
来源:互联网 发布:四个字的网络用语 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:22




@Override  public void configConstant(Constants me) {    loadPropertyFile("jdbc.properties");//加载配置文件    me.setDevMode(getPropertyToBoolean("config.devModel", false));    me.setViewType(ViewType.JSP);    me.setEncoding("UTF-8");  }


@Override  public void configPlugin(Plugins me) {    ActiveRecordPlugin arp=null;    String driver=getProperty("oracle.driver");    String url=getProperty("oracle.url");    String username=getProperty("oracle.username");    String password=getProperty("oracle.password");    DruidPlugin dp=new DruidPlugin(url, username, password, driver);    me.add(dp);    arp=new ActiveRecordPlugin(dp);//设置数据库方言    arp.setDialect(new OracleDialect());    arp.setContainerFactory(new CaseInsensitiveContainerFactory());//忽略大小写    me.add(new EhCachePlugin());    arp.addMapping("users", "id",Users.class);    me.add(arp);  }


arp.setContainerFactory(new CaseInsensitiveContainerFactory());//忽略大小写


/**   * Save model.   */  public boolean save() {    Config config = getConfig();    Table table = getTable();        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();    List<Object> paras = new ArrayList<Object>();    config.dialect.forModelSave(table, attrs, sql, paras);    // if (paras.size() == 0)return false;// The sql "insert into tableName() values()" works fine, so delete this line        // --------    Connection conn = null;    PreparedStatement pst = null;    int result = 0;    try {      conn = config.getConnection();      if (config.dialect.isOracle())        pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), new String[]{table.getPrimaryKey()});      else        pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);            config.dialect.fillStatement(pst, paras);      result = pst.executeUpdate();      getGeneratedKey(pst, table);//如果不配置忽略大小写,执行到这里会出现异常,虽然可以添加到数据库,但是这里报错,界面还是会显示500错误
getModifyFlag().clear();      return result >= 1;    } catch (Exception e) {      throw new ActiveRecordException(e);    } finally {      config.close(pst, conn);    }  }
/**   * Get id after save method.   */  private void getGeneratedKey(PreparedStatement pst, Table table) throws SQLException {    String pKey = table.getPrimaryKey();    if (get(pKey) == null || getConfig().dialect.isOracle()) {      ResultSet rs = pst.getGeneratedKeys();      if (rs.next()) {        Class colType = table.getColumnType(pKey);        if (colType == Integer.class || colType == int.class)          set(pKey, rs.getInt(1));        else if (colType == Long.class || colType == long.class)          set(pKey, rs.getLong(1));        else          set(pKey, rs.getObject(1));// It returns Long object for int colType        rs.close();      }    }  }


/**   * Set attribute to model.   * @param attr the attribute name of the model   * @param value the value of the attribute   * @return this model   * @throws ActiveRecordException if the attribute is not exists of the model   */  public M set(String attr, Object value) {    if (getTable().hasColumnLabel(attr)) {//执行到这里返回false      attrs.put(attr, value);      getModifyFlag().add(attr);// Add modify flag, update() need this flag.      return (M)this;    }    throw new ActiveRecordException("The attribute name is not exists: " + attr);//抛出该异常  }

现在来说说如果不配置,为什么会出现 The attribute name is not exists:这个异常,这是因为oracle中的字段是大写的,而set方法中传入的attr属性的值是小写,而getTable()中的属性对应的就是oracle字段,这些属性则是大写,因此这里使用getTable().hasColumnLabel(attr)判断是否存在该字段,就会找不到,这时就会抛出该异常,因此就必须配置忽略大小写的方法,就不会出现该异常


package com.tenghu.core.model;import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Model;public class Users extends Model<Users>{  public static Users dao=new Users();}


Users users=new Users();users.set("id", "users_sequence.nextval");users.set("username", "张三");users.set("pwd", "sdfsdfs");users.save();List<Users> testList=Users.dao.find("select * from users");

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