Conclusion for my actual job in my work

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么看自己的评价 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 17:16

Here I will make a conclusion for the day before today I have noted in blog. We can refer it to Select from (select from) , Case when then else end ,Functions and Internet!

This is an actual instance in my daily work :

select * from (    select *    , case when (ISNULL(FBandFGBasic,0) -NPVWaterfallForbearancelimitCalculated )>0     then (ISNULL(FBandFGBasic,0) -NPVWaterfallForbearancelimitCalculated )    Else -1.112 END     as AmountExcessNPVWaterfall    ........    from     (        select         sd.MaximumPrincipalForbearance as ModwaterfallForbearanceLimit        ,(0.3*debtcapitalized) as CapDebt@30        ,(debtcapitalized -0.8*hme.CurrentValue) as [80%LTVModWaterfall]        ..........        ,(npv.PrincipalForgivenessAmount + npv.PrincipalForbearanceAmount ) as FBandFGBasic        , case when 0.3*debtcapitalizedtodatacollectiondate >(debtcapitalizedtodatacollectiondate -0.8*hme.CurrentValue)                 then 0.3*debtcapitalizedtodatacollectiondate               else (debtcapitalizedtodatacollectiondate -0.8*hme.CurrentValue)               END           as NPVWaterfallForbearancelimitCalculated        ,case when m.loan_no in         (             select loan_no  from loancategorylist  where active=1 and loancategoryid=32        ) then 'Y'          else 'N' END          as IsJPMTexasLoan        ,dbo.GetExcessiveFobearance_JPM                                    (                                    hme.servicerloannumber                                    ,hme.Debtcapitalizedtodatacollectiondate                                     ,npv.currentpropertyvalue                                    ,coalesce(npv.PrincipalForgivenessAmount,0)                                    ,coalesce(npv.PrincipalForbearanceAmount,0)                                    )                                     as ExcessiveForbearanceNpvWaterfallBasic                                            .....................        from haaaaaavaluation hme         join haaaaaavaluationstandarddata sd on hme.haaaaaavaluationid = sd.haaaaaavaluationid        left join haaaaaavaluationstandarddatanpv npvsd on hme.haaaaaavaluationid = npvsd.haaaaaavaluationid        ..........        )T)as Ewhere (ExcessiveForbearanceModWaterfallBasic != ExcessiveForbearanceNPVWaterfallBasic or ExcessiveForbearanceModWaterfallPRA != ExcessiveForbearanceNPVWaterfallPRA)and .........order by createddate desc

I hope I can make more conclusions after work so that I can make the knowledge more clear and stable in my mind whenever I need use I can fetch them quickly.

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