url去重 --布隆过滤器 bloom filter原理及python实现

来源:互联网 发布:cow数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 04:19


1 直接查询比较

即假设要存储url A,在入库前首先查询url库中是否存在 A,如果存在,则url A 不入库,否则存入url库。这种方法准确性高,但是一旦数据量变大,占用的存储空间也变大,同时,由于要查库,数据一多,查询时间变长,存储效率下降。

2 基于hash的存储


以上方法中,为加快查询速度,一般可以选择 Redis作为查询库。

布隆过滤器 Bloom Filter


1, 设数据集合 A={a1,a2,....,an},含n个元素,作为待操作的集合。

2, Bloom Filter用一个长度为m的位向量V表示的集合中的元素,位向量初始值全为0。

3, k个具有均匀分布特性的散列函数 h1,h2,....,hk.

4, 对于要加入的元素,首经过k个散列函数产生k个随机数h1,h2,......hk,使向量V的相应位置h1,h2,......hk均置为1。集合中其他元素也通过类似的操作,将向量V的若干位置为1。

5, 对于新要加入的元素的检查,首先将该元素经过上步中类似操作,获得k个随机数h1,h2,......hk,然后查看向量V的相应位置h1,h2,......hk上的值,若全为1,则该元素已经在之前的集合中;若至少有一个0存在,表明,此元素不在之前的集合中,为新元素。



classBloom:     """ Bloom Filter """    def __init__(self,m,k,hash_fun):    """m, size of the vector    k, number of hash fnctions to compute    hash_fun, hash function to use    """     self.m = m    self.vector =[0]*m # initialize the vectorself.k = k    self.hash_fun = hash_fun    self.data ={}    # data structure to store the data    self.false_positive =0    def insert(self,key,value):    """ insert the pair (key,value) in the database """        self.data[key]= value        for i in range(self.k):            self.vector[self.hash_fun(key+str(i))%self.m]=1    def contains(self,key):    """ check if key is cointained in the database        using the filter mechanism """        for i in range(self.k):            if self.vector[self.hash_fun(key+str(i))%self.m]==0:                return False                # the key doesn't existreturnTrue# the key can be in the data set    def get(self,key):    """ return the value associated with key """    if self.contains(key):        try:returnself.data[key]# actual lookup        except KeyError: self.false_positive +=1

在Bloom Filter表示方法中,对于一元素,某一位被置1的概率为1m,为0的概率为11m,散列函数执行k次,对于集合中所有元素,执行次数kn次,所以在运算结束时,某位仍为0 的概率为:
















自己使用的是python3.5, 而官网pypi上下载的pybloom是时候python2版本的。所以直接安装pip install pybloom 或者python setup.py install会出错。自己将文件中部分内容修改后就可以正常安装(python setup.py install)与运行。


from pybloom import BloomFilterf = BloomFilter(capacity=10000, error_rate=0.001)for i in range(0, f.capacity):    _ = f.add(i)0 in f#Truef.capacity in f#Falselen(f) <= f.capacity#Trueabs((len(f) / float(f.capacity)) - 1.0) <= f.error_rate#True
from pybloom import ScalableBloomFiltersbf = ScalableBloomFilter(mode=ScalableBloomFilter.SMALL_SET_GROWTH)count = 10000for i in range(0, count):    _ = sbf.add(i)sbf.capacity > count#Truelen(sbf) <= count#Trueabs((len(sbf) / float(count)) - 1.0) <= sbf.error_rate#True


# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-"""This module implements a bloom filter probabilistic data structure andan a Scalable Bloom Filter that grows in size as your add more items to itwithout increasing the false positive error_rate.Requires the bitarray library: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bitarray/    >>> from pybloom import BloomFilter    >>> f = BloomFilter(capacity=10000, error_rate=0.001)    >>> for i in range(0, f.capacity):    ...     _ = f.add(i)    ...    >>> 0 in f    True    >>> f.capacity in f    False    >>> len(f) <= f.capacity    True    >>> abs((len(f) / float(f.capacity)) - 1.0) <= f.error_rate    True    >>> from pybloom import ScalableBloomFilter    >>> sbf = ScalableBloomFilter(mode=ScalableBloomFilter.SMALL_SET_GROWTH)    >>> count = 10000    >>> for i in range(0, count):    ...     _ = sbf.add(i)    ...    >>> sbf.capacity > count    True    >>> len(sbf) <= count    True    >>> abs((len(sbf) / float(count)) - 1.0) <= sbf.error_rate    True"""import mathimport hashlibfrom struct import unpack, pack, calcsizetry:    import bitarrayexcept ImportError:    raise ImportError('pybloom requires bitarray >= 0.3.4')__version__ = '1.1'__author__  = "Jay Baird <jay@mochimedia.com>, Bob Ippolito <bob@redivi.com>,\               Marius Eriksen <marius@monkey.org>,\               Alex Brasetvik <alex@brasetvik.com>"def make_hashfuncs(num_slices, num_bits):    if num_bits >= (1 << 31):        fmt_code, chunk_size = 'Q', 8    elif num_bits >= (1 << 15):        fmt_code, chunk_size = 'I', 4    else:        fmt_code, chunk_size = 'H', 2    total_hash_bits = 8 * num_slices * chunk_size    if total_hash_bits > 384:        hashfn = hashlib.sha512    elif total_hash_bits > 256:        hashfn = hashlib.sha384    elif total_hash_bits > 160:        hashfn = hashlib.sha256    elif total_hash_bits > 128:        hashfn = hashlib.sha1    else:        hashfn = hashlib.md5    fmt = fmt_code * (hashfn().digest_size // chunk_size)    num_salts, extra = divmod(num_slices, len(fmt))    if extra:        num_salts += 1    salts = [hashfn(hashfn(pack('I', i)).digest()) for i in range(num_salts)]    def _make_hashfuncs(key):        #if isinstance(key, unicode):        #    key = key.encode('utf-8')        #else:        #    key = str(key)        key = str(key).encode("utf-8")        rval = []        for salt in salts:            h = salt.copy()            h.update(key)            rval.extend(uint % num_bits for uint in unpack(fmt, h.digest()))        del rval[num_slices:]        return rval    return _make_hashfuncsclass BloomFilter(object):    FILE_FMT = '<dQQQQ'    def __init__(self, capacity, error_rate=0.001):        """Implements a space-efficient probabilistic data structure        capacity            this BloomFilter must be able to store at least *capacity* elements            while maintaining no more than *error_rate* chance of false            positives        error_rate            the error_rate of the filter returning false positives. This            determines the filters capacity. Inserting more than capacity            elements greatly increases the chance of false positives.        >>> b = BloomFilter(capacity=100000, error_rate=0.001)        >>> b.add("test")        False        >>> "test" in b        True        """        if not (0 < error_rate < 1):            raise ValueError("Error_Rate must be between 0 and 1.")        if not capacity > 0:            raise ValueError("Capacity must be > 0")        # given M = num_bits, k = num_slices, p = error_rate, n = capacity        # solving for m = bits_per_slice        # n ~= M * ((ln(2) ** 2) / abs(ln(P)))        # n ~= (k * m) * ((ln(2) ** 2) / abs(ln(P)))        # m ~= n * abs(ln(P)) / (k * (ln(2) ** 2))        num_slices = int(math.ceil(math.log(1 / error_rate, 2)))        # the error_rate constraint assumes a fill rate of 1/2        # so we double the capacity to simplify the API        bits_per_slice = int(math.ceil(            (2 * capacity * abs(math.log(error_rate))) /            (num_slices * (math.log(2) ** 2))))        self._setup(error_rate, num_slices, bits_per_slice, capacity, 0)        self.bitarray = bitarray.bitarray(self.num_bits, endian='little')        self.bitarray.setall(False)    def _setup(self, error_rate, num_slices, bits_per_slice, capacity, count):        self.error_rate = error_rate        self.num_slices = num_slices        self.bits_per_slice = bits_per_slice        self.capacity = capacity        self.num_bits = num_slices * bits_per_slice        self.count = count        self.make_hashes = make_hashfuncs(self.num_slices, self.bits_per_slice)    def __contains__(self, key):        """Tests a key's membership in this bloom filter.        >>> b = BloomFilter(capacity=100)        >>> b.add("hello")        False        >>> "hello" in b        True        """        bits_per_slice = self.bits_per_slice        bitarray = self.bitarray        if not isinstance(key, list):            hashes = self.make_hashes(key)        else:            hashes = key        offset = 0        for k in hashes:            if not bitarray[offset + k]:                return False            offset += bits_per_slice        return True    def __len__(self):        """Return the number of keys stored by this bloom filter."""        return self.count    def add(self, key, skip_check=False):        """ Adds a key to this bloom filter. If the key already exists in this        filter it will return True. Otherwise False.        >>> b = BloomFilter(capacity=100)        >>> b.add("hello")        False        >>> b.add("hello")        True        """        bitarray = self.bitarray        bits_per_slice = self.bits_per_slice        hashes = self.make_hashes(key)        if not skip_check and hashes in self:            return True        if self.count > self.capacity:            raise IndexError("BloomFilter is at capacity")        offset = 0        for k in hashes:            self.bitarray[offset + k] = True            offset += bits_per_slice        self.count += 1        return False    def copy(self):        """Return a copy of this bloom filter.        """        new_filter = BloomFilter(self.capacity, self.error_rate)        new_filter.bitarray = self.bitarray.copy()        return new_filter    def union(self, other):        """ Calculates the union of the two underlying bitarrays and returns        a new bloom filter object."""        if self.capacity != other.capacity or \            self.error_rate != other.error_rate:            raise ValueError("Unioning filters requires both filters to have \both the same capacity and error rate")        new_bloom = self.copy()        new_bloom.bitarray = new_bloom.bitarray | other.bitarray        return new_bloom    def __or__(self, other):        return self.union(other)    def intersection(self, other):        """ Calculates the union of the two underlying bitarrays and returns        a new bloom filter object."""        if self.capacity != other.capacity or \            self.error_rate != other.error_rate:            raise ValueError("Intersecting filters requires both filters to \have equal capacity and error rate")        new_bloom = self.copy()        new_bloom.bitarray = new_bloom.bitarray & other.bitarray        return new_bloom    def __and__(self, other):        return self.intersection(other)    def tofile(self, f):        """Write the bloom filter to file object `f'. Underlying bits        are written as machine values. This is much more space        efficient than pickling the object."""        f.write(pack(self.FILE_FMT, self.error_rate, self.num_slices,                     self.bits_per_slice, self.capacity, self.count))        self.bitarray.tofile(f)    @classmethod    def fromfile(cls, f, n=-1):        """Read a bloom filter from file-object `f' serialized with        ``BloomFilter.tofile''. If `n' > 0 read only so many bytes."""        headerlen = calcsize(cls.FILE_FMT)        if 0 < n < headerlen:            raise ValueError('n too small!')        filter = cls(1)  # Bogus instantiation, we will `_setup'.        filter._setup(*unpack(cls.FILE_FMT, f.read(headerlen)))        filter.bitarray = bitarray.bitarray(endian='little')        if n > 0:            filter.bitarray.fromfile(f, n - headerlen)        else:            filter.bitarray.fromfile(f)        if filter.num_bits != filter.bitarray.length() and \               (filter.num_bits + (8 - filter.num_bits % 8)                != filter.bitarray.length()):            raise ValueError('Bit length mismatch!')        return filter    def __getstate__(self):        d = self.__dict__.copy()        del d['make_hashes']        return d    def __setstate__(self, d):        self.__dict__.update(d)        self.make_hashes = make_hashfuncs(self.num_slices, self.bits_per_slice)class ScalableBloomFilter(object):    SMALL_SET_GROWTH = 2 # slower, but takes up less memory    LARGE_SET_GROWTH = 4 # faster, but takes up more memory faster    FILE_FMT = '<idQd'    def __init__(self, initial_capacity=100, error_rate=0.001,                 mode=SMALL_SET_GROWTH):        """Implements a space-efficient probabilistic data structure that        grows as more items are added while maintaining a steady false        positive rate        initial_capacity            the initial capacity of the filter        error_rate            the error_rate of the filter returning false positives. This            determines the filters capacity. Going over capacity greatly            increases the chance of false positives.        mode            can be either ScalableBloomFilter.SMALL_SET_GROWTH or            ScalableBloomFilter.LARGE_SET_GROWTH. SMALL_SET_GROWTH is slower            but uses less memory. LARGE_SET_GROWTH is faster but consumes            memory faster.        >>> b = ScalableBloomFilter(initial_capacity=512, error_rate=0.001, \                                    mode=ScalableBloomFilter.SMALL_SET_GROWTH)        >>> b.add("test")        False        >>> "test" in b        True        >>> unicode_string = u'¡'        >>> b.add(unicode_string)        False        >>> unicode_string in b        True        """        if not error_rate or error_rate < 0:            raise ValueError("Error_Rate must be a decimal less than 0.")        self._setup(mode, 0.9, initial_capacity, error_rate)        self.filters = []    def _setup(self, mode, ratio, initial_capacity, error_rate):        self.scale = mode        self.ratio = ratio        self.initial_capacity = initial_capacity        self.error_rate = error_rate    def __contains__(self, key):        """Tests a key's membership in this bloom filter.        >>> b = ScalableBloomFilter(initial_capacity=100, error_rate=0.001, \                                    mode=ScalableBloomFilter.SMALL_SET_GROWTH)        >>> b.add("hello")        False        >>> "hello" in b        True        """        for f in reversed(self.filters):            if key in f:                return True        return False    def add(self, key):        """Adds a key to this bloom filter.        If the key already exists in this filter it will return True.        Otherwise False.        >>> b = ScalableBloomFilter(initial_capacity=100, error_rate=0.001, \                                    mode=ScalableBloomFilter.SMALL_SET_GROWTH)        >>> b.add("hello")        False        >>> b.add("hello")        True        """        if key in self:            return True        filter = self.filters[-1] if self.filters else None        if filter is None or filter.count >= filter.capacity:            num_filters = len(self.filters)            filter = BloomFilter(                capacity=self.initial_capacity * (self.scale ** num_filters),                error_rate=self.error_rate * (self.ratio ** num_filters))            self.filters.append(filter)        filter.add(key, skip_check=True)        return False    @property    def capacity(self):        """Returns the total capacity for all filters in this SBF"""        return sum([f.capacity for f in self.filters])    @property    def count(self):        return len(self)    def tofile(self, f):        """Serialize this ScalableBloomFilter into the file-object        `f'."""        f.write(pack(self.FILE_FMT, self.scale, self.ratio,                     self.initial_capacity, self.error_rate))        # Write #-of-filters        f.write(pack('<l', len(self.filters)))        if len(self.filters) > 0:            # Then each filter directly, with a header describing            # their lengths.            headerpos = f.tell()            headerfmt = '<' + 'Q'*(len(self.filters))            f.write('.' * calcsize(headerfmt))            filter_sizes = []            for filter in self.filters:                begin = f.tell()                filter.tofile(f)                filter_sizes.append(f.tell() - begin)            f.seek(headerpos)            f.write(pack(headerfmt, *filter_sizes))    @classmethod    def fromfile(cls, f):        """Deserialize the ScalableBloomFilter in file object `f'."""        filter = cls()        filter._setup(*unpack(cls.FILE_FMT, f.read(calcsize(cls.FILE_FMT))))        nfilters, = unpack('<l', f.read(calcsize('<l')))        if nfilters > 0:            header_fmt = '<' + 'Q'*nfilters            bytes = f.read(calcsize(header_fmt))            filter_lengths = unpack(header_fmt, bytes)            for fl in filter_lengths:                filter.filters.append(BloomFilter.fromfile(f, fl))        else:            filter.filters = []        return filter    def __len__(self):        """Returns the total number of elements stored in this SBF"""        return sum([f.count for f in self.filters])if __name__ == "__main__":    import doctest    doctest.testmod()

2, 基于布隆过滤器算法的网页消重技术的实现与应用

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