Why and When Perceptron Halts?

来源:互联网 发布:wer机器人编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 03:17

Pereceptron Learning Algorithm (PLA) is a binary classifier which can partition the linear separable points into two classes. 

Based on the Perceptron Convergence Theorem, we have:

For any finite set of linearly separable labeled examples, the PLA will halt after a finite number of iterations.

But why and when perceptron halts? 

Next, we will prove the Perceptron Convergence Theorem step by step.


 : the weight of  step

: the example point used at  step

: the perfect weight corresponding to the target function, which means 

: the angle between 

: the cos value of angle between 

: margin, i.e. the Euclidean distance of the point  from the plane , where  is strictly positive since all points are classified correctly. 

: the minimal margin relative to the separation hyperplane 

Assume at the  step,, then the weight   is updated by 

So we have , and .

Then the numerator of  is: 

After applying the above inequality above n times, starting from , to get  (here we get the numerator of  )

If n is large enough, then we have 

Consider the denominator of  , 


Apply the above inequality n times, we get

if n is large enough, then we get  (here we get the denominator of  )

Based on the inequality of both numerator and denominator of , we get 

We also know , so  and 

Now we get the maximum step is less than 

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