
来源:互联网 发布:试卷编辑软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 03:14


/*160316Ver2:改进了Timer类,不再一分钟一分钟的前进,同时删去了不必要的MySort调用,但还是很慢(380ms)160316Ver3:因为Weapon类的差别很小,决定不写派生类,重写了Weapon类,另外做了一些代码合并,但还是很慢(320ms)160316Ver3.1:修改了一点变量名160316Ver4:0表示红,1表示蓝,-1表示白; 0-4分别表示dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf,输入输出改用stdin/stdout,运行时间显著提升(40ms)*/#include "cstdio"#include "cstring"#include "algorithm"using namespace std;/*游戏中对象的集体声明*/class TimeClicker;class Warrior;class City;class Weapon;/*游戏中对象的集体声明结束*//*全局常量的定义*/const int MAXN = 1 << 16;const int MaxQueueLen = 10050;const int ProduceQueue[][5] = { { 4, 3, 0, 1, 2 }, { 1, 2, 3, 0, 4 } };const char COLOR[][10] = { "red", "blue" };const char TYPE[][10] = { "dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf" };/*全局常量的定义结束*//*全局变量的声明*/int countCityNum, kase, M, N, R, K, T;int dragonHp, ninjaHp, icemanHp, lionHp, wolfHp;int dragonAD, ninjaAD, icemanAD, lionAD, wolfAD;Warrior * Queue [MaxQueueLen];City* MyCity = NULL;int curQueueLen;/*全局变量的声明结束*//*时钟类的设计*/class TimeClicker {public:    void Reset() { hour = 0; minute = 0; }    int GetMinute() { return minute; }    void PrintTime() { printf("%03d:%02d ", hour, minute); }    bool isGameOver() { return (hour * 60 + minute) > T; }    void Click(int x) { minute += x; if (minute >= 60) { ++hour; minute %= 60; } }    int hour, minute;}MyClock;/*时钟类的设计结束*//*城市(City)类及基地(Headquarter)类的实现*/class City {public:    int element, cityNum, Flag, winnerFlag;    Warrior * WarriorInCity[2];    Warrior * winner, * loser;    City() : element(0), cityNum(++countCityNum), Flag(-1), winnerFlag(-1), winner(NULL), loser(NULL) { WarriorInCity[0] = WarriorInCity[1] = NULL; }    void ProduceElement() { element += 10; }    bool isBattleField() { return WarriorInCity[0] != NULL && WarriorInCity[1] != NULL; }    int AttackPlayer() {        if (Flag >= 0) return Flag;        return (cityNum % 2) ? 0 : 1;    }    int ElementGotten(Warrior * w);    bool CheckFlag(Warrior * w);};class Headquarter {public:    int warriorNum, element, birthCity, enemyNum, moveDir, state, tempElement, color;    Warrior * newWarrior;    void Reset(int color_, int birthCity_, int moveDir_) {        warriorNum = 0; element = M; birthCity = birthCity_; state = tempElement = enemyNum = 0; moveDir = moveDir_; newWarrior = NULL; color = color_;    }    bool isOccupied() { return enemyNum >= 2; }    void GainElement() { element += tempElement; tempElement = 0; }    void ReportElement() { MyClock.PrintTime(); printf("%d elements in %s headquarter\n", element, COLOR[color]); }    void Fall() { MyClock.PrintTime(); printf("%s headquarter was taken\n", COLOR[color]); }    void ProduceNewWarrior();    void EncourageWarrior();}red, blue;/*城市(City)类及基地(Headquarter)类的实现结束*//*部分成员函数在类外函数实现部分具体实现*//*武器(Weapon)类的实现*/class Weapon {public:    int AD, kind, remain;    Weapon(int AD_, int kind_, int remain_ = 3):AD(AD_), kind(kind_), remain(remain_) {        if (kind == 1) AD = MAXN;        else if (kind == 2) AD = R;    }    void Used() {        if (kind == 0) AD *= 0.8;        else if (kind == 2) --remain;    }    bool isBroken() {        if (kind == 0) return AD <= 0;        if (kind == 1) return false;        if (kind == 2) return remain <= 0;    }};/*武器(Weapon)类的实现结束*//*武士(Warrior)类及其派生类的实现*/class Warrior {public:    int Hp, AD, num, cityNum, type;    Headquarter * belong;    bool deadForArrow, hasArrived;    Weapon * myWeapon[3];    void PrintInfo() { printf("%s %s %d", COLOR[belong->color], TYPE[type], num); }    Warrior(Headquarter * belong_, int num_, int Hp_, int AD_, int type_): belong(belong_), num(num_), Hp(Hp_), AD(AD_), type(type_), cityNum(belong_->birthCity), deadForArrow(false), hasArrived(false) {        MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" born\n");        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) myWeapon[i] = NULL;    }    ~Warrior(){ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (myWeapon[i]) delete myWeapon[i]; };    virtual void Attack(Warrior& enemy) {        MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" attacked "); enemy.PrintInfo(); printf(" in city %d with %d elements and force %d\n", cityNum, Hp, AD);        enemy.Hp -= AD;        if (hasSword()) { enemy.Hp -= hasSword()->AD; hasSword()->Used(); }        if (enemy.Hp > 0) enemy.FightBack(*this);    }    virtual void FightBack(Warrior& enemy) {        MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" fought back against "); enemy.PrintInfo(); printf(" in city %d\n", cityNum);        enemy.Hp -= (AD / 2);        if (hasSword()) { enemy.Hp -= hasSword()->AD; hasSword()->Used(); }    }    virtual Weapon* hasSword() { return NULL; }    virtual Weapon* hasBomb() { return NULL; }    virtual Weapon* hasArrow() { return NULL; }    virtual int Character(int, bool isWin = false) { return 0; }    virtual int Character(Warrior& w) { }    virtual void CheckWeapon() { }    virtual void Move() {        if (cityNum != 0 && cityNum != N + 1) MyCity[cityNum].WarriorInCity[belong->color] = NULL;        if ((!belong->color && cityNum != N + 1) || (belong->color && cityNum != 0)) cityNum += belong->moveDir;    }    void Arrive() {        if (cityNum != 0 && cityNum != N + 1) {            MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n", cityNum, Hp, AD);            MyCity[cityNum].WarriorInCity[belong->color] = this;        } else if (!belong->color && cityNum == N + 1) {            MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n", Hp, AD);            ++blue.enemyNum; hasArrived = true;            if (blue.isOccupied()) blue.Fall();        } else if (belong->color && cityNum == 0) {            MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n", Hp, AD);            ++red.enemyNum; hasArrived = true;            if (red.isOccupied()) red.Fall();        }    }    void Die() { MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" was killed in city %d\n", cityNum); }    bool isDead () { return Hp <= 0; }    void BornWithWeapon (int x, Warrior * thisWarrior, int weaponNum = 0) {        if (x == 0 && 0.2 * AD <= 0) { thisWarrior->myWeapon[weaponNum] = NULL; return; }        thisWarrior->myWeapon[weaponNum] = new Weapon(0.2 * AD, x);    }    void ReportWeapon() {        MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" has ");        bool hasWeapon = false;        Weapon * thisWeapon = NULL;        if (thisWeapon = hasArrow()) { printf("arrow(%d)", thisWeapon->remain); hasWeapon = true; }        if (thisWeapon = hasBomb()) { printf("%sbomb", hasWeapon ? "," : ""); hasWeapon = true; }        if (thisWeapon = hasSword()) { printf("%ssword(%d)", hasWeapon ? "," : "", thisWeapon->AD); hasWeapon = true; }        if (!hasWeapon) printf("no weapon");         printf("\n");    }    void UseArrow(Warrior& enemy) {        Weapon * myArrow = hasArrow();        if (myArrow != NULL) {            enemy.Hp -= R; myArrow->Used(); this->CheckWeapon();            MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" shot");            if (enemy.isDead()) { enemy.deadForArrow = true; printf(" and killed "); enemy.PrintInfo(); }            printf("\n");        }    }    void UseBomb(City& thisCity) {        Weapon * myBomb = hasBomb();        if (myBomb != NULL) {            bool willDie = false;            Warrior * enemy = NULL;            enemy = thisCity.WarriorInCity[1 ^ belong->color];            if (enemy->isDead()) return;            int myTempHp = Hp, enemyTempHp = enemy->Hp;            if (thisCity.AttackPlayer() != belong->color) {                myTempHp -= enemy->AD;                if (enemy->hasSword()) myTempHp -= enemy->hasSword()->AD;                if (myTempHp <= 0) willDie = true;            } else {                enemyTempHp -= AD;                if (hasSword()) enemyTempHp -= hasSword()->AD;                if (enemyTempHp > 0 && enemy->type != 1) {                    myTempHp -= (enemy->AD / 2);                    if (enemy->hasSword()) myTempHp -= enemy->hasSword()->AD;                    if (myTempHp <= 0) willDie = true;                }            }            if (willDie) {                Hp -= hasBomb()->AD; enemy->Hp -= hasBomb()->AD;                MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" used a bomb and killed "); enemy->PrintInfo(); printf("\n");            }        }    }};class Dragon : public Warrior {public:    double morale;    Dragon(Headquarter* belong_, int num_, int Hp_ = dragonHp, int AD_ = dragonAD, int type_ = 0): Warrior(belong_, num_, Hp_, AD_, type_) {        morale = (double)belong_->element / (double)dragonHp; printf("Its morale is %.2lf\n", morale);        BornWithWeapon(num_ % 3, this);    }    int Character(int x, bool isWin = false) {        switch (x) {            case 0: MoraleChange(isWin); break;            case 1: Yell(); break;        }        return 0;    }    void MoraleChange(bool isWin) { morale += (isWin?0.2:-0.2); }    void Yell() { if (morale > 0.8) { MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" yelled in city %d\n", cityNum); } }    void CheckWeapon() { if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->isBroken()) { delete myWeapon[0]; myWeapon[0] = NULL; } }    Weapon* hasSword() { return (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 0) ? myWeapon[0] : NULL; }    Weapon* hasBomb() { return (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 1) ? myWeapon[0] : NULL; }    Weapon* hasArrow() { return (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 2) ? myWeapon[0] : NULL; }};class Ninja : public Warrior{public:    Ninja(Headquarter* belong_, int num_, int Hp_ = ninjaHp, int AD_ = ninjaAD, int type_ = 1): Warrior(belong_, num_, Hp_, AD_, type_) {        BornWithWeapon(num_ % 3, this, 0);        BornWithWeapon((num_ + 1) % 3, this, 1);    }    void FightBack(Warrior& enemy) { }    void CheckWeapon() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->isBroken()) { delete myWeapon[0]; myWeapon[0] = NULL; }        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->isBroken()) { delete myWeapon[1]; myWeapon[1] = NULL; }    }    Weapon* hasSword() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 0) return myWeapon[0];        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->kind == 0) return myWeapon[1];        return NULL;    }    Weapon* hasBomb() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 1) return myWeapon[0];        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->kind == 1) return myWeapon[1];        return NULL;    }    Weapon* hasArrow() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 2) return myWeapon[0];        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->kind == 2) return myWeapon[1];        return NULL;    }};class Iceman :public Warrior {public:    int meltStep;    Iceman(Headquarter* belong_, int num_, int Hp_ = icemanHp, int AD_ = icemanAD, int type_ = 2):Warrior(belong_, num_, Hp_, AD_, type_), meltStep(0) {        BornWithWeapon(num_ % 3, this);    }    void melt() {        ++meltStep;        if (meltStep >= 2) {            Hp = (Hp - 9 > 0) ? Hp - 9 : 1;            AD += 20; meltStep = 0;        }    }    void Move() {        if (cityNum != 0 && cityNum != N + 1) MyCity[cityNum].WarriorInCity[belong->color] = NULL;        if ((!belong->color && cityNum != N + 1) || (belong->color && cityNum != 0)) cityNum += belong->moveDir;        melt();    }    void CheckWeapon() { if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->isBroken()) { delete myWeapon[0]; myWeapon[0] = NULL; } }    Weapon* hasSword() { return (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 0) ? myWeapon[0] : NULL; }    Weapon* hasBomb() { return (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 1) ? myWeapon[0] : NULL; }    Weapon* hasArrow() { return (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 2) ? myWeapon[0] : NULL; }};class Lion : public Warrior {public:    int tempHp, loyalty;    Lion(Headquarter* belong_, int num_, int Hp_ = lionHp, int AD_ = lionAD, int type_ = 3):Warrior(belong_, num_, Hp_, AD_, type_) {        loyalty = belong_->element; printf("Its loyalty is %d\n", loyalty);    }    int Character(int x, bool isWin = false) {        switch (x) {            case 0: SetTempHp(); break;            case 1: LoyaltyLower(); break;            case 2: return CheckRunAway(); break;            case 3: return GetTempHp(); break;        } return 0;    }    int GetTempHp() { return tempHp; }    void SetTempHp() { tempHp = Hp; }    void LoyaltyLower() { if (loyalty > 0) loyalty -=  K; }    int CheckRunAway() {        if (loyalty <= 0 && cityNum != ((belong->color) ? 0 : N + 1)) {            MyClock.PrintTime(); PrintInfo(); printf(" ran away\n"); return 1;        } return 0;    }};class Wolf :public Warrior {public:    Wolf(Headquarter* belong_, int num_, int Hp_ = wolfHp, int AD_ = wolfAD, int type_ = 4):Warrior(belong_, num_, Hp_, AD_, type_) { }    int Character(Warrior& w) { GainWeapon(w); return 0; }    void CheckWeapon() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->isBroken()) { delete myWeapon[0]; myWeapon[0] = NULL; }        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->isBroken()) { delete myWeapon[1]; myWeapon[1] = NULL; }        if (myWeapon[2] && myWeapon[2]->isBroken()) { delete myWeapon[2]; myWeapon[2] = NULL; }    }    Weapon* hasSword() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 0) return myWeapon[0];        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->kind == 0) return myWeapon[1];        if (myWeapon[2] && myWeapon[2]->kind == 0) return myWeapon[2];        return NULL;    }    Weapon* hasBomb() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 1) return myWeapon[0];        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->kind == 1) return myWeapon[1];        if (myWeapon[2] && myWeapon[2]->kind == 1) return myWeapon[2];        return NULL;    }    Weapon* hasArrow() {        if (myWeapon[0] && myWeapon[0]->kind == 2) return myWeapon[0];        if (myWeapon[1] && myWeapon[1]->kind == 2) return myWeapon[1];        if (myWeapon[2] && myWeapon[2]->kind == 2) return myWeapon[2];        return NULL;    }    void GainWeapon(Warrior& w) {        this->CheckWeapon();        if (!this->hasSword() && w.hasSword())            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (myWeapon[i] == NULL) {                myWeapon[i] = new Weapon(w.hasSword()->AD, 0); break;            }        if (!this->hasBomb() && w.hasBomb())            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (myWeapon[i] == NULL) {                myWeapon[i] = new Weapon(MAXN, 1); break;            }        if (!this->hasArrow() && w.hasArrow())            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (myWeapon[i] == NULL) {                myWeapon[i] = new Weapon(R, 2, w.hasArrow()->remain); break;            }    }};/*武士(Warrior)类及其派生类的实现结束*//*类外函数和其他函数*/bool cmp (Warrior * a, Warrior * b) {    if (a == NULL) return false;    if (b == NULL) return true;    if (a->cityNum != b->cityNum) return a->cityNum < b->cityNum;    return !a->belong->color;}int City::ElementGotten(Warrior * w) {    int res = element; element = 0;    MyClock.PrintTime(); w->PrintInfo(); printf(" earned %d elements for his headquarter\n", res);    return res;}void Headquarter::ProduceNewWarrior() {        if (state == ProduceQueue[color][0] && element >= dragonHp) {            element -= dragonHp; state = (state + 1) % 5;            newWarrior = new Dragon(this, ++warriorNum);        }        else if (state == ProduceQueue[color][1] && element >= ninjaHp) {            element -= ninjaHp; state = (state + 1) % 5;            newWarrior = new Ninja(this, ++warriorNum);        }        else if (state == ProduceQueue[color][2] && element >= icemanHp) {            element -= icemanHp; state = (state + 1) % 5;            newWarrior = new Iceman(this, ++warriorNum);        }        else if (state == ProduceQueue[color][3] && element >= lionHp) {            element -= lionHp; state = (state + 1) % 5;            newWarrior = new Lion(this, ++warriorNum);        }        else if (state == ProduceQueue[color][4] && element >= wolfHp) {            element -= wolfHp; state = (state + 1) % 5;            newWarrior = new Wolf(this, ++warriorNum);        }}void MySort() {    sort(Queue, Queue + curQueueLen, cmp);    for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)         if (Queue[i] == NULL) { curQueueLen = i; break; }}void Headquarter::EncourageWarrior() {    if (!color) for (int i = N; i > 0 && element >= 8; --i) {        if (MyCity[i].winner != NULL && MyCity[i].winner->belong == this) {            MyCity[i].winner->Hp += 8; element -= 8;        }    } else for (int i = 1; i <= N && element >= 8; ++i) {            if (MyCity[i].winner != NULL && MyCity[i].winner->belong == this) {            MyCity[i].winner->Hp += 8; element -= 8;        }    }}bool City::CheckFlag(Warrior * w) {    bool res = false;    int winnerColor = w->belong->color;    if ((winnerColor != Flag) && (winnerColor == winnerFlag)) { Flag = winnerColor; res = true; }    else if (winnerColor != winnerFlag) winnerFlag = winnerColor;    return res;}/*类外函数和其他函数结束*//*游戏函数GamePlay*/void GamePlay() {    memset(Queue, 0, sizeof(Queue));    curQueueLen = 0;    while (!MyClock.isGameOver()) {        switch (MyClock.GetMinute()) {            case 0:                red.ProduceNewWarrior(); blue.ProduceNewWarrior();                if (red.newWarrior) { Queue[curQueueLen++] = red.newWarrior; red.newWarrior = NULL; }                if (blue.newWarrior) { Queue[curQueueLen++] = blue.newWarrior; blue.newWarrior = NULL; }                MyClock.Click(5); break;            case 5:                MySort();                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)                    if (Queue[i] != NULL && !Queue[i]->hasArrived && Queue[i]->type == 3 && Queue[i]->Character(2)) {                            if (Queue[i]->cityNum != 0 && !Queue[i]->belong->color) MyCity[Queue[i]->cityNum].WarriorInCity[0] = NULL;                            else if (Queue[i]->cityNum != N + 1 && Queue[i]->belong->color) MyCity[Queue[i]->cityNum].WarriorInCity[1] = NULL;                            delete Queue[i]; Queue[i] = NULL;                    }                MyClock.Click(5); break;            case 10:                MySort();                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)                    if (Queue[i] != NULL && !Queue[i]->hasArrived) Queue[i]->Move();                MySort();                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)                    if (Queue[i] != NULL && !Queue[i]->hasArrived) Queue[i]->Arrive();                MyClock.Click(10); break;            case 20:                for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) MyCity[i].ProduceElement();                MyClock.Click(10); break;            case 30:                for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) {                    if (MyCity[i].isBattleField()) continue;                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0] != NULL && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1] == NULL) red.element += MyCity[i].ElementGotten(MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]);                    else if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1] != NULL && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0] == NULL) blue.element += MyCity[i].ElementGotten(MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]);                } MyClock.Click(5); break;            case 35:                //Use Arrow                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i) {                    if (!Queue[i]->hasArrow() || Queue[i]->hasArrived) continue;                    int nextCity = Queue[i]->cityNum + Queue[i]->belong->moveDir;                    if (nextCity == 0 || nextCity == N + 1) continue;                    if (MyCity[nextCity].WarriorInCity[1 ^ Queue[i]->belong->color])                        Queue[i]->UseArrow(*(MyCity[nextCity].WarriorInCity[1 ^ Queue[i]->belong->color]));                }  MyClock.Click(3); break;            case 38:                //Use Bomb                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i) {                    if (!Queue[i]->hasBomb() || Queue[i]->hasArrived) continue;                    if (Queue[i]->isDead()) continue;                    int thisCity = Queue[i]->cityNum;                    if (!MyCity[thisCity].isBattleField()) continue;                    Queue[i]->UseBomb(MyCity[thisCity]);                } MyClock.Click(2); break;            case 40:                //Duel                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)                    if (Queue[i]->isDead() && !Queue[i]->deadForArrow) {                         MyCity[Queue[i]->cityNum].WarriorInCity[Queue[i]->belong->color] = NULL;                        delete Queue[i]; Queue[i] = NULL;                    }                MySort();                for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) {                    MyCity[i].winner = NULL; MyCity[i].loser = NULL;                    bool bothDeadForArrow = false;                    if (!MyCity[i].isBattleField()) continue;                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->type == 3) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->Character(0);                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->type == 3) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->Character(0);                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead() && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) {                        bothDeadForArrow = true;                    } else if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead()) {                        MyCity[i].winner = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1];                        MyCity[i].loser = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0];                    } else if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) {                        MyCity[i].winner = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0];                        MyCity[i].loser = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1];                    } else {                        if (!MyCity[i].AttackPlayer()) {                                MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->Attack(*(MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]));                                if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead()) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->Die();                                if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->Die();                                if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead() && !MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) { MyCity[i].winner = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]; MyCity[i].loser = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]; }                                else if (!MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead() && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) { MyCity[i].winner = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]; MyCity[i].loser = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]; }                        } else {                                MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->Attack(*(MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]));                                if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead()) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->Die();                                if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->Die();                                if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead() && !MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) { MyCity[i].winner = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]; MyCity[i].loser = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]; }                                else if (!MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead() && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) { MyCity[i].winner = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]; MyCity[i].loser = MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]; }                        }                    }                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->type == 0 && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0] != MyCity[i].winner) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->Character(0, false);                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->type == 0 && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1] != MyCity[i].winner) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->Character(0, false);                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->type == 0 && !MyCity[i].AttackPlayer() && !MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->isDead()) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->Character(1);                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->type == 0 && MyCity[i].AttackPlayer() && !MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->isDead()) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->Character(1);                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->type == 3 && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0] != MyCity[i].winner) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[0]->Character(1);                    if (MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->type == 3 && MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1] != MyCity[i].winner) MyCity[i].WarriorInCity[1]->Character(1);                    if (MyCity[i].winner == NULL && !bothDeadForArrow) MyCity[i].winnerFlag = -1;                    if (MyCity[i].winner) {                        if (MyCity[i].winner->type == 0) MyCity[i].winner->Character(0, true);                        else if (MyCity[i].winner->type == 4) MyCity[i].winner->Character(*MyCity[i].loser);                        if (MyCity[i].loser && MyCity[i].loser->type == 3 && MyCity[i].loser->Character(3) > 0) MyCity[i].winner->Hp += MyCity[i].loser->Character(3);                        bool isFlagChange = MyCity[i].CheckFlag(MyCity[i].winner);                        MyCity[i].winner->belong->tempElement += MyCity[i].ElementGotten(MyCity[i].winner);                        if (isFlagChange) { MyClock.PrintTime(); printf("%s flag raised in city %d\n", COLOR[MyCity[i].Flag], i); }                    }                }                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)                    if (Queue[i]->isDead()) {                         MyCity[Queue[i]->cityNum].WarriorInCity[Queue[i]->belong->color] = NULL;                        delete Queue[i]; Queue[i] = NULL;                    }                MySort();                red.EncourageWarrior(); blue.EncourageWarrior();                red.GainElement(); blue.GainElement();                MyClock.Click(10); break;            case 50:                red.ReportElement(); blue.ReportElement();                MyClock.Click(5); break;            case 55:                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)                     if (!Queue[i]->belong->color) {                        Queue[i]-> CheckWeapon(); Queue[i]->ReportWeapon();                    }                for (int i = 0; i < curQueueLen; ++i)                     if (Queue[i]->belong->color) {                        Queue[i]-> CheckWeapon(); Queue[i]->ReportWeapon();                    }                MyClock.Click(5); break;        }        if (red.isOccupied()) break;        if (blue.isOccupied()) break;    }}/*游戏函数GamePlay结束*/int main(){    scanf("%d", &kase);    for (int nCase = 1; nCase <= kase; ++nCase) {        scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &M, &N, &R, &K, &T);        scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &dragonHp, &ninjaHp, &icemanHp, &lionHp, &wolfHp);        scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &dragonAD, &ninjaAD, &icemanAD, &lionAD, &wolfAD);        MyClock.Reset(); countCityNum = -1;        if (MyCity) delete [] MyCity; MyCity = new City[N + 1];        red.Reset(0, 0, 1); blue.Reset(1, N + 1, -1);        printf("Case %d:\n", nCase);        GamePlay();    }    return 0;}
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