来源:互联网 发布:js城市选择器插件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 02:02

根据信息搜索的向量模型(Vector model)1,基于倒排索引结构2,实现一个简单的搜索引擎(Vector Space Retrieval (VSR))。


  1. 排序算法基于TF-IDF3的余弦相似度4
  2. 针对给定的查询,基于构建的搜索引擎,输出基于每个查询搜索的时间,precision,recall,以及F值。


操作系统:Windows 10
开发环境:JDK 1.7
Java库: ansj_seg-2.0.7.jar, nlp-lang-1.0.jar


  1. 加载所有的文档
  2. 构建倒排索引
  3. 获取查询
  4. 根据向量模型进行搜索
  5. 输出搜索性能


倒排索引(英语:Inverted index),也常被称为反向索引、置入档案或反向档案,是一种索引方法,被用来存储在全文搜索下某个单词在一个文档或者一组文档中的存储位置的映射。它是文档检索系统中最常用的数据结构。5


Create an empty HashMap, H;For each document, D, (i.e. file in an input directory):    Create a HashMapVector, V, for D;    For each (non-zero) token, T, in V:        If T is not already in H, create an empty            TokenInfo for T and insert it into H;        Create a TokenOccurrence for T in D and            add it to the occList in the TokenInfo for T;Compute IDF for all tokens in H:    Let N be the total number of Documents;    For each token, T, in H:    Determine the total number of documents, M,        in which T occurs (the length of T’s occList);    Set the IDF for T to log(N/M);Compute vector lengths for all documents in H:    Assume the length of all document vectors (stored in the DocumentReference) are initialized to 0.0;    For each token T in H:        Let, I, be the IDF weight of T;    For each TokenOccurence of T in document D:        Let, C, be the count of T in D;        Increment the length of D by (I*C)^2 ;    For each document D in H:        Set the length of D to be the square-root of the current stored length;

其中H: tokenHash, D: document, V: hashMapVector, T: token,使用ansj_seg6对文档分词。去掉在数词、标点符号和停用词,得到的若干个词及其出现的次数保存为一个HashMap。




Create a HashMapVector, Q, for the query.Create empty HashMap, R, to store retrieved documents with scores.For each token, T, in Q:    Let I be the IDF of T, and K be the count of T in Q;    Set the weight of T in Q: W = K * I;    Let L be the list of TokenOccurences of T from H;    For each TokenOccurence, O, in L:        Let D be the document of O, and C be the count of O (tf of T in D);        If D is not already in R (D was not previously retrieved)            Then add D to R and initialize score to 0.0;        Increment D’s score by W * I * C; (product of T-weight in Q and D)Compute the length, L, of the vector Q (the sum of the squares of its weights).For each retrieved document D in R:    Let S be the current accumulated score of D;    (S is the dot-product of D and Q)    Let Y be the length of D as stored in its DocumentReference;    Normalize D’s final score to S / (L * Y);Sort retrieved documents in R by final score and return results in an array.

其中Q: hashMapVector, R: retrievalHashMap, T: token, L: queryLength,检索的文档使用TF-IDF的余弦相似度作为分数进行排序。


  1. Vector space model. 维基百科. 最后修订于2016年4月5日. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_space_model ↩
  2. Inverted index. 维基百科. 最后修订于2016年3月28日. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_index ↩
  3. tf–idf. 维基百科. 最后修订于2016年3月8日. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf%E2%80%93idf ↩
  4. Cosine similarity. 维基百科. 最后修订于2016年1月17日. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity ↩
  5. Inverted index. 维基百科. 最后修订于2016年3月28日. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_index ↩
  6. AnsjSeg 使用手册. http://nlpchina.github.io/ansj_seg/ ↩
  7. Vector space model. 维基百科. 最后修订于2016年4月5日. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_space_model ↩
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