Image Watch插件学习笔记

来源:互联网 发布:电子手抄报软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:27

local模式:只读模式 the Image List (B) gets automatically populated with all image-valued variables that are on the current stack frame.
 Watch 模式,可以添加  image items are added manually by the user, e.g. by typing in image-valued expressions
可以编辑, Expressions can be cut (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Delete), copied (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert), and pasted (Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert),

Image watch支持的通道类型:
·         INT8, UINT8

·         INT16, UINT16

·         INT32

·         FLOAT16

·         FLOAT32

·         FLOAT64

  • NV12 (two planes: one Y plane, one packed UV plane, subsampled by 2 in both dimensions)
  • YV12 (three planes: one Y plane, one packed U and V plane each, both subsampled by 2 in both dimensions)
  • IYUV (same as YV12 but with U and V planes switched)
  • YUY2 (single plane, interleaved two-channel format: Y in the first channel; U and V subsampled by 2 horizontally and stored alternating in the second channel)
Image Watch还支持一系列简单的操作符,以@开始
  1. @band(img, number): extract channelnumber  (UINT32) from img.  
  2. 提取某一通道

  3. @thresh(img, threshold): threshold pixels inimg: return 1 if >= threshold (FLOAT32) and 0 otherwise
  4. 阈值化操作

  5. @clamp(img, min, max): clamp pixel values inimg to lie between min (FLOAT32) and max (FLOAT32).限制图像的范围在(min,max)之间

  6.  @abs(img): take absolute value of pixels inimg
  7. 求绝对值

  8. @scale(img, factor): scale pixel values inimg by factor (FLOAT32)
  9. 对图像进行缩放

  10. @norm8(img): scale pixels values inimg by 1/255
  11. 所有图像像素乘以1/255缩放

  12. @norm16(img): scale pixels values inimg by 1/65535
  13. 所有图像像素乘以1/65535缩放

  14. @fliph(img), @flipv(img), @flipd(img): flip img horizontally, vertically, and diagonally (matrix transpose), respectively.
  15. 水平(h)、垂直(v)或翻转或者图像转置(d)

  16. @rot90(img), @rot180(img), @rot270(img):rotate img by 90, 180, 270 degrees clockwise, respectively. 
  17. 图像旋转

  18. @diff(img0, img1): return pixel-wise difference:img0 – img1
  19. 基于像素的差分

  20. @file(path): load image frompath (string). Example: @file(“d:\temp\debug.png”) 
  21. 加载图像

  22. @mem(address, type, channels, width, height, stride): interpretraw memory as pixels, starting at address (UINT64), (UINT32). Example:@mem(, UINT8, 1, 320, 240, 320) @mem(0x00000000003d1050,UINT8, 3, 256, 256, 768 );
  23. 将指定地址的内存数据转为图像像素信息显示
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