poj 2987 Firing 最大权闭合子图

来源:互联网 发布:易语言彩票预测源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 23:33



注意:有多组数据且ans要开int64或long long


var  n,m,x,y,i,tot,e,s,t:longint;  ans,sum:int64;  fa,d,cur,last,num:array[0..6000] of longint;  v:array[0..6000] of boolean;  side:array[1..1000000] of record    x,y,c,op,next:longint;  end;procedure add(x,y,c:longint);begin  inc(e);  side[e].x:=x; side[e].y:=y; side[e].c:=c; side[e].op:=e+1;  side[e].next:=last[x]; last[x]:=e;  inc(e);  side[e].x:=y; side[e].y:=x; side[e].c:=0; side[e].op:=e-1;  side[e].next:=last[y]; last[y]:=e;end;procedure remark(x:longint);var  i,min:longint;begin  min:=n+1;  cur[x]:=last[x];  i:=cur[x];  while i>0 do    with side[i] do    begin      if (c>0)and(d[y]<min) then min:=d[y];      i:=next;    end;  d[x]:=min+1;end;procedure change;var  i,min:longint;begin  min:=maxlongint;  i:=t;  while i<>s do    with side[fa[i]] do    begin      if c<min then min:=c;      i:=x;    end;  ans:=ans+min;  i:=t;  while i<>s do    with side[fa[i]] do    begin      dec(c,min);      inc(side[op].c,min);      i:=x;    end;end;procedure sap;var  i:longint;begin  fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0);  fillchar(num,sizeof(num),0);  for i:=s to t do    cur[i]:=last[i];  num[0]:=n+2;  i:=s;  while d[s]<n+2 do  begin    while cur[i]>0 do      with side[cur[i]] do        if (c>0)and(d[y]+1=d[x])          then break          else cur[i]:=next;    if cur[i]=0      then begin             dec(num[d[i]]);             if num[d[i]]=0 then break;             remark(i);             inc(num[d[i]]);             if i<>s then i:=side[fa[i]].x;           end      else begin             fa[side[cur[i]].y]:=cur[i];             i:=side[cur[i]].y;             if i=t then             begin               change;               i:=s;             end;           end;  end;end;procedure dfs(x:longint);var  i:longint;begin  v[x]:=false;  i:=last[x];  while i>0 do    with side[i] do    begin      if (c>0)and(v[y]) then dfs(y);      i:=next;    end;end;begin  while not eof do  begin    readln(n,m);    s:=0;    t:=n+1;    e:=0;    sum:=0;    ans:=0;    tot:=0;    fillchar(last,sizeof(last),0);    for i:=1 to n do    begin      readln(x);      if x>0        then begin               sum:=sum+x;               add(s,i,x);             end        else if x<0 then add(i,t,-x);    end;    for i:=1 to m do    begin      readln(x,y);      add(x,y,maxlongint);    end;    sap;    fillchar(v,sizeof(v),true);    dfs(s);    for i:=1 to n do      if not v[i] then inc(tot);    writeln(tot,' ',sum-ans);  end;end.

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