Leetcode Count of Range Sum

来源:互联网 发布:libreoffice数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:58

Leetcode Count of Range Sum ,本题如果用o(n^2)的方法,得出结果应该是相当简单的,但是有更优的算法。




  1. 更新遍历节的值,并且重置其累加值为0
  2. 判断其与要插入的值的关系,继续搜索或者插入节点,并且更新没有访问的子树的树根的累加值。


  1. 如果节点为空,则返回0.
  2. 更新遍历的节点的值,保存其累加值后,重置其累加值
  3. 如果节点在bounder与upper之间,结果加1,并且搜索左、右子树,返回1 + 左子树计数 + 右子树计数。
  4. 如果节点值小于bounder,则更新左子树的累加值,并搜索右子树,并返回右子树的计数。
  5. 如果节点值大于upper,则更新右子树的累加值,并搜索左子树,并返回左子树的计数。


#include<iostream>#include<vector>using namespace std;struct Node {    long long int val;    int acc;    struct Node* left;    struct Node* right;    Node(int val): val(val), acc(0), left(NULL), right(NULL){}};/** * This method using a binary search tree to record the sum of [k...n] and * k belongs to {1...n}, every time search the tree, we need to update the value * of the node according to the node "acc" field. What's more, the "acc" of * parent node should propagate to its children. */class Solution {public:    int countRangeSum(vector<int>& nums, int lower, int upper) {        Node* root = NULL;        int re = 0;        // Count the result of [1....i], which must include nums[i]        for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {            // Update the tree            if (root == NULL) {                root = new Node(nums[i]);            } else {                root->acc += nums[i];                insert(root, nums[i]);            }            // Update the result.            re += search(root, 0, lower, upper);        }        return re;    }    int search(Node* root, int val, int lower, int upper) {        if (root == NULL) {            return 0;        }        // Update value of the node according to it's acc and the val        int acc = root->acc + val;        int re = 0;        root->val += acc;        root->acc = 0;        // If the node full fill the condition, search all children        if (root->val >= lower && root->val <= upper) {            re++;            re += search(root->left, acc, lower, upper);            re += search(root->right, acc, lower, upper);        } else {            // If the node not full fill condition            // Propagate the acc to its children            if (root->val < lower) {                if (root->left != NULL) {                    root->left->acc += acc;                }                re += search(root->right, acc, lower, upper);            } else if (root->val > upper) {                if (root->right != NULL) {                    root->right->acc += acc;                }                re += search(root->left, acc, lower, upper);            }        }        return re;    }    void insert(Node* root, int val) {        // update the nodes value        int acc = root->acc;        root->val += acc;        root->acc = 0;        // Search the place which appropriate the val        // Propagate the acc to its children        if (val < root->val) {            if (root->left != NULL) {                root->left->acc += acc;                insert(root->left, val);            } else {                root->left = new Node(val);            }            if (root->right != NULL) {                root->right->acc += acc;            }        } else {            if (root->right != NULL) {                root->right->acc += acc;                insert(root->right, val);            } else {                root->right= new Node(val);            }            if (root->left != NULL) {                root->left->acc += acc;            }        }    }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {    Solution so;    vector<int> test;    for (int i = 1; i < argc - 2; i++) {        test.push_back(atoi(argv[i]));    }    int re = so.countRangeSum(test, atoi(argv[argc - 2]), atoi(argv[argc - 1]));    cout<<"result: "<<re<<endl;    return 0;}
测试:./a.out -2 5 -1 -2 2输出:result: 3
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