
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖家需要哪些软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 22:24


/**   * Put a context value (the <code>val</code> parameter) as identified with the   * <code>key</code> parameter into the current thread's context map. Note that   * contrary to log4j, the <code>val</code> parameter can be null.   * <p/>   * <p/>   * If the current thread does not have a context map it is created as a side   * effect of this call.   *   * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the "key" parameter is null   */  public void put(String key, String val) throws IllegalArgumentException {    if (key == null) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException("key cannot be null");    }    Map<String, String> oldMap = copyOnInheritThreadLocal.get();    Integer lastOp = getAndSetLastOperation(WRITE_OPERATION);    if (wasLastOpReadOrNull(lastOp) || oldMap == null) {      Map<String, String> newMap = duplicateAndInsertNewMap(oldMap);      newMap.put(key, val);    } else {      oldMap.put(key, val);    }  }





// We wish to avoid unnecessarily copying of the map. To ensure  // efficient/timely copying, we have a variable keeping track of the last  // operation. A copy is necessary on 'put' or 'remove' but only if the last  // operation was a 'get'. Get operations never necessitate a copy nor  // successive 'put/remove' operations, only a get followed by a 'put/remove'  // requires copying the map.  // See http://jira.qos.ch/browse/LBCLASSIC-254 for the original discussion.

Michael Franz added a comment - 07/Mar/11 12:14 PM Hello Ceki, I've looked over the whole application code and actually there is only one very rarely called get-operation on the MDC. So your approach would also work in my scenario. But as a software developer I would feel a bit uncomfortable with your strategy: "copy on write after read" sounds quite uncommon against "copy on write" and "lazy copy". With your approach you are forcing developers to keep an eye on the order of put- and get-operations, especially if an application performs existence checks before writing on the MDC. As long as only puts are performed (like in my case) your approach is sufficient. I don't know if there are real world applications that often call gets. Nevertheless this is just a feeling.

I've looked over the whole application code and actually there is only one very rarely called get-operation on the MDC. So your approach would also work in my scenario.But as a software developer I would feel a bit uncomfortable with your strategy: "copy on write after read" sounds quite uncommon against "copy on write" and "lazy copy". With your approach you are forcing developers to keep an eye on the order of put- and get-operations, especially if an application performs existence checks before writing on the MDC. As long as only puts are performed (like in my case) your approach is sufficient. I don't know if there are real world applications that often call gets. Nevertheless this is just a feeling.

这里觉得copy on write依然浪费性能,所以只在get操作后做copy on write。


所以,为什么在get操作后做copy on write???

copy on write容器是来解决并发读的问题的,但是这个也没有并发读的异常,因为是ThreadLocal操作,所以对于这个map只有当前线程才能访问,所以自然线程安全啊。

private Map<String, String> duplicateAndInsertNewMap(Map<String, String> oldMap) {    Map<String, String> newMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, String>());    if (oldMap != null) {        // we don't want the parent thread modifying oldMap while we are        // iterating over it        synchronized (oldMap) {          newMap.putAll(oldMap);        }    }    copyOnInheritThreadLocal.set(newMap);    return newMap;  }


/**   * Get the current thread's MDC as a map. This method is intended to be used   * internally.   */  public Map<String, String> getPropertyMap() {    lastOperation.set(READ_OPERATION);    return copyOnInheritThreadLocal.get();  }

返回当前线程的context map的直接引用!是直接引用,不是拷贝副本!

注意这个方法的注释,上面说了intended to be used internally,也就是说是为了内部使用的。这个方法很危险,会对外直接暴露copyOnInheritThreadLocal的内容,然后通过获得的map引用修改context内容。


/**   * Return a copy of the current thread's context map. Returned value may be   * null.   */  public Map getCopyOfContextMap() {    lastOperation.set(READ_OPERATION);    Map<String, String> hashMap = copyOnInheritThreadLocal.get();    if (hashMap == null) {      return null;    } else {      return new HashMap<String, String>(hashMap);    }  }
返回当前线程的context map的一个副本,对这个map的修改不会影响原来copyOnInheritThreadLocal中的内容。

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