
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝品质保障怎么设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 22:03

1. 比较两个war中的所有文件,以下new代表新war包,old代表线上的旧war包;
2. new中有的old没有的,直接复制;
3. new中有的old也有的,复制并覆盖;
4. new中没有的old有的,则删除;
5. 把有差异的文件移到_tmp目录中;
6. 在_tmp目录中生成相应的shell脚本用于复制、删除文件;


package alan_test;import;import;import;import;import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;/** * 比较new和old两个目录中的所有文件且new的同级生成新的_tmp目录,存放有差异的文件,并生成相应的shell脚本 * 1. new中有的old没有的,直接复制 * 2. new中有的old也有的,复制并覆盖 * 3. new中没有的old有的,则删除 *  * @author Alan * @date 2016年4月13日 下午4:48:39 * @version 2016年4月13日 Alan */public class CompareTwoDirectory {  /**   * 比较两个文件夹中的文件是否相同   * 注意:传入的路径请用"\\"分割(windows下,linux未验证)   *    * @param newDirectory   *          新目录   * @param oldDirectory   *          旧目录   */  public static void compare( String newDirectory, String oldDirectory ) {    // 从旧目录中取得工程名称    String[] oldDirectoryArray = oldDirectory.split("\\\\");    String projectName = oldDirectoryArray[oldDirectoryArray.length - 1];    compare(newDirectory, oldDirectory, projectName);  }  /**   * 比较两个文件夹中的文件是否相同   * 注意:传入的路径请用"\\"分割(windows下,linux未验证)   *    * @param newDirectory   *          新目录   * @param oldDirectory   *          旧目录   * @param projectName   *          工程名称   */  public static void compare( String newDirectory, String oldDirectory, String projectName ) {    final String newDir = dealDirectoryLastChar(newDirectory);    final String oldDir = dealDirectoryLastChar(oldDirectory);    // 按projectName在newDir同级建立一个新的目录    final String projectDir = createProjectDirectory(newDir, projectName);    StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder();    System.out.println("开始比较:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" + System.currentTimeMillis());    // 第一遍循环,把在new中与old中不同的文件的提取出来    getFiles(newDir, new Call() {      @Override      public void call( Object... objects ) {        if(objects[0] instanceof File) {          File newFile = (File) objects[0];          String oldPath = newFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(newDir, oldDir);          File oldFile = new File(oldPath);          // 如果存在,则比较两个文件的MD5是否一样,不一样,复制并覆盖旧文件的          if(oldFile.exists()) {            try {              String newMd5 = MD5Util.getFileMD5String(newFile);              String oldMd5 = MD5Util.getFileMD5String(oldFile);              if(!newMd5.equals(oldMd5)) {                System.out.println("copy and cover new File to : " + oldPath);                copyFile(newFile, newFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(newDir, projectDir));                // linux下cp命令如果复制的是相同的文件,可能无法覆盖,所以此处使用先删除再复制的命令                command.append("rm -f ../" + projectName + oldPath.replace(oldDir, "") + "\n");                command.append("cp -f " + oldPath.replace(oldDir + "\\", "") + " ../" + projectName                    + oldPath.replace(oldDir, "") + "\n");              }            }            catch(Exception e) {              System.err.println("生成MD5时出错!");              e.printStackTrace();            }          }          else {            System.out.println("add new File to : " + oldPath);            copyFile(newFile, newFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(newDir, projectDir));            command.append("cp -f " + oldPath.replace(oldDir + "\\", "") + " ../" + projectName                + oldPath.replace(oldDir, "") + "\n");          }        }      }    });    // 第二遍循环,把在old中不在new中的文件提取出来,这部分说明是要删除的文件    getFiles(oldDir, new Call() {      @Override      public void call( Object... objects ) {        if(objects[0] instanceof File) {          File oldFile = (File) objects[0];          String newPath = oldFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(oldDir, newDir);          File newFile = new File(newPath);          // 如果新文件不存在,则删除旧文件          if(!newFile.exists()) {            System.out.println("delete old File from : " + oldFile.getAbsolutePath());            command.append("rm -f ../" + projectName + newPath.replace(newDir, "") + "\n");          }        }      }    });    System.out.println("结束比较:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" + System.currentTimeMillis());    System.out.println("生成的shell命令如下:");    System.out.println(command.toString().replace("\\", "/"));    createCommandFile(projectDir, command.toString().replace("\\", "/"));  }  private static void createCommandFile( String dir, String command ) {    File file = new File(dir + "\\");    try {      file.createNewFile();      FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(file);      output.write(command.getBytes());      output.close();    }    catch(IOException e) {      System.err.println("创建command文件时出错:" + file.getAbsolutePath());      e.printStackTrace();    }  }  private static String createProjectDirectory( String newDir, String projectName ) {    File file = new File(newDir);    String projectDirectory = file.getParent() + "\\" + projectName + "_tmp";    File projectFile = new File(projectDirectory);    if(!projectFile.exists() || !projectFile.isDirectory()) {      projectFile.mkdir();    }    else {      boolean delete = deleteDirectory(projectFile);      if(delete) {        projectFile.mkdir();      }      else {        System.err.println("已存在目录" + projectDirectory + "且删除失败!");      }    }    return projectDirectory;  }  private static boolean deleteDirectory( File dir ) {    if(dir.isDirectory()) {      String[] children = dir.list();      // 递归删除目录中的子目录下      for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {        boolean success = deleteDirectory(new File(dir, children[i]));        if(!success) {          return false;        }      }    }    // 目录此时为空,可以删除    return dir.delete();  }  private static void copyFile( File srcFile, String desFilePath ) {    File desFile = new File(desFilePath);    File parentFile = new File(desFile.getParent());    if(!parentFile.exists()) {      parentFile.mkdirs();    }    try {      desFile.createNewFile();    }    catch(IOException e) {      System.err.println("创建目标文件失败:" + desFilePath);      e.printStackTrace();    }    writeFile(srcFile, desFile);  }  private static void writeFile( File srcFile, File desFile ) {    FileInputStream input = null;    FileOutputStream output = null;    FileChannel in = null;    FileChannel out = null;    try {      input = new FileInputStream(srcFile);      output = new FileOutputStream(desFile);      in = input.getChannel();      out = output.getChannel();      in.transferTo(0, in.size(), out);    }    catch(Exception e) {      System.err.println("写文件时出错:" + desFile.getAbsolutePath());      e.printStackTrace();    }    finally {      try {        input.close();        output.close();        in.close();        out.close();      }      catch(IOException e) {        // TODO Auto-generated catch block        e.printStackTrace();      }    }  }  private static void getFiles( String filePath, Call call ) {    filePath = dealDirectoryLastChar(filePath);    File root = new File(filePath);    File[] files = root.listFiles();    for( File file : files ) {      if(file.isDirectory()) {        getFiles(file.getAbsolutePath(), call);      }      else {        if(call != null) {;        }      }    }  }  private static String dealDirectoryLastChar( String directory ) {    if(directory.endsWith("\\")) {      return directory.substring(0, directory.length() - 1);    }    return directory;  }  public static void main( String[] args ) {    compare("E:\\test\\newWar\\", "E:\\test\\oldWar");    // getFiles("E:/data", new Call() {    // @Override    // public void call( Object... objects ) {    // if(objects[0] instanceof File) {    // System.out.println(( (File) objects[0] ).getAbsolutePath());    // }    // }    // });  }}interface Call {  void call( Object... objects );}


开始比较:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1460538009097add new File to : E:\test\oldWar\logs\b.vsdxcopy and cover new File to : E:\test\oldWar\logs\fcuh-mall\fcuh-mall-20160201-0.logcopy and cover new File to : E:\test\oldWar\logs\fcuh-mall\fcuh-mall.logcopy and cover new File to : E:\test\oldWar\logs\fcuh-user\fcuh-user.logcopy and cover new File to : E:\test\oldWar\logs\fcuh-wechat\fcuh-wechat.logdelete old File from : E:\test\oldWar\b.jnt结束比较:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1460538010029生成的shell命令如下:cp -f logs/b.vsdx ../oldWar/logs/b.vsdxrm -f ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-mall/fcuh-mall-20160201-0.logcp -f logs/fcuh-mall/fcuh-mall-20160201-0.log ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-mall/fcuh-mall-20160201-0.logrm -f ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-mall/fcuh-mall.logcp -f logs/fcuh-mall/fcuh-mall.log ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-mall/fcuh-mall.logrm -f ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-user/fcuh-user.logcp -f logs/fcuh-user/fcuh-user.log ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-user/fcuh-user.logrm -f ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-wechat/fcuh-wechat.logcp -f logs/fcuh-wechat/fcuh-wechat.log ../oldWar/logs/fcuh-wechat/fcuh-wechat.logrm -f ../oldWar/b.jnt



注:代码中生成的shell脚本中的复制并覆盖使用的是先rm再cp,因为部分linux系统中cp是cp -i的别名,使用cp不一定覆盖的了原文件,为保险起见,先移除再复制。

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