
来源:互联网 发布:苹果c语言编程软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 04:52


#ifndef Date_hpp#define Date_hpp#include <stdio.h>class Date{public:    Date();    Date(int day, int month, int year);    void Print() const ;private:    int _year;    int _month;    int _day;};#endif /* Date_hpp */
#include "Date.hpp"#include<iostream>using namespace std;Date::Date(){}Date::Date( int day, int month, int year ){    _year = year;    _month = month;    _day = day;}void Date::Print() const {    cout<<"出生日期:"<<_year<<"-"<<_month<<"-"<<_day<<endl;}


#ifndef Person_hpp#define Person_hpp#include <stdio.h>#include"Date.hpp"class Person{public:    Person(void);    Person(char * their_name, char * email, int day, int month, int year);    char * GetName() const ;    char * GetEmailAddress() const ;    Date GetBirthDate() const ;    void Print() const ;    ~Person();private:    char* name;    char* email_address;    Date  date;};#endif /* Person_hpp */
#include "Person.hpp"#include<string.h>#include<iostream>using namespace std;Person::Person(void){}Person::Person(char * their_name, char * email, int day, int month, int year):date(day,month,year){    name = new char [strlen(their_name)+1];    strcpy(name,their_name);    email_address = new char[strlen(email)+1];    strcpy(email_address,email);}char * Person::GetName() const{    return name;}char * Person::GetEmailAddress() const{    return email_address;}Date Person::GetBirthDate() const{    return date;}void Person::Print() const{    cout<<"姓名:"<<name<<endl;    cout<<"邮箱地址:"<<email_address<<endl;    date.Print() ;}Person::~Person(){    if(name != NULL)    {        delete name;        name = NULL;    }    if( email_address != NULL)    {        delete email_address;        email_address = NULL;    }    cout<<"Person析构函数!"<<endl;}


#ifndef PersonSet_hpp#define PersonSet_hpp#include"Date.hpp"#include"Person.hpp"#include <stdio.h>class PersonSet{public:    PersonSet (int initial_size = 4);    ~ PersonSet (void);    void Add(Person* element);    Person & NextElement();    Person & RemoveElement();    Person & RemoveElement( int index );    int Size() const;    void Print() const;private:    Person ** _elements;    int      _capacity;  //volume of the set    int      _size;          //number of elements in the set    int      _index; };#endif /* PersonSet_hpp */
#include "PersonSet.hpp"#include<iostream>using namespace std;PersonSet::PersonSet (int initial_size){    _elements = new Person*[initial_size];    _capacity = initial_size;    _size = 0;    _index = 0;}PersonSet::~ PersonSet (void){    if(_elements != NULL)    {        delete []_elements;    }    cout<<"PersonSet析构函数!"<<endl;}void PersonSet:: Add(Person* element){    if(_size == _capacity)    {        Person* *temp = _elements;        _elements = new Person*[_capacity * 2];        for(int i = 0; i < _size ;i++)        {            _elements[i] = temp[i];        }        _capacity *= 2;        delete []temp;    }    _elements[_size] = element;    _size++;}Person& PersonSet::NextElement()        //调用时先判断_index的值是否大于_size;{    if(_index >= _size)    {        _index = 0;    }    return *_elements[_index++];}// 从set中移除最后一个成员,如果Set空的数据超过一半,释放一些内存Person& PersonSet::RemoveElement(){    _size--;    Person *p = _elements[_size];    if(_size < _capacity / 2)    {        Person* *temp = _elements;        _elements = new Person*[_capacity / 2];        for(int i = 0 ;i < _size; i++)        {            _elements[i] = temp[i];        }        _capacity /= 2;        delete []temp;    }       return *p;}//从Set中的index索引处移除成员。如果Set空的数据超过一半, 释放一些内存Person& PersonSet:: RemoveElement( int index ){    Person *p = _elements[_index];    for(int i = index; i < _size; i++)    {        _elements[i] = _elements[i + 1];    }    _size--;    if(_size < _capacity / 2)    {        Person* *temp = _elements;        _elements = new Person*[_capacity / 2];        for(int i = 0 ;i < _size; i++)        {            _elements[i] = temp[i];        }        _capacity /= 2;        delete []temp;    }    return *p;}int PersonSet::Size() const  //answer the number of elements in the set.{    return _size;}void PersonSet::Print() const   //print the elements of the set{    for(int i = 0; i < _size; i++)    {        _elements[i]->Print();    }}


#include"Date.hpp"#include"Person.hpp"#include"PersonSet.hpp"#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {//    Person p1("Lou", "lou@chat.ca", 20, 6, 1960);//    Person p2("Frank", "f123@chat.ca", 20, 3, 1967);//    Person p3("Ann", "ann@chat.ca", 20, 8, 1960);//    //    p2.Print();//    cout<<p1.GetName()<<endl;//    cout<<p1.GetEmailAddress()<<endl;//    p1.GetBirthDate().Print();    Person *p1 = new Person((char*)"Lou", (char*)"lou@chat.ca", 20, 6, 1960);    Person *p2 = new Person((char*)"Frank", (char*)"f123@chat.ca", 20, 3, 1967);    Person *p3 = new Person((char*)"Ann", (char*)"ann@chat.ca", 20, 8, 1960);//    PersonSet per;//    per.Add(p1);//    per.Add(p2);//    per.Add(p3);//    per.Print();//    //    per.RemoveElement();//    per.Print();//    per.RemoveElement(1);//    per.Print();//    int size = per.Size();//    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)//    {//        per.NextElement().Print();//    }    PersonSet boys, girls;    boys.Add( p1);    if (p1 != &boys.RemoveElement() )    {        cout << "ERROR: the objects are different \n";    }    else    {        cout << "Good, the objects are the same \n";    }     boys.Add( p1);    boys.Add( p2);       girls.Add( p3);    boys.Add((new Person((char*)"John",(char*) "f123@chat.ca", 20, 3, 1967)));    girls.Add((new Person((char*)"Sue",(char*) "f123@chat.ca", 20, 3, 1967)));    boys.Add((new Person((char*)"Frank",(char*)"frank@chat.ca", 25, 4, 1958)));    girls.Add((new Person((char*)"Mary",(char*) "mary@chat.ca", 25, 4, 1955)));    boys.Add((new Person((char*)"John", (char*)"johnchat.ca", 12, 12, 1970)));    boys.Add((new Person((char*)"John",(char*) "f123@chat.ca", 20, 3, 1967)));    girls.Add((new Person((char*)"Sue",(char*) "f123@chat.ca", 20, 3, 1967)));    boys.Add((new Person((char*)"Frank",(char*)"frank@chat.ca", 25, 4, 1958)));    girls.Add((new Person((char*)"Mary",(char*) "mary@chat.ca", 25, 4, 1955)));    boys.Add((new Person((char*)"John", (char*)"johnchat.ca", 12, 12, 1970)));    int numberOfBoys = boys.Size();    cout << "number of boys = " << numberOfBoys << endl;    for(int i = 0; i<7; i++)    {        Person & boy = boys.RemoveElement();  //      boy.Print();        delete &boy;          }    cout << "number of boys = " <<  boys.Size() << endl;  boys.Print();//    Person & boy = boys.RemoveElement();//    boy.Print();//    delete &boy;//    for(int i = 0; i<numberOfBoys; i++)//delete all the boys from the heap//    {//        Person & boy = boys.NextElement();//        boy.Print();//        delete &boy;//    }    cout << "number of girls = " << girls.Size() << "\n";     int numberOfGirls = girls.Size();    for(int i = 0; i<numberOfBoys; i++)    {        boys.NextElement().Print();    }    for(int i = 0; i<numberOfGirls; i++)//delete all the girls from the heap    {        Person & her = girls.RemoveElement();         delete &her;    }     return 0;}
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