Hiho coder: #1200 : Increase Charisma Points

来源:互联网 发布:软件激活码破解器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 12:10
<span style="font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 17.7778px; line-height: 25.3968px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">时间限制:</span><span style="font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 17.7778px; line-height: 25.3968px; box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 10px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">10000ms</span>


Little Ho is playing a role-playing game. There are N cities in the game which are numbered from 1 to N. Every time Little Ho moves to another city his charisma (a kind of character attribute) will increase by 1 point no matter whether the city is visited before. For example if Little Ho’s moving path is 1->2->3->2->3->1 his charisma will increase by 5.

Little Ho wants to maximize his charisma. However moving between cities costs action points. More precisely moving from city i to city j costs him Aij action points. Little Ho wants to know how many points of charisma he can get by using no more than M action points? He may start at any city.


Line 1: N and M, the number of cities and the initial action points.

Line 2~N+1: An N x N matrix A. Aij is the action point cost as described above.

For 30% of the data: 2≤N≤5,1≤M≤50,0≤Aij≤10

For 60% of the data: 2≤N≤50,1≤M≤2000,0≤Aij≤10

For 100% of the data: 2≤N≤100,1≤M≤1,000,000,000,0≤Aij≤20


The maximum points of charisma Little Ho can get.


The optimal path is 1->2->3->1->2.

3 100 2 34 0 23 4 0






        dp(i,j,k)=min{dp(i,l,k-1)+dp(l,j,k-1) for l = 0,1,2,...n-1}



#include <iostream>#include <string.h>#include <vector>#include <stdlib.h>using namespace  std;unsigned int NXUpperPow2(unsigned int v){    --v;    v |= v >> 1;    v |= v >> 2;    v |= v >> 4;    v |= v >> 8;    v |= v >> 16;    return ++v;}unsigned int NXLowerPow2(unsigned int x){    unsigned int v = NXUpperPow2(x);    return v == x ? v : v >> 1;}unsigned int NXPow2(unsigned int x){    int bc = 0;    while(x){        ++bc;        x >>= 1;    }    return bc;}class Matrix{public:    friend inline Matrix operator * (const Matrix &lhs, const Matrix &rhs);    friend inline Matrix QuickPow(const int n);public:    explicit Matrix(int iScale);    Matrix();public:    vector<unsigned int>& operator[] (const int idx){        return m_Elem[idx];    }        const vector<unsigned int> & operator[] (const int idx) const{        return m_Elem[idx];    }        void SetScale(int iScale);public:    vector<vector<unsigned int > > m_Elem;    int          m_iScale;};Matrix pm[32];class Solution{public:    bool ReadData();    int GetResult();private:    bool Check(const Matrix &m);public:    int N;    int M;    Matrix cost;};inline Matrix operator * (const Matrix &lhs, const Matrix &rhs){    int iScale = lhs.m_iScale;    int mv;    Matrix result(iScale);    for(int r = 0; r < iScale; ++r){        for(int c = 0; c < iScale; ++c){            result[r][c] = -1;            for(int k = 0; k < iScale; ++k){                if(lhs[r][k] == -1 || rhs[k][c] == -1){                    continue;                }                mv = lhs[r][k] + rhs[k][c];                if(mv < result[r][c])                    result[r][c] = mv;            }        }    }    return result;}inline Matrix QuickPow(const int n){    if(n == 1){        return pm[0];    }    int p2 = NXLowerPow2(n);    int l2 = NXPow2(n);    return p2 == n ? pm[l2 - 1] : pm[l2 - 1] * QuickPow(n - p2);}Matrix::Matrix(int iScale){    SetScale(iScale);}Matrix::Matrix(){    }void Matrix::SetScale(int iScale){    m_iScale = iScale;    m_Elem.resize(iScale);    for(int i = 0; i < iScale; ++i){        m_Elem[i].resize(iScale);    }}bool Solution::ReadData(){    if(! (cin >> N)){        return false;    }        cin  >> M;    cost.SetScale(N);    for(int r = 0; r < N; ++r){        for(int c = 0; c < N; ++c){            cin >> cost[r][c];        }        cost[r][r] = -1;    }    pm[0] = cost;    int l = NXPow2(M);    for(int i = 1; i < l; ++i){        pm[i] = pm[i- 1] * pm[i - 1];    }    return true;}bool Solution::Check(const Matrix &m){    for(int r = 0; r < N; ++r){        for(int c = 0; c < N; ++c){            if(m[r][c] <= M){                return true;            }        }    }        return false;}int Solution::GetResult(){    if(!Check(cost)){        return 0;    }        int l = 1, r = M;    int m;    while(l < r){        m = (l + r) >> 1;        if(Check(QuickPow(m))){            l = m + 1;        }else{            r = m - 1;        }    }    while(!Check(QuickPow(l))){        --l;    }    return l;}int main(){    Solution so;    while(so.ReadData()){        cout << so.GetResult() << endl;    }}

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