LibeventBook 节选翻译

来源:互联网 发布:2015十大网络用语 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:32



Chapter6 : Creating a event_base

Before you can use any interesting Libevent function, you need to allocate one or more event_base structures. Each event_base structure holds a set of events and can poll to determine which events are active.


If an event_base is set up to use locking, it is safe to access it between multiple threads. Its loop can only be run in a single thread, however. If you want to have multiple threads polling for IO, you need to have an event_base for each thread.

如果一个event_base被设置成使用locking(锁),那么多个线程访问它是安全的(线程安全的)。不过它的事件循环只能在一个线程中运行。如果向让多个线程对IO进行polling, 那么需要让每个线程都拥有一个event_base。

Each event_base has a “method”, or a backend that it uses to determine which events are ready. The recognized methods are:


  • select
  • poll
  • epoll
  • kqueue
  • devpoll
  • evport
  • win32



// <event2/event.h>struct event_base *event_base_new(void);



struct event_config *event_config_new(void);struct event_base *event_base_new_with_config(const struct event_config *cfg);void event_config_free(struct event_config *cfg);


const char **event_get_supported_methods(void);


const char *event_base_get_method(const struct event_base *base);enum event_method_feature event_base_get_features(const struct event_base *base);


void event_base_free(struct event_base *base);


int event_reinit(struct event_base *base);


#include <event2/event.h>int main(){    /* 查看当前支持哪些method */    int i;    const char **methods = event_get_supported_methods();    printf("Starting Libevent %s. Available methods are:\n", event_get_version());    for (i=0; methods[i] != NULL; ++i) {        printf("%s\n", methods[i]);    }    /* 当前使用的什么method,以及该method的feature */    struct event_base *base;    enum event_method_feature f;    base = event_base_new();    if (!base) {        puts("Couldn’t get an event_base!");    } else {        printf("Using Libevent with backend method %s.",                event_base_get_method(base));        f = event_base_get_features(base);        if ((f & EV_FEATURE_ET))            printf(" Edge-triggered events are supported."); /* 支持边缘触发 Edge-Triggered*/        if ((f & EV_FEATURE_O1))            printf(" O(1) event notification is supported."); /* poll,添加,删除一个event是O(1)的 */        if ((f & EV_FEATURE_FDS))            printf(" All FD types are supported."); /* 支持任意类型的文件描述符(fd): 普通文件fd,socket fd */        puts("");    }    /* 释放event_base */    event_base_free(base);    return 0;}

Chapter7 : Working with event loop


#define EVLOOP_ONCE             0x01#define EVLOOP_NONBLOCK         0x02#define EVLOOP_NO_EXIT_ON_EMPTY 0x04int event_base_loop(struct event_base *base, int flags);


while (any events are registered with the loop,        or EVLOOP_NO_EXIT_ON_EMPTY was set) {    if (EVLOOP_NONBLOCK was set, or any events are already active)        If any registered events have triggered, mark them active.    else        Wait until at least one event has triggered, and mark it active.    for (p = 0; p < n_priorities; ++p {        if (any event with priority of p is active) {            Run all active events with priority of p.            break; /* Do not run any events of a less important priority */        }    }    if (EVLOOP_ONCE was set or EVLOOP_NONBLOCK was set)        break;}

可以使用event_base_dispatch,它与event_base_loop相同,只不过没有flag参数,它会一直运行,直到没有注册事件或event_base_loopbreak() or event_base_loopexit()被调用。

int event_base_dispatch(struct event_base *base);

Chapter8 : Working with events


  • A file descriptor being ready to read from or write to.
  • A file descriptor becoming ready to read from or write to (Edge-triggered IO only).
  • A timeout expiring.
  • A signal occurring.
  • A user-triggered event.


Events have similar lifecycles. Once you call a Libevent function to set up an event and associate it with an event base, it becomes initialized. At this point, you can add, which makes it pending in the base. When the event is pending, if the conditions that would trigger an event occur (e.g., its file descriptor changes state or its timeout expires), the event becomes active, and its (user-provided) callback function is run. If the event is configured persistent , it remains pending. If it is not persistent, it stops being pending when its callback runs. You can make a pending event non-pending by deleting it, and you can add a non-pending event to make it pending again.


/** Indicates that a timeout has occurred.  It's not necessary to pass * this flag to event_for new()/event_assign() to get a timeout. */#define EV_TIMEOUT  0x01/** Wait for a socket or FD to become readable */#define EV_READ     0x02/** Wait for a socket or FD to become writeable */#define EV_WRITE    0x04/** Wait for a POSIX signal to be raised*/#define EV_SIGNAL   0x08/** * Persistent event: won't get removed automatically when activated. * * When a persistent event with a timeout becomes activated, its timeout * is reset to 0. */#define EV_PERSIST  0x10/** Select edge-triggered behavior, if supported by the backend. */#define EV_ET       0x20typedef void (*event_callback_fn)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);struct event *event_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short what, event_callback_fn cb, void *arg);void event_free(struct event *event);

创建了一个event之后,使用event_add让event加入event_base, 进入pending状态。

int event_add(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *tv);

Chapter10 : Bufferevents

This buffered IO pattern is common enough that Libevent provides a generic mechanism for it. A “bufferevent” consists of an underlying transport (like a socket), a read buffer, and a write buffer. Instead of regular events, which give callbacks when the underlying transport is ready to be read or written, a bufferevent invokes its user-supplied callbacks when it has read or written enough data.


1. socket-based bufferevents :
A bufferevent that sends and receives data from an underlying stream socket, using the event_* interface as its backend.
2. asynchronous-IO bufferevents :
A bufferevent that uses the Windows IOCP interface to send and receive data to an underlying stream socket. (Windows
only; experimental.)
3. filtering bufferevents :
A bufferevent that processes incoming and outgoing data before passing it to an underlying bufferevent object—for exam-
ple, to compress or translate data.
4. paired bufferevents :
Two bufferevents that transmit data to one another.

Bufferevents and evbuffers

每个Bufferevents都有两个数据区: input buffer 和 output buffer。类型都是struct evbuffer
当你有数据要写到bufferevent上时,就将数据添加到output buffer。
当bufferevent有数据可读时,可以从input buffer得到它们。

Callbacks and watermarks

Every bufferevent has two data-related callbacks: a read callback and a write callback. By default, the read callback is called whenever any data is read from the underlying transport, and the write callback is called whenever enough data from the output buffer is emptied to the underlying transport. You can override the behavior of these functions by adjusting the read and write “watermarks” of the bufferevent.

bufferevent有两个数据相关的回调函数:read callback and write callback。默认情况下,read callback会当 从关注的socket读到了任意的数据时被调用;write callback 在全部的数据从output buffer传送给了对端时被调用。可以通过修改bufferevent的读写watermarks(读写水位)来修改read callback and write callback的行为。


  • Read low-water mark :
    Whenever a read occurs that leaves the bufferevent’s input buffer at this level or higher, the bufferevent’s read callback is invoked. Defaults to 0, so that every read results in the read callback being invoked.( 读-低水位: read callback只有在readbuffer的数据量大于等于该值时才会被调用。默认为0,所以只要有数据read callback就会被调用 )

  • Read high-water mark :
    If the bufferevent’s input buffer ever gets to this level, the bufferevent stops reading until enough data is drained from the input buffer to take us below it again. Defaults to unlimited, so that we never stop reading because of the size of the input buffer. ( 读-高水位:当readbuffer的数据量大于或等于该值时,bufferevent将停止读操作,不再向readbuffer添加数据,直到readbuffer中有足够的数据被取出后,才会继续读取socket往readbuffer添加数据。默认是unlimited。如果不从readbuffer取数据,或者发送者的发送速度很快,那么readbuffer会暴涨,从muduo中学到的^_^)

  • Write low-water mark :
    Whenever a write occurs that takes us to this level or below, we invoke the write callback. Defaults to 0, so that a write callback is not invoked unless the output buffer is emptied.(写-低水位:当writebuffer可以空间大小小于或等于该值时,write callback被调用。默认为0,所以只有当writebuffer为空时,write callback才会被调用)

  • Write high-water mark :
    Not used by a bufferevent directly, this watermark can have special meaning when a bufferevent is used as the underlying
    transport of another bufferevent. See notes on filtering bufferevents below.(写-高水位:略)

Working with socket-based bufferevent

socket-based的bufferevent是最简单易用的bufferevent类型, 它使用Libevent的事件机制来检查socket是否“读就绪”或“写就绪”,并使用网络系统调用(readv, writev, WSASend, or WSARecv)来收发数据。

创建一个socket-based bufferevent

struct bufferevent *bufferevent_socket_new(    struct event_base *base,    evutil_socket_t fd,    enum bufferevent_options options);

在socket-based bufferevent上发起连接

int bufferevent_socket_connect(struct bufferevent *bev,    struct sockaddr *address, int addrlen);

Chapter13 : Connection Listener

#include <event2/listener.h>#include <event2/bufferevent.h>#include <event2/buffer.h>#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <errno.h>static voidecho_read_cb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *ctx){    /* This callback is invoked when there is data to read on bev. */    struct evbuffer *input = bufferevent_get_input(bev);    struct evbuffer *output = bufferevent_get_output(bev);    /* Copy all the data from the input buffer to the output buffer. */    evbuffer_add_buffer(output, input);}static voidecho_event_cb(struct bufferevent *bev, short events, void *ctx){    if (events & BEV_EVENT_ERROR)        perror("Error from bufferevent");    if (events & (BEV_EVENT_EOF | BEV_EVENT_ERROR)) {        bufferevent_free(bev);    }}static voidaccept_conn_cb(struct evconnlistener *listener,        evutil_socket_t fd, struct sockaddr *address, int socklen,        void *ctx){    /* We got a new connection! Set up a bufferevent for it. */    struct event_base *base = evconnlistener_get_base(listener);    struct bufferevent *bev = bufferevent_socket_new(            base, fd, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE);    bufferevent_setcb(bev, echo_read_cb, NULL, echo_event_cb, NULL);    bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ|EV_WRITE);}static voidaccept_error_cb(struct evconnlistener *listener, void *ctx){    struct event_base *base = evconnlistener_get_base(listener);    int err = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR();    fprintf(stderr, "Got an error %d (%s) on the listener. "            "Shutting down.\n", err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err));    event_base_loopexit(base, NULL);}int main(int argc, char **argv){    struct event_base *base;    struct evconnlistener *listener;    struct sockaddr_in sin;    int port = 9876;    if (argc > 1) {        port = atoi(argv[1]);    }    if (port<=0 || port>65535) {        puts("Invalid port");        return 1;    }    base = event_base_new();    if (!base) {        puts("Couldn’t open event base");        return 1;    }    /* Clear the sockaddr before using it, in case there are extra     * platform-specific fields that can mess us up. */    memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));    /* This is an INET address */    sin.sin_family = AF_INET;    /* Listen on */    sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0);    /* Listen on the given port. */    sin.sin_port = htons(port);    listener = evconnlistener_new_bind(base, accept_conn_cb, NULL,            LEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE|LEV_OPT_REUSEABLE, -1,            (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin));    if (!listener) {        perror("Couldn’t create listener");        return 1;    }    evconnlistener_set_error_cb(listener, accept_error_cb);    event_base_dispatch(base);    return 0;}

Examples & Summary

libevent是一个跨平台的、异步非阻塞网络库。使用时只需要告诉libevent你关心什么事件,以及事件发生时要做什么(回调函数),底层是非阻塞socket+IO multiplexing(select、epoll...)
异步非阻塞网络库是需要input bufferoutput buffer的,muduo中提到了原因。ibevent中的bufferevent拥有输入/输出缓冲区,并且可以设置高水位回调低水位回调,这样就更加方便了。

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