ZOJ Problem Set - 3938 Defuse the Bomb

来源:互联网 发布:离心泵设计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 23:16

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Defuse the Bomb

Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB

The bomb is about to explode! Please defuse it as soon as possible!

There is a display showing a number from 1 to 4 on the bomb. Besides this, there are 4 buttons under the display. Each button is labeled by a number from 1 to 4. The numbers on the buttons are always distinct.

There are 5 defusing stages in total. Pressing the correct button can progress the bomb to the next defusing stage. The number on the display and the number on each button may be different in different stages. The bomb will be defused only when all 5 defusing stages get passed. Pressing the incorrect button will cause the bomb to explode immediately. Be careful!

Here is the detailed bomb defusing manual. Button positions are ordered from left to right.

Stage 1:
•If the display is 1, press the button in the second position.
•If the display is 2, press the button in the second position.
•If the display is 3, press the button in the third position.
•If the display is 4, press the button in the fourth position.

Stage 2:
•If the display is 1, press the button labeled “4”.
•If the display is 2, press the button in the same position as you pressed in stage 1.
•If the display is 3, press the button in the first position.
•If the display is 4, press the button in the same position as you pressed in stage 1.

Stage 3:
•If the display is 1, press the button with the same label you pressed in stage 2.
•If the display is 2, press the button with the same label you pressed in stage 1.
•If the display is 3, press the button in the third position.
•If the display is 4, press the button labeled “4”.

Stage 4:
•If the display is 1, press the button in the same position as you pressed in stage 1.
•If the display is 2, press the button in the first position.
•If the display is 3, press the button in the same position as you pressed in stage 2.
•If the display is 4, press the button in the same position as you pressed in stage 2.

Stage 5:
•If the display is 1, press the button with the same label you pressed in stage 1.
•If the display is 2, press the button with the same label you pressed in stage 2.
•If the display is 3, press the button with the same label you pressed in stage 4.
•If the display is 4, press the button with the same label you pressed in stage 3.


There are multiple test cases. The first line of input is an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

There are 5 lines. Each line contains 5 integers D, B1, B2, B3, B4 indicating the number on the display and the numbers on the buttons respectively. The i-th line correspond to the i-th stage.


For each test case, output 5 lines. The i-th line contains two integers indicating the position and the label of the correct button for the i-th stage.

Sample Input
4 2 1 3 4
2 2 4 3 1
4 3 1 4 2
4 3 4 2 1
2 3 1 2 4

Sample Output
4 4
4 1
3 4
4 1
2 1


Keep talking with your teammates and nobody explodes!


#include <iostream>#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;const int maxn =1e6+10;inline LL read(){    int  c=0,f=1;    char ch=getchar();    while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();}    while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){c=c*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();}    return c*f;}int main(){   // freopen("1.txt","r",stdin);    int t;t=read();    while(t--)    {        int aa,a[10],c[10],pos[10],label[10];        int ak1=0,ak2=0,ak3=0,ak4=0;        /*stage1*/        aa=read();        for(int i=1; i<=4; ++i)        {            a[i]=read();            c[a[i]]=i;        }        if(aa==1) { pos[1]=2;label[1]=a[2];}        if(aa==2) { pos[1]=2;label[1]=a[2];}        if(aa==3) { pos[1]=3;label[1]=a[3];}        if(aa==4) { pos[1]=4;label[1]=a[4];}        /*stage2*/        aa=read();        for(int i=1; i<=4; ++i)        {            a[i]=read();            c[a[i]]=i;        }        if(aa==1) { pos[2]=c[4];label[2]=4;}        if(aa==2) { pos[2]=pos[1];label[2]=a[pos[2]];}        if(aa==3) { pos[2]=1;label[2]=a[1];}        if(aa==4) { pos[2]=pos[1];label[2]=a[pos[1]];}        /*stage3*/        aa=read();        for(int i=1; i<=4; ++i)        {            a[i]=read();            c[a[i]]=i;        }        if(aa==1) { pos[3]=c[label[2]];label[3]=label[2];}        if(aa==2) { pos[3]=c[label[1]];label[3]=label[1];}        if(aa==3) { pos[3]=3;label[3]=a[3];}        if(aa==4) { pos[3]=c[4];label[3]=4;}        /*stage4*/        aa=read();        for(int i=1; i<=4; ++i)        {            a[i]=read();            c[a[i]]=i;        }        if(aa==1) { pos[4]=pos[1];label[4]=a[pos[4]];}        if(aa==2) { pos[4]=1;label[4]=a[1];}        if(aa==3) { pos[4]=pos[2];label[4]=a[pos[4]];}        if(aa==4) { pos[4]=pos[2];label[4]=a[pos[4]];}        /*stage5*/        aa=read();        for(int i=1; i<=4; ++i)        {            a[i]=read();            c[a[i]]=i;        }        if(aa==1) { pos[5]=c[label[1]];label[5]=a[pos[5]];}        if(aa==2) { pos[5]=c[label[2]];label[5]=a[pos[5]];}        if(aa==3) { pos[5]=c[label[4]];label[5]=a[pos[5]];}        if(aa==4) { pos[5]=c[label[3]];label[5]=a[pos[5]];}        for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i)            printf("%d %d\n",pos[i],label[i]); ///output    }    return 0;}/*Sample Input14 2 1 3 42 2 4 3 14 3 1 4 24 3 4 2 12 3 1 2 4Sample Output4 44 13 44 12 1Sample Input14 2 1 3 42 2 4 3 11 3 1 4 24 3 4 2 14 3 1 2 4Sample Output4 44 12 14 12 1Hint:same position  is different with same label!!!!*/
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