来源:互联网 发布:斯蒂芬库里 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 17:43


<span style="font-size:24px;">const  maxn=1000;var  n,l,i,temp:longint;  a:array[0..maxn] of longint;  procedure put(x:longint);var  son,temp:longint;begin  inc(l);  a[l]:=x;  son:=l;  while (son<>1) and (a[son div 2]>a[son]) do     begin       temp:=a[son];       a[son]:=a[son div 2];       a[son div 2]:=temp;       son:=son div 2;     end;end;   function get:longint;var  fa,son,temp:longint;  stop:boolean;begin  get:=a[1];  a[1]:=a[l];  dec(l);  fa:=1;  stop:=false;  while (fa*2<=l) and (not stop) do    begin      if (fa*2+1>l) or (a[fa*2]<a[fa*2+1])</span><span style="font-size:32px;color:#ff0000;">//两个判断一定不能反!</span><span style="font-size:24px;">      then son:=fa*2      else son:=fa*2+1;      if a[fa]>a[son]      then begin             temp:=a[fa];</span><pre name="code" class="delphi">


<span style="font-size:32px;">const  maxn=1000;var  n,l,i,temp:longint;  a:array[0..maxn] of longint;  procedure put(x:longint);var  son,temp:longint;begin  inc(l);  a[l]:=x;  son:=l;  while (son<>1) and (a[son div 2]<a[son]) do     begin       temp:=a[son];       a[son]:=a[son div 2];       a[son div 2]:=temp;       son:=son div 2;     end;end;   function get:longint;var  fa,son,temp:longint;  stop:boolean;begin  get:=a[1];  a[1]:=a[l];  dec(l);  fa:=1;  stop:=false;  while (fa*2<=l) and (not stop) do    begin      if (fa*2+1>l) or (a[fa*2]>a[fa*2+1])<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); ">//两个判断一定不能反!</span>      then son:=fa*2      else son:=fa*2+1;      if a[fa]<a[son]      then begin             temp:=a[fa];             a[fa]:=a[son];             a[son]:=temp;             fa:=son;           end      else stop:=true;    end;end;begin  read(n);  l:=0;  for i:=1 to n do    begin      read(temp);      put(temp);    end;  for i:=1 to n do    writeln(get);end.</span>

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