
来源:互联网 发布:动漫桌面主题下载软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:00



void quickSort(int *arr, int left,int right) {    if(left>=right)        return;    int i=left,j=right;    int standard = arr[left];    while(i<j) {        //find some elements bigger than standard        while( i<j && arr[i] < standard)            ++i;        //find some elements smaller than standard        while( i<j && arr[j] > standard)            --j;        //exchange arr.i and arr.j        swap(arr[i],arr[j]);    }    // i == j where the standard should be    quickSort(a,left,i-1);    quickSort(a,i+1,right);}


int Partition(int *arr, int i,int j) {    arr[0] = arr[i]; //arr[0] is a temp space    while(i<j) {        while(i<j && arr[j] >= arr[0]) --j;        if( i < j) { //move the smaller element to the front            arr[i] = arr[j];            ++i;        }        while(i<j && arr[i] < arr[0]) ++i;        if( i < j) { //move the bigger element to the tail            arr[j] = arr[i];            --j;        }    }    arr[i] = arr[0];    return i;}void quickSort(int *arr, int left,int right) {    int i;    if(left<right) {        i = Partition(arr,left,right); //divide the arr into 2 parts        quickSort(arr,left,i-1);        quickSort(arr,i+1,right);    }}

递归改进版(poj 2623 AC):

void quickSort(int *arr, int left, int right){    int i = left, j = right;    int mid = arr[(i+j)/2];    while(i <= j){        while(arr[i] < mid) i ++;        while(arr[j] > mid) j --;        if(i <= j){            int tmp;            tmp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = tmp;            i ++; j --;        }    }    if(i < right) quickSort(arr,i, right);    if(left < j) quickSort(arr,left, j);}


/**使用栈的非递归快速排序**/template<typename Comparable>void quicksort2(vector<Comparable> &vec,int low,int high){    stack<int> st;    if(low<high){        int mid=partition(vec,low,high);        if(low<mid-1){            st.push(low);            st.push(mid-1);        }        if(mid+1<high){            st.push(mid+1);            st.push(high);        }        //其实就是用栈保存每一个待排序子串的首尾元素下标,下一次while循环时取出这个范围,对这段子序列进行partition操作        while(!st.empty()){            int q=st.top();            st.pop();            int p=st.top();            st.pop();            mid=partition(vec,p,q);            if(p<mid-1){                st.push(p);                st.push(mid-1);            }            if(mid+1<q){                st.push(mid+1);                st.push(q);            }              }    }}
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