
来源:互联网 发布:多客户端访问数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 07:10

在EventBus 3.0 使用介绍 这篇博客中介绍了关于EventBus的一些使用方法,下面我们就来看看它内部的具体实现吧!





在看看register 和 post 的过程思路图:








    List<SubscriberMethod> findSubscriberMethods(Class<?> subscriberClass) {        List<SubscriberMethod> subscriberMethods = METHOD_CACHE.get(subscriberClass);//先从缓存中查找是否存在订阅者的方法        if (subscriberMethods != null) {            return subscriberMethods;        }        if (ignoreGeneratedIndex) {             subscriberMethods = findUsingReflection(subscriberClass);//使用反射方法拿到订阅者中的订阅方法        } else {            subscriberMethods = findUsingInfo(subscriberClass);//使用apt处理器拿到订阅者中的订阅方法        }        if (subscriberMethods.isEmpty()) {            throw new EventBusException("Subscriber " + subscriberClass                    + " and its super classes have no public methods with the @Subscribe annotation");        } else {            METHOD_CACHE.put(subscriberClass, subscriberMethods);//将查到的方法放到缓存中,以便下次使用            return subscriberMethods;        }    }


//准备一个FindState 来装订阅者的方法    private FindState prepareFindState() {        synchronized (FIND_STATE_POOL) {            for (int i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) {                FindState state = FIND_STATE_POOL[i];                if (state != null) { //得到一个state并将相应的引用变量置为null                    FIND_STATE_POOL[i] = null;                    return state;                }            }        }        return new FindState();    }
//将FindState 里面的方法放入subscriberMethods list中,并将FindState 放回去继续使用    private List<SubscriberMethod> getMethodsAndRelease(FindState findState) {        List<SubscriberMethod> subscriberMethods = new ArrayList<>(findState.subscriberMethods);        findState.recycle();        synchronized (FIND_STATE_POOL) {            for (int i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) {                if (FIND_STATE_POOL[i] == null) {//如果引用变量为null将当前这个findState赋值过去,和上面的方法相对应                    FIND_STATE_POOL[i] = findState;                    break;                }            }        }        return subscriberMethods;    }
    private void findUsingReflectionInSingleClass(FindState findState) {        Method[] methods;        try {            // This is faster than getMethods, especially when subscribers are fat classes like Activities            methods = findState.clazz.getDeclaredMethods();//通过反射方法得到订阅者类里面的订阅方法        } catch (Throwable th) {            // Workaround for java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, see https://github.com/greenrobot/EventBus/issues/149            methods = findState.clazz.getMethods();            findState.skipSuperClasses = true;        }        for (Method method : methods) {            int modifiers = method.getModifiers();            if ((modifiers & Modifier.PUBLIC) != 0 && (modifiers & MODIFIERS_IGNORE) == 0) { //判断方法是不是public                Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();                if (parameterTypes.length == 1) {//方法参数是不是一个                    Subscribe subscribeAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Subscribe.class);                    if (subscribeAnnotation != null) {//是否有注解                        Class<?> eventType = parameterTypes[0];                        if (findState.checkAdd(method, eventType)) { //检查方法和参数(事件)类型是否合法                            ThreadMode threadMode = subscribeAnnotation.threadMode();                            findState.subscriberMethods.add(new SubscriberMethod(method, eventType, threadMode,                                    subscribeAnnotation.priority(), subscribeAnnotation.sticky())); //都满足将方法加入findState中                        }                    }                } else if (strictMethodVerification && method.isAnnotationPresent(Subscribe.class)) {                    String methodName = method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + method.getName();                    throw new EventBusException("@Subscribe method " + methodName +                            "must have exactly 1 parameter but has " + parameterTypes.length);                }            } else if (strictMethodVerification && method.isAnnotationPresent(Subscribe.class)) {                String methodName = method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + method.getName();                throw new EventBusException(methodName +                        " is a illegal @Subscribe method: must be public, non-static, and non-abstract");            }        }    }


    private List<SubscriberMethod> findUsingInfo(Class<?> subscriberClass) {        FindState findState = prepareFindState();        findState.initForSubscriber(subscriberClass);        while (findState.clazz != null) {            findState.subscriberInfo = getSubscriberInfo(findState);//通过apt获取方法            if (findState.subscriberInfo != null) {                SubscriberMethod[] array = findState.subscriberInfo.getSubscriberMethods();                for (SubscriberMethod subscriberMethod : array) {                    if (findState.checkAdd(subscriberMethod.method, subscriberMethod.eventType)) {                        findState.subscriberMethods.add(subscriberMethod);                    }                }            } else {                findUsingReflectionInSingleClass(findState);//如果没有获取到再通过反射获取方法            }            findState.moveToSuperclass();        }        return getMethodsAndRelease(findState);    }
    private SubscriberInfo getSubscriberInfo(FindState findState) {        if (findState.subscriberInfo != null && findState.subscriberInfo.getSuperSubscriberInfo() != null) {            SubscriberInfo superclassInfo = findState.subscriberInfo.getSuperSubscriberInfo();            if (findState.clazz == superclassInfo.getSubscriberClass()) {//先判断缓存中是否存在                return superclassInfo;            }        }        if (subscriberInfoIndexes != null) {//subscriberInfoIndexes 是通过apt处理器自动生成的文件            for (SubscriberInfoIndex index : subscriberInfoIndexes) {                SubscriberInfo info = index.getSubscriberInfo(findState.clazz);                if (info != null) {                    return info;                }            }        }        return null;    }


    private void subscribe(Object subscriber, SubscriberMethod subscriberMethod) {        Class<?> eventType = subscriberMethod.eventType;        Subscription newSubscription = new Subscription(subscriber, subscriberMethod);        CopyOnWriteArrayList<Subscription> subscriptions = subscriptionsByEventType.get(eventType);        if (subscriptions == null) {            subscriptions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();            subscriptionsByEventType.put(eventType, subscriptions);//获取subscriptionsByEventType map对象,用于post的时候通过eventtype获取订阅者的信息        } else {            if (subscriptions.contains(newSubscription)) {                throw new EventBusException("Subscriber " + subscriber.getClass() + " already registered to event "                        + eventType);            }        }        int size = subscriptions.size();        for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {            if (i == size || subscriberMethod.priority > subscriptions.get(i).subscriberMethod.priority) {                subscriptions.add(i, newSubscription);                break;            }        }        List<Class<?>> subscribedEvents = typesBySubscriber.get(subscriber);        if (subscribedEvents == null) {            subscribedEvents = new ArrayList<>();            typesBySubscriber.put(subscriber, subscribedEvents);//获取typesBySubscriber map对象,unregister时会用到        }        subscribedEvents.add(eventType);        if (subscriberMethod.sticky) {//如果是sticky事件,马上post            if (eventInheritance) {                // Existing sticky events of all subclasses of eventType have to be considered.                // Note: Iterating over all events may be inefficient with lots of sticky events,                // thus data structure should be changed to allow a more efficient lookup                // (e.g. an additional map storing sub classes of super classes: Class -> List<Class>).                Set<Map.Entry<Class<?>, Object>> entries = stickyEvents.entrySet();                for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Object> entry : entries) {                    Class<?> candidateEventType = entry.getKey();                    if (eventType.isAssignableFrom(candidateEventType)) {                        Object stickyEvent = entry.getValue();                        checkPostStickyEventToSubscription(newSubscription, stickyEvent);                    }                }            } else {                Object stickyEvent = stickyEvents.get(eventType);                checkPostStickyEventToSubscription(newSubscription, stickyEvent);            }        }    }


//通过threadMode来确认使用哪个线程执行订阅者的订阅函数private void postToSubscription(Subscription subscription, Object event, boolean isMainThread) {        switch (subscription.subscriberMethod.threadMode) {            case POSTING:                invokeSubscriber(subscription, event);                break;            case MAIN:                if (isMainThread) {                    invokeSubscriber(subscription, event);                } else {                    mainThreadPoster.enqueue(subscription, event);                }                break;            case BACKGROUND:                if (isMainThread) {                    backgroundPoster.enqueue(subscription, event);                } else {                    invokeSubscriber(subscription, event);                }                break;            case ASYNC:                asyncPoster.enqueue(subscription, event);                break;            default:                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown thread mode: " + subscription.subscriberMethod.threadMode);        }    }


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