how to install window exe program on ubuntu

来源:互联网 发布:广告宣传单设计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:44

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1. install playonlinux

wget -q "" -O- | sudo apt-key add -sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.listsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install playonlinux

2.create a virtual drive in playonlinux

The first thing to do with PlayOnLinux is install a version of WINE (this may be prompted for by default, I'm unsure).

Installing WINE:
In order to do this, click Tools > Manage Wine Versions. It will bring up a window with a box labeled Available Wine Versions on the left, and Installed Wine Versions on the right, as well as tabs for x86 (32 bit) and amd64 (64 bit). In the middle are arrows pointing between the boxes.
Select a current WINE version (I've tested the amd64 1.7.34 version at time of writing). Click the arrow pointing towards the installed versions box.
A window will pop up prompting you to hit next and a download will appear. Once this completes, that version of WINE will be installed. When submitting bug reports, it is useful to include what version of WINE you are running.

Creating the virtual drive:
Now that WINE is installed, you can close back to the main PlayOnLinux window. From there, click the gear icon marked 'configure'.
This will bring up a window with a sidebar containing all the virtual drives you have configured. On that sidebar, click 'New'
This will prompt you to choose 32 bit or 64 bit, pick whichever you have an installed version for. 
After that, it will ask you for the specific version of WINE to use. Again pick the version you have installed, the more current the better. The next prompt asks you to enter a name for the virtual drive.
After that, it will take a few moments to go through the initial setup, and then drop you back at the configuration window.

Installing the Client:
Select the virtual drive you just created (it may erroneously say 32 bit when creating a 64 bit drive, this is ok. Closing and reopening the window will rectify it, but it does not harm the rest of the installation guide to leave it as is).
Selecting it in the sidebar will bring up several tabs. Select the 'Miscellaneous' tab.
Click 'Run a .exe in the virtual drive', navigate to the installer you downloaded and select it.
Follow the installer prompts to install the launcher

(Optional) Create a shortcut on the desktop:
From the configuration window, go to the General tab. 
Click the button labeled "Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive".
Several items will come up, some of them are the internals of the Client. The correct one to choose is the " Launcher" as it will run through the full launcher scripts and initialize it properly.

here is one more thing I want to say: on my own experience,  choose 32bit version wine, 64bit one is not suited for my ubuntu14.04. And this is not only for battlenet, you can try any windows exe programs else. it might work. good luck!

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