HDU 5725 Game

来源:互联网 发布:全球云计算大会 上海 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:52


Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 242    Accepted Submission(s): 45

Problem Description
  Sea5 and wzh are playing games.

  There are some guards on an n × m chessboard. Every guard can attack eight cells around him and release shockwave to attack the whole row and column where he stand.

  Sea5 and wzh are at the beginning stage of the game, they have already put some guards on the chess cells. No guards can be attacked by another guard right now. So they all fell asleep.

  An innocent passer-by is on the chessboard. He can move to up, down, left or right from where he stands. The guards won’t attack him unless the passer-by move to where they stand. The innocent man may appear at any point on the chessboard and move to any point.

  The innocent passer-by wants to know the average shortest distance of all the ways he can move without attacked by guards.

  Multiple test cases.

  The first line is an integer T(T50), the number of cases.

  For each case, first line is two integers n and m(2n,m,1000)

  The next n lines contain m symbols indicate the cells of chessboard. ‘G’ indicates a guard and ‘#’ indicates an empty cell.

  One line per case, shortest distance of all the ways the passer-by can move without attacked by guards.

  Round the answer to four decimals.

Sample Input
12 2##G#

Sample Output
Ways of distance 0: 3Ways of distance 1: 4Ways of distance 2: 2The answer is (3 * 0 + 1 * 4 + 2 * 2) / (3 + 4 + 2)






#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<map>#include<string>#include<queue>#include<vector>#include<list>//#pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")using namespace std;#define INF 0x3f3f3f3fint n,m;long long dp[1005][1005];long long dp2[505][505];char mp[1005][1005];//n*m的图,计算以(1,1)为起点到所有曼哈顿距离和long long get(long long n,long long m){    return m*(m-1)*n/2+n*(n-1)*m/2;}//n*m的图,计算任意点到所有点的曼哈顿距离和long long get2(long long x,long long y){    return get(x,y)+get(n-x+1,y)+get(x,m-y+1)+get(n-x+1,m-y+1)-(get(1,x)+get(1,y)+get(1,n-x+1)+get(1,m-y+1));}int xx[1005],yy[1005],cnt2;int pr[1005],pc[1005];int main(){    int t;    scanf("%d",&t);    while(t--)    {        cnt2=0;        scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);        long long up=(long long)m*n*(m*n-1)*(m+n)/3,down=0;        int cnt=0;        memset(pr,-1,sizeof pr);        memset(pc,-1,sizeof pc);        getchar();        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        {            gets(mp[i]);            for(int j=0;j<m;j++)            {                if(mp[i][j]=='G')                {                    pr[i]=j;                    pc[j]=i;                    up-=4ll*j*(m-j-1);//同行被阻断会在后面重复计算                    up-=4ll*i*(n-i-1);//同列类似                    up-=2*get2(i+1,j+1),cnt++;                    xx[cnt2]=i;                    yy[cnt2]=j;                    cnt2++;                }            }        }        //计算绕行路径和        int suml=0,sumr=0;        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        {            if(pr[i]!=-1)            {                if(i==0||pr[i]>pr[i-1]) suml+=pr[i];                else suml=pr[i];                up+=4ll*suml*(m-pr[i]-1);            }            else suml=0;            if(pr[i]!=-1)            {                if(i==0||pr[i]<pr[i-1]) sumr+=m-pr[i]-1;                else sumr=m-pr[i]-1;                up+=4ll*sumr*pr[i];            }            else sumr=0;        }        int sumu=0,sumd=0;        for(int i=0;i<m;i++)        {            if(pc[i]!=-1)            {                if(i==0||pc[i]>pc[i-1]) sumu+=pc[i];                else sumu=pc[i];                up+=4ll*sumu*(n-pc[i]-1);            }            else sumu=0;            if(               pc[i]!=-1)            {                if(i==0||pc[i]<pc[i-1]) sumd+=n-pc[i]-1;                else sumd=n-pc[i]-1;                up+=4ll*sumd*pc[i];            }            else sumd=0;        }        for(int i=0;i<cnt2;i++)        {            for(int j=0;j<cnt2;j++)            {                up+=abs(xx[i]-xx[j])+abs(yy[i]-yy[j]);            }        }        down=(long long)(n*m-cnt)*(n*m-cnt);        double ans=(long double)up/down;        printf("%.4llf\n",ans);    }    return 0;}

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