window 根据盘符获取磁盘号

来源:互联网 发布:psd头像源码怎么使用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:17



/*** find all drivers and show removeable drivers*/void CUkeyKitDlg::FindAllDrivers(){        CComboBox* Driver=(CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1);        Driver->ResetContent();        DWORD dwNumBytesForDriveStrings;//实际存储驱动器号的字符串长度        HANDLE hHeap;        LPSTR lp;        CString strLogdrive;       //获得实际存储驱动器号的字符串长度        dwNumBytesForDriveStrings=GetLogicalDriveStrings(0,NULL)*sizeof(TCHAR);       //如果字符串不为空,则表示有正常的驱动器存在        if (dwNumBytesForDriveStrings!=0) {        //分配字符串空间        hHeap=GetProcessHeap();        lp=(LPSTR)HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,dwNumBytesForDriveStrings);       //获得标明所有驱动器的字符串        GetLogicalDriveStrings(HeapSize(hHeap,0,lp),lp);        //将驱动器一个个放到下拉框中          char s[40];        while (*lp!=0) {            UINT nDriveType = GetDriveType(lp);            if (nDriveType == DRIVE_REMOVABLE){               sprintf(s, "%s (%c:) %d MB", "可移动驱动器", lp[0],getTotalSpace(lp) );               //驱动器是这样的 c:\ d:\ 所以只取第一个字符               Driver->AddString(s);            }            lp=_tcschr(lp,0)+1;        }    }}



/******************************************************************************* Function: get disk's physical number from its drive letter*           e.g. C-->0 (C: is on disk0)* input: letter, drive letter* output: N/A* return: Succeed, disk number*         Fail, -1******************************************************************************/DWORD CUkeyKitDlg::GetPhysicalDriveFromPartitionLetter(CHAR letter){    HANDLE hDevice;               // handle to the drive to be examined    BOOL result;                 // results flag    DWORD readed;                   // discard results    STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER number;   //use this to get disk numbers    CHAR path[DISK_PATH_LEN];    sprintf(path, "\\\\.\\%c:", letter);    hDevice = CreateFile(path, // drive to open                         GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,    // access to the drive                         FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,    //share mode                         NULL,             // default security attributes                         OPEN_EXISTING,    // disposition                         0,                // file attributes                         NULL);            // do not copy file attribute    if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // cannot open the drive    {        fprintf(stderr, "CreateFile() Error: %ld\n", GetLastError());        return DWORD(-1);    }    result = DeviceIoControl(                hDevice,                // handle to device                IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER, // dwIoControlCode                NULL,                            // lpInBuffer                0,                               // nInBufferSize                &number,           // output buffer                sizeof(number),         // size of output buffer                &readed,       // number of bytes returned                NULL      // OVERLAPPED structure            );    if (!result) // fail    {        fprintf(stderr, "IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER Error: %ld\n", GetLastError());        (void)CloseHandle(hDevice);        return (DWORD)-1;    }    //printf("%d %d %d\n\n", number.DeviceType, number.DeviceNumber, number.PartitionNumber);    (void)CloseHandle(hDevice);    return number.DeviceNumber;}/** get totol  space of disk* return : MB*/int CUkeyKitDlg::getTotalSpace(const char* lpRootPathName){    unsigned long long available,total,free;    if(GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(lpRootPathName,(ULARGE_INTEGER*)&available,(ULARGE_INTEGER*)&total,(ULARGE_INTEGER*)&free)){      return total>>20;    }else{       return -1;    }}

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