
来源:互联网 发布:局域网网络测试app 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/26 09:55

在前几篇文章说到的EventThread事件,我们可以知道EventThread这个线程负责端口的监听,监听的事件主要有两类,第一类是有新的RTSP连接请求事 件,第二类就是在原来已经连接的RTSP连接请求上响应消息事件,比如PALY,Setup,Describe等等。文章参考了http://blog.csdn.net/longlong530/article/details/43451717的文章在这里标示感谢!
主要看这个RTSPSession::Run()方法 在Run的switch这个语句中有一些状态的判断。
1. 状态机 kReadingFirstRequest
a) QTSS_NoErr,意味着已经收到该socket的完整数据,但是没有收集到本次请求的全部数据,这时需要接着请求监听读事件,获取更多数据组成完整的RTSP请求消息。
b) QTSS_RequestArrived,意味着此时已经收到完整请求的报文,可以正常进入下一状态机了。
c) E2BIG,表示缓存区已经溢出,默认缓存区的大小为( kRequestBufferSizeInBytes = 4096),进入kHaveNonTunnelMessage状态机,然后在改状态机下响应错误

case kReadingFirstRequest:            {                if ((err = fInputStream.ReadRequest()) == QTSS_NoErr)                {                    // If the RequestStream returns QTSS_NoErr, it means                    // that we've read all outstanding data off the socket,                    // and still don't have a full request. Wait for more data.                                        //+rt use the socket that reads the data, may be different now.                    fInputSocketP->RequestEvent(EV_RE);                    return 0;                }                                if ((err != QTSS_RequestArrived) && (err != E2BIG))                {                    // Any other error implies that the client has gone away. At this point,                    // we can't have 2 sockets, so we don't need to do the "half closed" check                    // we do below                    Assert(err > 0);                     Assert(!this->IsLiveSession());                    break;                }                if (err == QTSS_RequestArrived)                    fState = kHTTPFilteringRequest;                // If we get an E2BIG, it means our buffer was overfilled.                // In that case, we can just jump into the following state, and                // the code their does a check for this error and returns an error.                if (err == E2BIG)                    fState = kHaveNonTunnelMessage;            }

3. 状态机 kHaveNonTunnelMessage
a) 创建RTSPRequest对象,用于解析RTSP消息;
b) 此状态中对fReadMutex,fSessionMutex进行加锁,禁止在处理报文的过程中接收以RTP Interleaved接收RTP数据或者发出RTSP响应报文
c) 对错误码E2BIG、QTSS_BadArgument进行处理,响应qtssClientBadRequest;
d) 将状态机跳转到kFilteringRequest下;

 case kHaveNonTunnelMessage:            {                   // should only get here when fInputStream has a full message built.                                Assert( fInputStream.GetRequestBuffer() );                                Assert(fRequest == NULL);                fRequest = NEW RTSPRequest(this);                fRoleParams.rtspRequestParams.inRTSPRequest = fRequest;                fRoleParams.rtspRequestParams.inRTSPHeaders = fRequest->GetHeaderDictionary();                // We have an RTSP request and are about to begin processing. We need to                // make sure that anyone sending interleaved data on this session won't                // be allowed to do so until we are done sending our response                // We also make sure that a POST session can't snarf in while we're                // processing the request.                fReadMutex.Lock();                fSessionMutex.Lock();                                // The fOutputStream's fBytesWritten counter is used to                // count the # of bytes for this RTSP response. So, at                // this point, reset it to 0 (we can then just let it increment                // until the next request comes in)                fOutputStream.ResetBytesWritten();                                // Check for an overfilled buffer, and return an error.                if (err == E2BIG)                {                    (void)QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(fRequest, qtssClientBadRequest,                                                                    qtssMsgRequestTooLong);                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;                    break;                }                // Check for a corrupt base64 error, return an error                if (err == QTSS_BadArgument)                {                    (void)QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(fRequest, qtssClientBadRequest,                                                                    qtssMsgBadBase64);                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;                    break;                }                Assert(err == QTSS_RequestArrived);                fState = kFilteringRequest;                                // Note that there is no break here. We'd like to continue onto the next                // state at this point. This goes for every case in this case statement            }

4. 状态机kFilteringRequest
a) 刷新超时任务fTimeoutTask,运转RTSP会话的超时机制。
b) 通过fIsDataPacket属性进行判断当前数据是否是一个数据包,而不是一个信令消息。该属性判断方法在RTSPRequestStream::ReadRequest()中。RTP包格式以$字符开头,后面紧跟着一个字节是信道标示符,后面两个字节是数字长度,Darwin就用这个字符区分是否为数据包。
c) 这时第一次开始调用module了,角色为kRTSPFilterRole。注册了该角色模块只有一个QTSSRefMovieModule,
d) SetupRequest(),解析RTSP消息,同时创建一个客户会话(RTPSession),和产生当前请求的客户端连接相关联,这个会话会一直保持,直到客户端的流播放结束。
注意:服务器根据被调用的模块是否对请求做了应答来决定后面的调用(方法HasResponseBeenSent()),如果注册了RTSP Filter Role的某一个模块在被调用的时候对请求作出了应答,服务器将立即调用注册了RTSPPostprocessorRole的模块,不再调用其他尚未调用的注册了RTSP Filter Role的模块,否则服务器调用其它注册了RTSP Filter Role的模块。

  case kFilteringRequest:            {                // We received something so auto refresh                // The need to auto refresh is because the api doesn't allow a module to refresh at this point                //                 fTimeoutTask.RefreshTimeout();                //                // Before we even do this, check to see if this is a *data* packet,                // in which case this isn't an RTSP request, so we don't need to go                // through any of the remaining steps                                if (fInputStream.IsDataPacket()) // can this interfere with MP3?                {                    this->HandleIncomingDataPacket();                    fState = kCleaningUp;                    break;                }                                                //                // In case a module wants to replace the request                char* theReplacedRequest = NULL;                char* oldReplacedRequest = NULL;                                // Setup the filter param block                QTSS_RoleParams theFilterParams;                theFilterParams.rtspFilterParams.inRTSPSession = this;                theFilterParams.rtspFilterParams.inRTSPRequest = fRequest;                theFilterParams.rtspFilterParams.outNewRequest = &theReplacedRequest;                                // Invoke filter modules                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPFilterRole);                for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)                {                    fModuleState.eventRequested = false;                    fModuleState.idleTime = 0;                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )                    {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;                    }                                        theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPFilterRole, fCurrentModule);                    (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPFilter_Role, &theFilterParams);                    fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;                                        // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked                        return this->CallLocked();                                                if (fModuleState.eventRequested)                    {                           this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force                                                    // the same thread to be used for next Run()                        return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...                    }                                //                    // Check to see if this module has replaced the request. If so, check                    // to see if there is an old replacement that we should delete                    if (theReplacedRequest != NULL)                    {                        if (oldReplacedRequest != NULL)                            delete [] oldReplacedRequest;                                                fRequest->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqFullRequest, theReplacedRequest, ::strlen(theReplacedRequest));                        oldReplacedRequest = theReplacedRequest;                        theReplacedRequest = NULL;                    }                                    }                                fCurrentModule = 0;                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())                {                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;                    break;                }                if (fSentOptionsRequest && this->ParseOptionsResponse())                {                    fRoundTripTime = (SInt32) (OS::Milliseconds() - fOptionsRequestSendTime);                    //qtss_printf("RTSPSession::Run RTT time = %"_S32BITARG_" msec\n", fRoundTripTime);                    fState = kSendingResponse;                    break;                }                else                // Otherwise, this is a normal request, so parse it and get the RTPSession.                    this->SetupRequest();                                                // This might happen if there is some syntax or other error,                // or if it is an OPTIONS request                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())                {                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;                    break;                }                fState = kRoutingRequest;            }

5. 状态机kPreprocessingRequest
遍历调用所有注册了QTSS_RTSPPreProcessor_Role角色的模块。在这个角色模式下,分别处理了每种RTSP消息,比如本次的点播请求的Describe、Setup、Play指令,模块中针对各种消息都有对应的单独函数处理。 处理完每次RTSP请求后即进入下一状态kPostProcessingRequest,待下轮循环进入本状态机再处理下一个RTSP消息。

 case kPreprocessingRequest:            {                // Invoke preprocessor modules                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPPreProcessorRole);                {                    // Manipulation of the RTPSession from the point of view of                    // a module is guarenteed to be atomic by the API.                    Assert(fRTPSession != NULL);                    OSMutexLocker   locker(fRTPSession->GetSessionMutex());                                            for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)                    {                        fModuleState.eventRequested = false;                        fModuleState.idleTime = 0;                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )                        {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;                            fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;                        }                                                 theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPPreProcessorRole, fCurrentModule);                        (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPPreProcessor_Role, &fRoleParams);                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;                        // The way the API is set up currently, the first module that adds a stream                        // to the session is responsible for sending RTP packets for the session.                        if (fRTPSession->HasAnRTPStream() && (fRTPSession->GetPacketSendingModule() == NULL))                            fRTPSession->SetPacketSendingModule(theModule);                                                                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked                            return this->CallLocked();                        // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire                        if (fModuleState.eventRequested)                        {                            this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force                                                        // the same thread to be used for next Run()                            return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...                        }                    }                }                fCurrentModule = 0;                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())                {                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;                    break;                }                fState = kProcessingRequest;            }一下是EasyDarwin的流程图QQ 更多文章参看:http://www.amovauto.com 阿木技术社区玩也要玩的专业!

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