
来源:互联网 发布:福建知鱼科技有限公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 01:43


name=raw_input("what is your name?")age=raw_input("how old are you?")print name +"is" +age


hasBiscuits=raw_input("do you have a biscuits???")if hasBiscuits=="yes":    print "it seems very delicious!"#必须要空四个空格,或者一个tabelse:    print"you have trick me!!!"


hasBiscuits=raw_input("do you have a biscuits???")if hasBiscuits=="yes":    print "it seems very delicious!"    canHave=raw_input("can you give some for me ?")    if canHave=="yes" :        print "thank your!!"#注意四个空格问题!    else :        print "I am angry!"else:    print"you have trick me!!!"

elif:elif是else if 的缩写形式,是与if语句并列的语句。

hasBiscuits=raw_input("do you have a biscuits???")if hasBiscuits=="yes":    print "it seems very delicious!"    canHave=raw_input("can you give some for me ?")    if canHave=="yes" :        print "thank your!!"    else :        print "I am angry!"elif hasBiscuits== "no":    print"you have trick me!!!"elif hasBiscuits=="donnot know":    print "are you foolish?"else:    print "hehe......"


username=raw_input("what is your name?")message=raw_input("please input your message!")while message!="exit":    print username + ":" +message    message=raw_input("please input your message!")

while a==b :


while True :    print "you are great!!!"


again="yes"while again == "yes":    praiseType=raw_input("select a type you like \n a:personality \n b:appearence \n c:intellengence \n")    if praiseType == "a":        print "you are human!"    elif praiseType == "b":        print "you are pretty"    elif praiseType == "c":        print "you seems clever!"    else:        print "you are wrong!please choose annother"    again = raw_input ("do you want go on? input yes or no!")


"""使用if,elif,else和while语句以及函数raw_input()和语句print综合实验。实验的目的是制造一个车,该车辆专属于司机,必须输入正确的密码才能进行下一步的操作!车辆有几个功能,行驶到某个目的地、攻击、自爆。。。"""import timename="CC"password="12345"attemPass=raw_input("please input the password!")while attemPass != password:    print "your password is false!\n"    attemPass=raw_input("please input the password again:")print "welcome  " + name +"!!!!"service="yes"while service == "yes":    choose=raw_input("please choose a function:\n a:go to a distination \n b:attack \n c:boom \n")    if choose == "a":        distination=raw_input("where you want to go???")        time.sleep(5)        print distination + "is arrived!"    elif choose == "b":        print "attacking.....\n"        time.sleep(2)        print "over!!!"    elif choose == "c":        print "i will boom in 5 minutes....\n"        time.sleep(1)        print '5...........\n'        time.sleep(1)        print '4..........\n'        time.sleep(1)        print '3......\n'        time.sleep(3)        print 'boom..........\n'    else :        print "your are wrong!"        choose = raw_input("please input again!")    service = raw_input("task is over,do you want another service? yes/no")
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