
来源:互联网 发布:手机sql注入 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:56







#include <stdio.h>#include <tchar.h>#include"math.h"#include<iostream>using namespace std;//定义PointX以及PointY类,设定其编号,x,y坐标以及<=运算符,主要是因为//按X坐标排序和按Y坐标排序时所比较的坐标不相同,因此不能采用同一个类。//采用两个类可简化算法的复杂度。class PointX {public:    int operator<= (PointX a)const    {        return (x <= a.x);    }public:    int ID;    float x, y;};class PointY {public:    int operator<= (PointY a)const    {        return (y <= a.y);    }public:    int p;    float x, y;};//通过模板可使函数的通用性更强template <class T>inline float Distance(const T &u, const T &v);bool CPair2(PointX X[], int n, PointX &a, PointX &b, float &d);template <class T>void MergeSort(T a[], int n);template <class T>void MergePass(T x[], T y[], int s, int n);template <class T>void Merge(T c[], T d[], int l, int m, int r);void closest(PointX X[], PointY Y[], PointY Z[], int l, int r, PointX &a, PointX &b, float &d);int main(){    int n;    PointX *X, a, b;    float d;    cout << "Please input the number of points:" << endl;    cin >> n;    X = new PointX[n];    cout << "Please input the coordinate of the points:" << endl;    for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {        cout << "X Y:";        cin >> X[i].x >> X[i].y;        X[i].ID = i;    }    CPair2(X, n, a, b, d);    cout << "min distance: " << d <<endl;    delete[] X;    return 0;}//求任意两点之间的距离template <class T>inline float Distance(const T &u, const T &v){    float dx = u.x - v.x;    float dy = u.y - v.y;    return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);}//按x坐标和y坐标排序,并求点对。按y坐标排序的点记录了其原来在排好序之后的X数组中的位置。//Y数组主要用于存储某分界线两端的点,并使其按Y坐标的大小进行排列,以便于计算。bool CPair2(PointX X[], int n, PointX &a, PointX &b, float &d){    if (n<2)        return false;    MergeSort(X, n);    PointY *Y = new PointY[n];    for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {        Y[i].p = i;        Y[i].x = X[i].x;        Y[i].y = X[i].y;    }    MergeSort(Y, n);    PointY *Z = new PointY[n];    closest(X, Y, Z, 0, n - 1, a, b, d);    delete[] Y;    delete[] Z;    return true;}//用分治法实现的归并排序算法,该函数实现将长度为s的两段序列合并成一段。template <class T>void MergeSort(T a[], int n){    T *b = new T[n];    int s = 1;    while (s<n) {        //将a中的数合并到b中        MergePass(a, b, s, n);        //s增加一倍,使得合并步长增加一倍。        s += s;        //将b中的数合并到a中        MergePass(b, a, s, n);        s += s;    }}//将相邻两段排好序的数组合并成有序序列。template <class T>void MergePass(T x[], T y[], int s, int n){    int i = 0;    while (i <= n - 2 * s) {        //将x中相邻两段长度为s的有序序列合并成一个,并放在y中。        Merge(x, y, i, i + s - 1, i + 2 * s - 1);        i = i + 2 * s;    }    //若x中还有剩余,则将剩余的元素少于2s合并到y中    if (i + s<n)        Merge(x, y, i, i + s - 1, n - 1);    else        for (int j = i; j <= n - 1; j++)            y[j] = x[j];}//将c[l...m]中的元素和c[m+1...r]中的元素合并在d中。template <class T>void Merge(T c[], T d[], int l, int m, int r){    int i = l, j = m + 1, k = l;    while ((i <= m) && (j <= r))        //谁小谁先放        if (c[i] <= c[j])            d[k++] = c[i++];        else            d[k++] = c[j++];    if (i>m)        for (int q = j; q <= r; q++)            d[k++] = c[q];    else        for (int q = i; q <= m; q++)            d[k++] = c[q];}//求最小点对及距离void closest(PointX X[], PointY Y[], PointY Z[], int l, int r, PointX &a, PointX &b, float &d){    //如果2个点,直接求距离    if (r - l == 1) {        a = X[l];        b = X[r];        d = Distance(X[l], X[r]);        return;    }    //如果3个点,则两两计算求最小距离及点对。    if (r - l == 2) {        float d1 = Distance(X[l], X[l + 1]);        float d2 = Distance(X[l + 1], X[r]);        float d3 = Distance(X[l], X[r]);        if (d1 <= d2 && d1 <= d3) {            a = X[l];            b = X[l + 1];            d = d1;            return;        }        if (d2 <= d3) {            a = X[l + 1];            b = X[r];            d = d2;        }        else {            a = X[l];            b = X[r];            d = d3;        }        return;    }    //其他情况采用二分法分割成几段来求    int m = (l + r) / 2;    int f = l, g = m + 1;    //m将l,r分割成两段,分别求m两边的点,并按照y坐标的大小排列,放在Z数组中    for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)        if (Y[i].p>m)            Z[g++] = Y[i];        else            Z[f++] = Y[i];    //求l...m间所有点最小点对及距离    closest(X, Z, Y, l, m, a, b, d);    float dr;    PointX ar, br;    //求m+1...r间所有点的最小点对及距离    closest(X, Z, Y, m + 1, r, ar, br, dr);    //求两边点中最小点对及距离。    if (dr<d) {        a = ar;        b = br;        d = dr;    }    //将m两边的点合并到Y数组中,并按Y坐标大小排列    Merge(Z, Y, l, m, r);    //取矩形条内的点    int k = l;    for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)        if (fabs(Y[m].x - Y[i].x)<d)            Z[k++] = Y[i];    //求矩形条内的点的最小距离及点对,并与前面求得的点距比较,取最小。    for (int i = l; i<k; i++) {        for (int j = i + 1; j<k && Z[j].y - Z[i].y<d; j++) {            float dp = Distance(Z[i], Z[j]);            if (dp<d) {                d = dp;                a = X[Z[i].p];                b = X[Z[j].p];            }        }    }}
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