Java#Servlet规范#HTTP Protocol Parameters

来源:互联网 发布:社交网络 肖恩帕克 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 03:47

Java#Servlet规范#HTTP Protocol Parameters


异构系统服务调用,约定传递xml结构数据,服务逻辑使用getInputStream获取数据并进行逻辑处理,后续由于服务的统一入口逻辑变更增加request parameter操作造成传递的结构数据被安全过滤和转义,进而影响到后续服务逻辑处理。


服务调用方传递的contentTypeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded依据servlet规则会自动组装到request parameter中。




二、SRV.4.1.1 When Parameters Are Available

The following are the conditions that must be met before post form data will be populated to the parameter set:

1. The request is anHTTP or HTTPS request.

2. The HTTP method is POST.

3. The content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

 4. The servlet has made an initial call of any of the getParameter family of methods on the request object.

If the conditions are not met and the post form data is not included in the parameter set, the post data must still be available to the servlet via the request object’s input stream. If the conditions are met, post form data will no longer be available for reading directly from the request object’s input stream.

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