leetcode Generalized Abbreviation

来源:互联网 发布:趣头条提现是骗局 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 19:21

Write a function to generate the generalized abbreviations of a word.


Given word = "word", return the following list (order does not matter):

["word", "1ord", "w1rd", "wo1d", "wor1", "2rd", "w2d", "wo2", "1o1d", "1or1", "w1r1", "1o2", "2r1", "3d", "w3", "4"]

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主要说一下递归思路,自己之前写的感觉不是很正确,网上看到比较正确的思路是这样的,用一个变量count来表示当前连续的缩写个数,那么当遇到一个新的char时,只有两种选择:1、继续缩写,count+1 2、不缩写,输出当前count,输出该字符,重置count为0,代码:

public List<String> generateAbbreviations(String word) {   List<String> list=new ArrayList<>();   search(word.toCharArray(),list,new StringBuffer(),0,0);    return list;}public void search(char[] word,List<String> list,StringBuffer str,int count,int len){    int length=str.length();    if(len==word.length){        if(count!=0)            str.append(count);        list.add(str.toString());    }else{        search(word,list,str,count+1,len+1);        if(count!=0){            str.append(count);        }        search(word,list,str.append(word[len]),0,len+1);    }   str.setLength(length);}

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