river, but
there is only one boat and this boat can only carry two
persons each time. And there must be one person steering the
boat from one side to the other side. In the flash game, you
can click on them to move them and click the go button to move
the boat to the other direction. If the priests are out
numbered by the devils on either side of the river, they get
killed and the game is over. You can try it in many ways. Keep
all priests alive! Good luck!



  • 牧师
  • 魔鬼
  • 两岸


行为 条件 开船 船上至少有一人 牧师上船 船上有空位 魔鬼上船 船上有空位 左边下船 左边船上有乘客 右边下船 右边船上有乘客 游戏胜利 6人均抵达对岸 游戏失败 一边的魔鬼人数大于牧师数

* 牧师
* 魔鬼
* 船
* 两岸




using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public interface IUserAction {    void reset();    void drive();    void priest_to_boat_at_begin();    void devil_to_boat_at_begin();    void priest_to_boat_at_end();    void devil_to_boat_at_end();    void left_off_boat();    void right_off_boat();}


之后就开始完成GenGameObject, 这个类主要负责加载资源,管理游戏对象,负责游戏逻辑。

// Collections to manage gameobject    private Queue<GameObject> priest_begin;    private Queue<GameObject> priest_end;    private Queue<GameObject> devil_begin;    private Queue<GameObject> devil_end;    private Queue<GameObject> onTheWay;


private Vector3 land_begin_position;    private Vector3 land_end_position;    private Vector3 priest_begin_position;    private Vector3 priest_end_position;    private Vector3 devil_begin_position;    private Vector3 devil_end_position;    private Vector3 object_move;    private Vector3 object_move_at_the_boat;    private Vector3 on_ship_left_position;    private Vector3 on_ship_right_positon;    private Vector3 ship_begin_position;    private Vector3 ship_end_position;


    private enum ship_location {        begin, end, moving_to_begin, moving_to_end    }    private ship_location ship_info;


public void drive() {        if (onTheWay.Count > 0) {            if (ship_info == ship_location.begin) {                ship_info = ship_location.moving_to_end;            } else if (ship_info == ship_location.end) {                ship_info = ship_location.moving_to_begin;            }            game_state = State.moving;        }    }


public void priest_to_boat_at_begin() {        if (priest_begin.Count > 0 && onTheWay.Count < 2 && ship_info == ship_location.begin) {            GameObject temp = priest_begin.Dequeue();            temp.transform.parent = ship.transform;            onTheWay.Enqueue(temp);        }    }



    public enum State {        win, over, moving, normal    }    public State game_state;


private void check() {        count_num_of_object();        // check at the begin        if (num_of_devil_at_the_begin > num_of_priest_at_the_begin && num_of_priest_at_the_begin != 0) {            game_state = State.over;        } else if (num_of_devil_at_the_end > num_of_priest_at_the_end && num_of_priest_at_the_end != 0) {            game_state = State.over;        } else if (num_of_devil_at_the_end + num_of_priest_at_the_end == 6) {            game_state = State.win;        }    }



using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class SSDirector : System.Object {    private static SSDirector _instance;    public ISceneController currentSceneController { get; set; }    public bool running { get; set; }    public static SSDirector getInstance() {        if (_instance == null) {            _instance = new SSDirector ();        }        return _instance;    }}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public interface ISceneController {    void LoadResources ();    // void Pause ();    // void Resume ();}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public interface IUserAction {    void reset();    void drive();    void priest_to_boat_at_begin();    void devil_to_boat_at_begin();    void priest_to_boat_at_end();    void devil_to_boat_at_end();    void left_off_boat();    void right_off_boat();}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;// generator gameobject in each framepublic class GenGameObjects : MonoBehaviour, ISceneController, IUserAction {    // Collections to manage gameobject    private Queue<GameObject> priest_begin;    private Queue<GameObject> priest_end;    private Queue<GameObject> devil_begin;    private Queue<GameObject> devil_end;    private Queue<GameObject> onTheWay;    private GameObject ship;    private enum ship_location {        begin, end, moving_to_begin, moving_to_end    }    private ship_location ship_info;    // the number of object in each side    private int num_of_priest_at_the_begin;    private int num_of_priest_at_the_end;    private int num_of_devil_at_the_begin;    private int num_of_devil_at_the_end;    // position information    private Vector3 land_begin_position;    private Vector3 land_end_position;    private Vector3 priest_begin_position;    private Vector3 priest_end_position;    private Vector3 devil_begin_position;    private Vector3 devil_end_position;    private Vector3 object_move;    private Vector3 object_move_at_the_boat;    private Vector3 on_ship_left_position;    private Vector3 on_ship_right_positon;    private Vector3 ship_begin_position;    private Vector3 ship_end_position;    public enum State    {        win, over, moving, normal    }    public State game_state;    // Use this for initialization    void Start () {    }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update () {        setPostion(priest_begin, priest_begin_position, object_move);        setPostion(devil_begin, devil_begin_position, object_move);        setPostion(priest_end, priest_end_position, object_move);        setPostion(devil_end, devil_end_position, object_move);        setPostion(onTheWay, on_ship_left_position, object_move_at_the_boat);        if (ship_info == ship_location.moving_to_end) {            float step = 3 * Time.deltaTime;            ship.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(ship.transform.position, ship_end_position, step);            if (ship.transform.position == ship_end_position){                ship_info = ship_location.end;                game_state = State.normal;              }        } else if (ship_info == ship_location.moving_to_begin) {            float step = 3 * Time.deltaTime;            ship.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(ship.transform.position, ship_begin_position, step);            if (ship.transform.position == ship_begin_position) {                ship_info = ship_location.begin;                game_state = State.normal;            }        } else {            check();        }    }    void Awake() {        land_begin_position.Set(-6, 0, 0);        land_end_position.Set(6, 0, 0);        priest_begin_position.Set(-8, 1, 0);        priest_end_position.Set(4, 1, 0);        devil_begin_position.Set(-5.3f, 1, 0);        devil_end_position.Set(6.5f, 1, 0);        object_move.Set(1, 0, 0);        object_move_at_the_boat.Set(0.5f, 0, 0);        on_ship_left_position.Set(-0.3f, 1.3f, 0);        on_ship_right_positon.Set(0.3f, 1.5f, 0);        ship_begin_position.Set(-1.7f, 0, 0);        ship_end_position.Set(1.7f, 0, 0);        priest_begin = new Queue<GameObject>();        priest_end = new Queue<GameObject>();        devil_begin = new Queue<GameObject>();        devil_end = new Queue<GameObject>();        onTheWay = new Queue<GameObject>();        game_state = State.normal;        ship_info = ship_location.begin;        SSDirector director = SSDirector.getInstance();        director.currentSceneController = this;        director.currentSceneController.LoadResources();    }    public void LoadResources() {        // generate gameobject from prefabs        GameObject land_left = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/land") as GameObject, land_begin_position, Quaternion.identity);        GameObject land_right = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/land") as GameObject, land_end_position, Quaternion.identity);        ship = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/ship") as GameObject, ship_begin_position, Quaternion.identity);        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {            devil_begin.Enqueue(Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/devil"), devil_begin_position + i * object_move, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject);            priest_begin.Enqueue(Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/priest"), priest_begin_position + i * object_move, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject);        }        Debug.Log("in LoadResources");        Debug.Log(priest_begin.Count);    }    // set object postion on each update()    // implement it later    void setPostion(Queue<GameObject> obj_queue, Vector3 first, Vector3 move) {        GameObject[] temp = obj_queue.ToArray();        for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; ++i) {            temp[i].transform.localPosition = first + i * move;        }    }    // get on the boat    public void priest_to_boat_at_begin() {        if (priest_begin.Count > 0 && onTheWay.Count < 2 && ship_info == ship_location.begin) {            GameObject temp = priest_begin.Dequeue();            temp.transform.parent = ship.transform;            onTheWay.Enqueue(temp);        }    }    public void devil_to_boat_at_begin() {        if (devil_begin.Count > 0 && onTheWay.Count < 2 && ship_info == ship_location.begin) {            GameObject temp = devil_begin.Dequeue();            temp.transform.parent = ship.transform;            onTheWay.Enqueue(temp);        }    }    public void priest_to_boat_at_end() {        if (priest_end.Count > 0 && onTheWay.Count < 2 && ship_info == ship_location.end) {            GameObject temp = priest_end.Dequeue();            temp.transform.parent = ship.transform;            onTheWay.Enqueue(temp);        }    }    public void devil_to_boat_at_end() {        if (devil_end.Count > 0 && onTheWay.Count < 2 && ship_info == ship_location.end) {            GameObject temp = devil_end.Dequeue();            temp.transform.parent = ship.transform;            onTheWay.Enqueue(temp);        }    }    // get off the boat    public void left_off_boat() {        if (onTheWay.Count > 0) {            GameObject temp = onTheWay.Dequeue();            getOffTheBoat(temp);        }    }    public void right_off_boat() {        if (onTheWay.Count > 1) {            GameObject temp_1 = onTheWay.Dequeue();            GameObject temp_2 = onTheWay.Dequeue();            onTheWay.Enqueue(temp_1);            getOffTheBoat(temp_2);        }    }    public void drive() {        if (onTheWay.Count > 0) {            if (ship_info == ship_location.begin) {                ship_info = ship_location.moving_to_end;            } else if (ship_info == ship_location.end) {                ship_info = ship_location.moving_to_begin;            }            game_state = State.moving;        }    }    // private void getOnTheBoat(GameObject obj) {    // }    private void getOffTheBoat(GameObject obj) {        obj.transform.parent = null;        if (ship_info == ship_location.begin) {            if (obj.tag == "devil") {                devil_begin.Enqueue(obj);            } else {                priest_begin.Enqueue(obj);            }        } else {            if (obj.tag == "devil" ) {                devil_end.Enqueue(obj);            } else {                priest_end.Enqueue(obj);            }        }    }    void count_num_of_object() {        num_of_devil_at_the_begin = devil_begin.Count;        num_of_devil_at_the_end = devil_end.Count;        num_of_priest_at_the_begin = priest_begin.Count;        num_of_priest_at_the_end = priest_end.Count;        GameObject[] temp = onTheWay.ToArray();        foreach (GameObject item in onTheWay)        {            if (item.tag == "priest") {                if (ship_info == ship_location.begin) {                    num_of_priest_at_the_begin++;                } else {                    num_of_priest_at_the_end++;                }            } else {                if (ship_info == ship_location.begin) {                    num_of_devil_at_the_begin++;                } else {                    num_of_devil_at_the_end++;                }            }        }    }    private void check() {        count_num_of_object();        // check at the begin        if (num_of_devil_at_the_begin > num_of_priest_at_the_begin && num_of_priest_at_the_begin != 0) {            game_state = State.over;        } else if (num_of_devil_at_the_end > num_of_priest_at_the_end && num_of_priest_at_the_end != 0) {            game_state = State.over;        } else if (num_of_devil_at_the_end + num_of_priest_at_the_end == 6) {            game_state = State.win;        }    }    public void reset() {        Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevelName);          game_state = State.normal;    }}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class UserGUI : MonoBehaviour {    private IUserAction action;    private GenGameObjects sc;    private float button_width;    private float button_height;    private float button_y;    private float move_x;    // Use this for initialization    void Start () {        sc = SSDirector.getInstance().currentSceneController as GenGameObjects;        action = SSDirector.getInstance ().currentSceneController as IUserAction;        button_width = 100;        button_height = 50;        button_y = 80;        move_x = 100;        Debug.Log("UI start");        Debug.Log(action);    }    void OnGUI() {        // reset button        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(350, button_y + 150, button_width, button_height), "Reset")) {            action.reset();        }        if (sc.game_state == GenGameObjects.State.over) {            GUI.Label(new Rect(350, button_y, button_width * 2, button_height * 2), "GameOver!");            return;        }        if (sc.game_state == GenGameObjects.State.win) {            GUI.Label(new Rect(350, button_y, button_width * 2, button_height * 2), "Win");            return;        }        // priest to boat at the begin       if (GUI.Button(new Rect(70, button_y, button_width, button_height), "On")) {            action.priest_to_boat_at_begin();            Debug.Log("button clicked");       }       // devil to boat at the begin       if (GUI.Button(new Rect(70 + move_x, button_y, button_width, button_height), "On")) {            action.devil_to_boat_at_begin();       }       // priest to boat at the end       if (GUI.Button(new Rect(540, button_y, button_width, button_height), "On")) {            action.priest_to_boat_at_end();       }       // devil to boat at the end       if (GUI.Button(new Rect(540 + move_x, button_y, button_width, button_height), "On")) {            action.devil_to_boat_at_end();       }       // left of boat off       if (GUI.Button(new Rect(320, button_y, button_width, button_height), "Off")) {            action.left_off_boat();       }       // right of boat off       if (GUI.Button(new Rect(320 + move_x, button_y, button_width, button_height), "Off")) {            action.right_off_boat();       }       // go button       if (GUI.Button(new Rect(350, button_y - 80, button_width, button_height), "GO!")) {            action.drive();       }    }}
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