OpenGL 的渲染流水线

来源:互联网 发布:mac totalfinder 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:02

当我们把绘制的图形传递给OpenGL后,OpenGL还要做许多才能完成3D空间到屏幕的投影。这一系列的过程称为OpenGL渲染流水线。一般的渲染流水线过程有如下几步: 显示列表 求值程序 顶点操作 图元装配 像素操作 纹理装配 光栅化 片断操作




1 将相机置于三角架上,让它对准三维景物(视点变换,Viewing Transformation); 
2 将三维物体放在适当的位置(模型变换,Modeling Transformation ); 
3 选择相机镜头并调焦,使三维物体投影在二维胶片上(投影变换,Projection Transformation ); 
4 决定二维像片的大小(视口变换,Viewport Transformation )。 

二、 计算机图形学中,存在一种管线结构,在概念上可以分为3个阶段:应用程序、几何以及光栅。应用程序包括:图元数据遍历,摄像机的移动,物体模型的动画移动,物体可见检查,选择细节等级(LOD);几何主要包括:模型和视点变换,光照与着色,投影,裁减,屏幕映射;光栅为像素(Pixel)正确配色,以便绘制完整图像,该阶段进行的都是单个像素的操作,每个像素的信息存储在颜色缓冲器(color buffer或者frame buffer)中。值得注意的是:光照计算属于几何阶段,因为光照计算涉及视点、光源和物体的世界坐标,所以通常放在世界坐标系中进行计算;而雾化以及涉及物体透明度的计算属于光栅化阶段,因为上述两种计算都需要深度值信息(Z值),而深度值是在几何阶段中计算,并传递到光栅阶段的。
      3D世界的大多数高层次方面操作右管线中应用阶段的应用软件负责管理,余下的两个阶段由OpenGL负责管理,顶颜色,光照,材质三个输入在光栅化前控制绘制管线的操作。光照和材质不能单独使用。顶点颜色,光源颜色,材质颜色都有alpha值,它们的alpha经过运算最后会保存在光栅化后的图元 中,也就是说它们的影响也就在上图中红色虚线上方。输入是点(几何坐标、顶点颜色),矩阵,光照(光源,参数),材质,输出是片元。纹理映射的过程的本质是根据纹理信息对片元的再处理,这个过程可能改变片元的alpha值。输入是片元,纹理(纹理坐标、各种参数),输出还是片元。 Alpha值最终通过Alpha混合阶段影响绘制效果,输入时片元,输出是帧缓存颜色值。其管线流程如下图:




【顶装景投光 栅片 纹测混】























The test function puts the incoming fragment's depth on the left of the equation and on the right is the depth from the depth buffer

物体的depth op  z buffer






glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS)和 glPopAttrib();一组代码,问题解决。




glPushAttrib takes one argument, a mask that indicates which groups of state variables to save on the attribute stack. Symbolic constants are used to set bits in the mask. mask is typically constructed by ORing several of these constants together. The special mask GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS can be used to save all stackable states.

The symbolic mask constants and their associated GL state are as follows (the second column lists which attributes are saved):

GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BITAccumulation buffer clear value  GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BITGL_ALPHA_TEST enable bit Alpha test function and reference value GL_BLEND enable bit Blending source and destination functions Constant blend color Blending equation GL_DITHER enable bit GL_DRAW_BUFFER setting GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP enable bit GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP enable bit Logic op function Color mode and index mode clear values Color mode and index mode writemasks  GL_CURRENT_BITCurrent RGBA color Current color index Current normal vector Current texture coordinates Current raster position GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID flag RGBA color associated with current raster position Color index associated with current raster position Texture coordinates associated with current raster position GL_EDGE_FLAG flag  GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BITGL_DEPTH_TEST enable bit Depth buffer test function Depth buffer clear value GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK enable bit  GL_ENABLE_BITGL_ALPHA_TEST flag GL_AUTO_NORMAL flag GL_BLEND flag Enable bits for the user-definable clipping planes GL_COLOR_MATERIAL GL_CULL_FACE flag GL_DEPTH_TEST flag GL_DITHER flag GL_FOG flag GL_LIGHTi where 0<= i<GL_MAX_LIGHTS GL_LIGHTING flag GL_LINE_SMOOTH flag GL_LINE_STIPPLE flag GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP flag GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP flag GL_MAP1_x where x is a map type GL_MAP2_x where x is a map type GL_NORMALIZE flag GL_POINT_SMOOTH flag GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE flag GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL flag GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT flag GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH flag GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE flag GL_SCISSOR_TEST flag GL_STENCIL_TEST flag GL_TEXTURE_1D flag GL_TEXTURE_2D flag GL_TEXTURE_3D flag Flags GL_TEXTURE_GEN_x where x is S, T, R, or Q  GL_EVAL_BITGL_MAP1_x enable bits, where x is a map type GL_MAP2_x enable bits, where x is a map type 1D grid endpoints and divisions 2D grid endpoints and divisions GL_AUTO_NORMAL enable bit  GL_FOG_BITGL_FOG enable bit Fog color Fog density Linear fog start Linear fog end Fog index GL_FOG_MODE value  GL_HINT_BITGL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT setting GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT setting GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT setting GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT setting GL_FOG_HINT setting  GL_LIGHTING_BITGL_COLOR_MATERIAL enable bit GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE value Color material parameters that are tracking the current color Ambient scene color GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER value GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE setting GL_LIGHTING enable bit Enable bit for each light Ambient, diffuse, and specular intensity for each light Direction, position, exponent, and cutoff angle for each light Constant, linear, and quadratic attenuation factors for each light Ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive color for each material Ambient, diffuse, and specular color indices for each material Specular exponent for each material GL_SHADE_MODEL setting  GL_LINE_BITGL_LINE_SMOOTH flag GL_LINE_STIPPLE enable bit Line stipple pattern and repeat counter Line width  GL_LIST_BITGL_LIST_BASE setting  GL_PIXEL_MODE_BITGL_RED_BIAS and GL_RED_SCALE settings GL_GREEN_BIAS and GL_GREEN_SCALE values GL_BLUE_BIAS and GL_BLUE_SCALE GL_ALPHA_BIAS and GL_ALPHA_SCALE GL_DEPTH_BIAS and GL_DEPTH_SCALE GL_INDEX_OFFSET and GL_INDEX_SHIFT values GL_MAP_COLOR and GL_MAP_STENCIL flags GL_ZOOM_X and GL_ZOOM_Y factors GL_READ_BUFFER setting  GL_POINT_BITGL_POINT_SMOOTH flag Point size  GL_POLYGON_BITGL_CULL_FACE enable bit GL_CULL_FACE_MODE value GL_FRONT_FACE indicator GL_POLYGON_MODE setting GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH flag GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE enable bit GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL flag GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE flag GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT flag GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS  GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BITPolygon stipple image  GL_SCISSOR_BITGL_SCISSOR_TEST flag Scissor box  GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BITGL_STENCIL_TEST enable bit Stencil function and reference value Stencil value mask Stencil fail, pass, and depth buffer pass actions Stencil buffer clear value Stencil buffer writemask  GL_TEXTURE_BITEnable bits for the four texture coordinates Border color for each texture image Minification function for each texture image Magnification function for each texture image Texture coordinates and wrap mode for each texture image Color and mode for each texture environment Enable bits GL_TEXTURE_GEN_xx is S, T, R, and Q GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE setting for S, T, R, and Q glTexGen plane equations for S, T, R, and Q Current texture bindings (for example, GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D)  GL_TRANSFORM_BITCoefficients of the six clipping planes Enable bits for the user-definable clipping planes GL_MATRIX_MODE value GL_NORMALIZE flag GL_RESCALE_NORMAL flag  GL_VIEWPORT_BITDepth range (near and far) Viewport origin and extent

glPopAttrib restores the values of the state variables saved with the last

glPushAttrib command. Those not saved are left unchanged.

It is an error to push attributes onto a full stack, or to pop attributes off an empty stack. In either case, the error flag is set and no other change is made to GL state.

Initially, the attribute stack is empty.


Not all values for GL state can be saved on the attribute stack. For example, render mode state, and select and feedback state cannot be saved. Client state must be saved with glPushClientAttrib.

The depth of the attribute stack depends on the implementation, but it must be at least 16.

When the GL_ARB_multitexture extension is supported, pushing and popping texture state apples to all supported texture units.


GL_STACK_OVERFLOW is generated if glPushAttrib is called while the attribute stack is full.

GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW is generated if glPopAttrib is called while the attribute stack is empty.

GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glPushAttrib or glPopAttrib is executed between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.

Associated Gets

glGet with argument GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH

glGet with argument GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH

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