Invalid Swift Support / invalid implementation of swift

来源:互联网 发布:it女神 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 01:02
  1. Go to build settings and make flag Embedded Content Contains Swift Code ->YES, if your code contains partial swift code or entirely made in Swift
  2. Archive your build using Xcode->Product->Archive
  3. Export the Archive Build you will suddenly see the difference build size will be 40+ MBs this is becauseXCode has added SwiftSupport folder which was missing
  4. Now upload this build using Application loader 
  5. If this does not work check that if you have multiple XCode on your system gotoXcode->Preferences->Location->Command Lines Tools has the same latest or the same Xcode from drop down selected on which you have done the coding & vola it's done.

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