u3d editor扩展学习

来源:互联网 发布:python 手写爬虫 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:38



1 . ScriptableObject  



using UnityEngine;using UnityEditor;using System.Collections;public class AddChild : ScriptableObject{    [MenuItem ("GameObject/Add Child ^n")]    static void MenuAddChild()    {        Transform[] transforms = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.TopLevel | SelectionMode.OnlyUserModifiable);        foreach(Transform transform in transforms)        {            GameObject newChild = new GameObject("_Child");            newChild.transform.parent = transform;        }    }}


这个扩展脚本从菜单的“GameObject->Add Child”启动,功能是给Hierarchy窗口中选中的对GameObject添加一个名字为“_Child”的子GameObject,这样可以免去从Hierarchy窗口的根节点拖拽新创建的GameObject到当前选中节点的麻烦,因为在Unity3D编辑器中,创建一个EmptyObject会在Hierarchy窗口的根节点出现,无论当前选中的节点对象是哪个。


2 .ScriptableWizard      


(1) OnWizardUpdate  



这是用户点击窗口的Create按钮时进行的操作,从ScriptableWizard的名字可以看出,这是一种类似向导的窗口 ,而这种窗口我们在Visual Studio中经常会使用到,如下图:



(3) OnDrawGizmos

在窗口可见时,每一帧都会调用这个函数。在其中进行Gizmos的绘制,也就是辅助编辑的线框体。Unity的Gizmos类提供了DrawRayDrawLine ,DrawWireSphere ,DrawSphere ,DrawWireCube ,DrawCubeDrawIcon ,DrawGUITexture 功能。这个功能在Unity3D 的3.4版本中测试了一下,发现没有任何Gizmos绘制出来难过

(4) OnWizardOtherButton

本文在(2) 中已经提及ScriptableWizard窗口最多可以定制两个按钮,一个是Create,另外一个称之为Other,这个函数会在other按钮被点击时调用。下面是一个使用ScriptableWizard进行编辑扩展的例子:


<span style="font-size: 18px;">using UnityEditor;using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;/// <summary>/// 对于选定GameObject,进行指定component的批量添加/// </summary>public class AddRemoveComponentsRecursively : ScriptableWizard{    public string componentType = null;    /// <summary>    /// 当没有任何GameObject被选中的时候,将菜单disable(注意,这个函数名可以随意取)    /// </summary>    /// <returns></returns>    [MenuItem("GameObject/Add or remove components recursively...", true)]    static bool CreateWindowDisabled()    {        return Selection.activeTransform;    }    /// <summary>    /// 创建编辑窗口(注意,这个函数名可以随意取)    /// </summary>    [MenuItem("GameObject/Add or remove components recursively...")]    static void CreateWindow()    {        // 定制窗口标题和按钮,其中第二个参数是Create按钮,第三个则属于other按钮        // 如果不想使用other按钮,则可调用DisplayWizard的两参数版本        ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard<AddRemoveComponentsRecursively>(            "Add or remove components recursivly",            "Add", "Remove");    }    /// <summary>    /// 窗口创建或窗口内容更改时调用    /// </summary>    void OnWizardUpdate()    {        helpString = "Note: Duplicates are not created";        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentType))        {            errorString = "Please enter component class name";            isValid = false;        }        else        {            errorString = "";            isValid = true;        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 点击Add按钮(即Create按钮)调用    /// </summary>    void OnWizardCreate()    {        int c = 0;        Transform[] ts = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.Deep);        foreach (Transform t in ts)        {            if (t.gameObject.GetComponent(componentType) == null)            {                if (t.gameObject.AddComponent(componentType) == null)                {                    Debug.LogWarning("Component of type " + componentType + " does not exist");                    return;                }                c++;            }        }        Debug.Log("Added " + c + " components of type " + componentType);    }    /// <summary>    /// 点击Remove(即other按钮)调用    /// </summary>    void OnWizardOtherButton()    {        int c = 0;        Transform[] ts = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.Deep);        foreach (Transform t in ts)        {            if (t.GetComponent(componentType) != null)            {                DestroyImmediate(t.GetComponent(componentType));                c++;            }        }        Debug.Log("Removed " + c + " components of type " + componentType);        Close();    }}</span>



3 . EditorWindow


较复杂的功能,需要多个灵活的控件,实现自由浮动和加入其他窗口的tab,可以从这个类派生,这种窗口的窗体功能和Scene,Hierarchy等窗口完全一致。下面这个例子实现了GameObject的空间对齐和拷贝(也就是将GameObject A作为基准,选中其他的GameObject进行对准或空间位置拷贝),对齐和拷贝提高了了开发者摆放物件的效率;另外还有随机和噪声,后两者用于摆放大量同类物件的时候可以使用,比如一大堆散落的瓶子。



<span style="font-size: 18px;">// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Transform Utilities.//// This window contains four useful tools for asset placing and manipulation: Align, Copy, Randomize and Add noise.//// Put this into Assets/Editor and once compiled by Unity you find// the new functionality in Window -> TransformUtilities, or simply press Ctrl+t (Cmd+t for Mac users)// // Developed by Daniel // http://www.silentkraken.com// e-mail: seth@silentkraken.com//// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////using UnityEngine;using UnityEditor;public class TransformUtilitiesWindow : EditorWindow {    //Window control values    public int toolbarOption = 0;    public string[] toolbarTexts = {"Align", "Copy", "Randomize", "Add noise"};    private bool xCheckbox = true;    private bool yCheckbox = true;    private bool zCheckbox = true;    private Transform source;    private float randomRangeMin = 0f;    private float randomRangeMax = 1f;    private int alignSelectionOption = 0;    private int alignSourceOption = 0;    /// <summary>    /// Retrives the TransformUtilities window or creates a new one    /// </summary>    [MenuItem("Window/TransformUtilities %t")]    static void Init()    {        TransformUtilitiesWindow window = (TransformUtilitiesWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(TransformUtilitiesWindow));        window.Show();    }        /// <summary>    /// Window drawing operations    /// </summary>    void OnGUI ()     {        toolbarOption = GUILayout.Toolbar(toolbarOption, toolbarTexts);        switch (toolbarOption)        {            case 0:                CreateAxisCheckboxes("Align");                CreateAlignTransformWindow();                break;            case 1:                CreateAxisCheckboxes("Copy");                CreateCopyTransformWindow();                break;            case 2:                CreateAxisCheckboxes("Randomize");                CreateRandomizeTransformWindow();                break;            case 3:                CreateAxisCheckboxes("Add noise");                CreateAddNoiseToTransformWindow();                break;        }    }    /// <summary>    /// Draws the 3 axis checkboxes (x y z)    /// </summary>    /// <param name="operationName"></param>    private void CreateAxisCheckboxes(string operationName)    {        GUILayout.Label(operationName + " on axis", EditorStyles.boldLabel);        GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();            xCheckbox = GUILayout.Toggle(xCheckbox, "X");            yCheckbox = GUILayout.Toggle(yCheckbox, "Y");            zCheckbox = GUILayout.Toggle(zCheckbox, "Z");        GUILayout.EndHorizontal();        EditorGUILayout.Space();    }    /// <summary>    /// Draws the range min and max fields    /// </summary>    private void CreateRangeFields()    {        GUILayout.Label("Range", EditorStyles.boldLabel);        GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();        randomRangeMin = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Min:", randomRangeMin);        randomRangeMax = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max:", randomRangeMax);        GUILayout.EndHorizontal();        EditorGUILayout.Space();    }    /// <summary>    /// Creates the Align transform window    /// </summary>    private void CreateAlignTransformWindow()    {        //Source transform        GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();        GUILayout.Label("Align to: \t");        source = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(source, typeof(Transform)) as Transform;        GUILayout.EndHorizontal();        string[] texts = new string[4] { "Min", "Max", "Center", "Pivot" };        //Display align options        EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();        EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical();        GUILayout.Label("Selection:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);        alignSelectionOption = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(alignSelectionOption, texts, 1);        EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();        EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical();        GUILayout.Label("Source:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);        alignSourceOption = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(alignSourceOption, texts, 1);        EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();        EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();        EditorGUILayout.Space();        //Position        if (GUILayout.Button("Align"))        {            if (source != null)            {                //Add a temporary box collider to the source if it doesn't have one                Collider sourceCollider = source.collider;                bool destroySourceCollider = false;                if (sourceCollider == null)                {                    sourceCollider = source.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();                    destroySourceCollider = true;                }                foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)                {                    //Add a temporary box collider to the transform if it doesn't have one                    Collider transformCollider = t.collider;                    bool destroyTransformCollider = false;                    if (transformCollider == null)                    {                        transformCollider = t.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();                        destroyTransformCollider = true;                    }                    Vector3 sourceAlignData = new Vector3();                    Vector3 transformAlignData = new Vector3();                    //Transform                    switch (alignSelectionOption)                    {                        case 0: //Min                            transformAlignData = transformCollider.bounds.min;                            break;                        case 1: //Max                            transformAlignData = transformCollider.bounds.max;                            break;                        case 2: //Center                            transformAlignData = transformCollider.bounds.center;                            break;                        case 3: //Pivot                            transformAlignData = transformCollider.transform.position;                            break;                    }                    //Source                    switch (alignSourceOption)                    {                        case 0: //Min                            sourceAlignData = sourceCollider.bounds.min;                            break;                        case 1: //Max                            sourceAlignData = sourceCollider.bounds.max;                            break;                        case 2: //Center                            sourceAlignData = sourceCollider.bounds.center;                            break;                        case 3: //Pivot                            sourceAlignData = sourceCollider.transform.position;                            break;                    }                    Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                    tmp.x = xCheckbox ? sourceAlignData.x - (transformAlignData.x - t.position.x) : t.position.x;                    tmp.y = yCheckbox ? sourceAlignData.y - (transformAlignData.y - t.position.y) : t.position.y;                    tmp.z = zCheckbox ? sourceAlignData.z - (transformAlignData.z - t.position.z) : t.position.z;                    //Register the Undo                    Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Align " + t.gameObject.name + " to " + source.gameObject.name);                    t.position = tmp;                                        //Ugly hack!                    //Unity needs to update the collider of the selection to it's new position                    //(it stores in cache the collider data)                    //We can force the update by a change in a public variable (shown in the inspector),                     //then a call SetDirty to update the collider (it won't work if all inspector variables are the same).                    //But we want to restore the changed property to what it was so we do it twice.                    transformCollider.isTrigger = !transformCollider.isTrigger;                    EditorUtility.SetDirty(transformCollider);                    transformCollider.isTrigger = !transformCollider.isTrigger;                    EditorUtility.SetDirty(transformCollider);                    //Destroy the collider we added                    if (destroyTransformCollider)                    {                        DestroyImmediate(transformCollider);                    }                }                //Destroy the collider we added                if (destroySourceCollider)                {                    DestroyImmediate(sourceCollider);                }            }            else            {                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "There is no source transform", "Ok");                EditorApplication.Beep();            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// Creates the copy transform window    /// </summary>    private void CreateCopyTransformWindow()    {        //Source transform        GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();            GUILayout.Label("Copy from: \t");            source = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(source, typeof(Transform)) as Transform;        GUILayout.EndHorizontal();        EditorGUILayout.Space();        //Position        if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Position"))        {            if (source != null)            {                foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)                {                    Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                    tmp.x = xCheckbox ? source.position.x : t.position.x;                    tmp.y = yCheckbox ? source.position.y : t.position.y;                    tmp.z = zCheckbox ? source.position.z : t.position.z;                    Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Copy position");                    t.position = tmp;                }            }            else            {                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "There is no source transform", "Ok");                EditorApplication.Beep();            }        }        //Rotation        if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Rotation"))        {            if (source != null)            {                foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)                {                    Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                    tmp.x = xCheckbox ? source.rotation.eulerAngles.x : t.rotation.eulerAngles.x;                    tmp.y = yCheckbox ? source.rotation.eulerAngles.y : t.rotation.eulerAngles.y;                    tmp.z = zCheckbox ? source.rotation.eulerAngles.z : t.rotation.eulerAngles.z;                    Quaternion tmp2 = t.rotation;                    tmp2.eulerAngles = tmp;                    Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Copy rotation");                    t.rotation = tmp2;                }            }            else            {                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "There is no source transform", "Ok");                EditorApplication.Beep();            }        }        //Local Scale        if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Local Scale"))        {            if (source != null)            {                foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)                {                    Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                    tmp.x = xCheckbox ? source.localScale.x : t.localScale.x;                    tmp.y = yCheckbox ? source.localScale.y : t.localScale.y;                    tmp.z = zCheckbox ? source.localScale.z : t.localScale.z;                    Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Copy local scale");                    t.localScale = tmp;                }            }            else            {                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "There is no source transform", "Ok");                EditorApplication.Beep();            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// Creates the Randomize transform window    /// </summary>    private void CreateRandomizeTransformWindow()    {        CreateRangeFields();        //Position        if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize Position"))        {            foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)            {                Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                tmp.x = xCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.position.x;                tmp.y = yCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.position.y;                tmp.z = zCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.position.z;                Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Randomize position");                t.position = tmp;            }        }        //Rotation        if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize Rotation"))        {            foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)            {                Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                tmp.x = xCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.rotation.eulerAngles.x;                tmp.y = yCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.rotation.eulerAngles.y;                tmp.z = zCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.rotation.eulerAngles.z;                Quaternion tmp2 = t.rotation;                tmp2.eulerAngles = tmp;                Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Randomize rotation");                t.rotation = tmp2;            }        }        //Local Scale        if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize Local Scale"))        {            foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)            {                Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                tmp.x = xCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.localScale.x;                tmp.y = yCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.localScale.y;                tmp.z = zCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : t.localScale.z;                Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Randomize local scale");                t.localScale = tmp;            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// Creates the Add Noise To Transform window    /// </summary>    private void CreateAddNoiseToTransformWindow()    {        CreateRangeFields();        //Position        if (GUILayout.Button("Add noise to Position"))        {            foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)            {                Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                tmp.x = xCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                tmp.y = yCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                tmp.z = zCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Add noise to position");                t.position += tmp;            }        }        //Rotation        if (GUILayout.Button("Add noise to Rotation"))        {            foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)            {                Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                tmp.x = xCheckbox ?  t.rotation.eulerAngles.x + Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                tmp.y = yCheckbox ?  t.rotation.eulerAngles.y + Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                tmp.z = zCheckbox ?  t.rotation.eulerAngles.z + Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Add noise to rotation");                t.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(tmp);            }        }        //Local Scale        if (GUILayout.Button("Add noise to Local Scale"))        {            foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms)            {                Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();                tmp.x = xCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                tmp.y = yCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                tmp.z = zCheckbox ? Random.Range(randomRangeMin, randomRangeMax) : 0;                Undo.RegisterUndo(t, "Add noise to local scale");                t.localScale += tmp;            }        }    }}</span>



4. Editor




<span style="font-size: 18px;">using System;using UnityEngine;[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer))]public class Star : MonoBehaviour {    [Serializable]    public class Point {        public Color color;        public Vector3 offset;    }    public Point[] points;    public int frequency = 1;    public Color centerColor;    private Mesh mesh;    private Vector3[] vertices;    private Color[] colors;    private int[] triangles;    void Start () {        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh = new Mesh();        mesh.name = "Star Mesh";        if(frequency < 1){            frequency = 1;        }        if(points == null || points.Length == 0){            points = new Point[]{ new Point()};        }        int numberOfPoints = frequency * points.Length;        vertices = new Vector3[numberOfPoints + 1];        colors = new Color[numberOfPoints + 1];        triangles = new int[numberOfPoints * 3];        float angle = -360f / numberOfPoints;        colors[0] = centerColor;        for(int iF = 0, v = 1, t = 1; iF < frequency; iF++){            for(int iP = 0; iP < points.Length; iP += 1, v += 1, t += 3){                vertices[v] = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, angle * (v - 1)) * points[iP].offset;                colors[v] = points[iP].color;                triangles[t] = v;                triangles[t + 1] = v + 1;            }        }        triangles[triangles.Length - 1] = 1;        mesh.vertices = vertices;        mesh.colors = colors;        mesh.triangles = triangles;    }}</span>


<span style="font-size: 18px;">using UnityEditor;using UnityEngine;[CustomEditor(typeof(Star))]public class StarInspector : Editor {    private static GUIContent        insertContent = new GUIContent("+", "duplicate this point"),        deleteContent = new GUIContent("-", "delete this point"),        pointContent = GUIContent.none;    private static GUILayoutOption        buttonWidth = GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f),        colorWidth = GUILayout.MaxWidth(50f);    private SerializedObject star;    private SerializedProperty        points,        frequency,        centerColor;    void OnEnable () { … }    public override void OnInspectorGUI () {        star.Update();        GUILayout.Label("Points");        for(int i = 0; i < points.arraySize; i++){            EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();            SerializedProperty point = points.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(point.FindPropertyRelative("offset"), pointContent);            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(point.FindPropertyRelative("color"), pointContent, colorWidth);            if(GUILayout.Button(insertContent, EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft, buttonWidth)){                points.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(i);            }            if(GUILayout.Button(deleteContent, EditorStyles.miniButtonRight, buttonWidth)){                points.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i);            }            EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();        }        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(frequency);        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(centerColor);        star.ApplyModifiedProperties();    }}</span>


说到这里,大家对ScriptableObject, ScriptableWizard, EditorWindow和Editor应该都有应有了一定了解。其中EditorWindow和Editor都继承了ScriptableObject,而ScritableWizard则继承了EditorWindow派。在实际开发应用中,应该根据需求的特点,灵活使用这四个类进行编辑器扩展。


1. http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/star/

2. http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki

3. http://www.blog.silentkraken.com/2010/02/06/transformutilities/




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