Fast Detection of Curved Edges at Low SNR

来源:互联网 发布:量化交易算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:50

CVPR 2016 低信号噪声比图像中曲线边缘快速检测



本文针对低信号噪声比图像 曲线边缘检测主要思路如下:
1)An efficient hierarchical algorithm to examine an exponential number of candidate curved edges 快速的将可能是曲线边缘的地方检测出来

Examine each potential edge curve using its “custom tailored” matched filter

Do this efficiently using a dynamic programming-like algorithm on a hierarchical, binary-split tree of the image (keep best curve for each two points on the boundary of a tile)

2) 抑制噪声: Long is good: noise can be averaged out by smoothing along the curve (while maintaining contrast across the curve) by using a matched filter

3) Use statistically rigorous adaptive threshold to detect edges at very
low SNRs 使用自适应阈值检测边缘

Computational complexity:
Stringent: o(N1.5)
examine all contact points in the interface between tiles

Greedy: O(Nlog N)
contact points are sorted by score; only curves through highest scoring points are examined

Runtime:0.9 (0.6) secs on 129×129


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