【HDOJ 5820】Lights(扫描线+线段树)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝淘口令设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 18:43

【HDOJ 5820】Lights(扫描线+线段树)


Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 356    Accepted Submission(s): 33

Problem Description
Today is April 1st, 2100. Now Guangzhou is a very very big city. Since the number of traffic accidents increased last month, the mayor asked Mr. Chopsticks to investigate the traffic condition of the city.

After studying the map of Guangzhou for a while, Mr. Chopsticks has some ideas. Guangzhou can be considered as a rectangular grid with 50000 horizontal streets running west-east (labeled with y-coordinates from 1 to 50000) and 50000 vertical streets running north-south (labeled with x-coordinates from 1 to 50000). All streets are two-way streets. A crossroad is an intersection of a horizontal street and a vertical street, so a crossroad can be represented by (x, y), where x and y are coordinates of the horizontal street and vertical street respectively. Since there are too many streets, traffic lights are not placed at all crossroads. Given two crossroads (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), a path between these two crossroads is said to be good if the length of the path is |x1 – x2| + |y1 – y2| and there exist a traffic light at each turn of this path. Of course, a path must be along the streets, and a turn can only be at a crossroad.

Now given locations of all traffic lights in Guangzhou, Mr. Chopsticks wants to check whether there exists at least one good path between every pair of traffic lights. As Mr. Chopsticks is busy in preparing ACMICPC 2100, he asks you for help.

The input contains multiple test cases. Each case begins with an integer N (1 <= N <= 500000), indicating the number of traffic lights. The following N lines each contain two integers x and y (1 <= x, y <= 50000), indicating a location of a traffic light. There may be multiple traffic lights at the same location.

N = 0 indicates the end of the input.

For each case, output “YES” if there exists at least one good path between every pair of traffic lights; otherwise output “NO”.

Sample Input
21 13 331 11 33 30

Sample Output


2016 Multi-University Training Contest 7







这样当遍历到点(x,y)时,保证了纵坐标 >y的点,以及(x,y)点左边的点都已经被遍历过。



xxl 那么一定可以经过(xl,y)到达(x,y)
yyu 那么一定可以经过(xu,y)到达(x,y)
xxr 如果可达(xr,y),那么就能到(x,y)


那么除此之外的点,其实就是由(x,y)  (xl,y)  (xr,y)  (x,yu)构成的一个矩形内部。


如果都没有 print”YES”





#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <cstdlib>#include <queue>#include <vector>#include <stack>#include <map>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <ctime>#define LL long long#define Pr pair<int,int>#define fread(ch) freopen(ch,"r",stdin)#define fwrite(ch) freopen(ch,"w",stdout)using namespace std;const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;const double eps = 1e-8;const int mod = 1000000007;int mx[55555];int bit[4*55555];Pr pt[555555];bool cmp(Pr a,Pr b){    return a.first == b.first? a.second < b.second: a.first > b.first;}void init(int root,int l,int r){    bit[root] = -1;    if(l == r)    {        return;    }    int mid = (l+r)>>1;    init(root<<1,l,mid);    init(root<<1|1,mid+1,r);}void Add(int root,int l,int r,int ll,int rr,int x){    //printf("%d %d\n",l,r);    bit[root] = x;    if(l == ll && r == rr)    {        return;    }    int mid = (l+r)>>1;    if(mid >= rr)    {        Add(root<<1,l,mid,ll,rr,x);    }    else if(mid+1 <= ll)    {        Add(root<<1|1,mid+1,r,ll,rr,x);    }    else    {        Add(root<<1,l,mid,ll,mid,x);        Add(root<<1|1,mid+1,r,mid+1,rr,x);    }}int Search(int root,int l,int r,int ll,int rr){    //printf("%d %d\n",l,r);    //bit[root] = max(bit[root],x);    if(ll > rr) return -1;    if(l == ll && r == rr)    {        return bit[root];    }    int mid = (l+r)>>1;    if(mid >= rr)    {        return Search(root<<1,l,mid,ll,rr);    }    else if(mid+1 <= ll)    {        return Search(root<<1|1,mid+1,r,ll,rr);    }    else    {        return max(Search(root<<1,l,mid,ll,mid),Search(root<<1|1,mid+1,r,mid+1,rr));    }}int main(){    int n;    int l,r;    l = 0;    r = 500001;    while(~scanf("%d",&n) && n)    {        l = 0;        r = 0;        int col = 0;        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        {            scanf("%d%d",&pt[i].second,&pt[i].first);            r = max(r,pt[i].second);            col = max(col,pt[i].first);        }        r++;        col++;        int root = 1;        init(root,l,r);        sort(pt,pt+n,cmp);        memset(mx,-1,sizeof(mx));        bool f = 1;        int st = 0;        pt[0].first = col-pt[0].first;        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        {            int tmp;            if(i < n-1) pt[i+1].first = col-pt[i+1].first;            //printf("%d %d %d\n",pt[i].first,pt[i].second,f);            if((i == 0 || pt[i].first != pt[i-1].first) && (i == n-1 || pt[i].first != pt[i+1].first))            {                while(st < i)                {                    Add(root,l,r,pt[st].second,pt[st].second,pt[st].first);                    st++;                }                tmp = Search(root,l,r,l+1,r-1);            }            else if(i == 0 || pt[i].first != pt[i-1].first)            {                while(st < i)                {                    Add(root,l,r,pt[st].second,pt[st].second,pt[st].first);                    st++;                }                //printf("*%d %d\n",l+1,pt[i+1].second-1);                tmp = Search(root,l,r,l+1,pt[i+1].second-1);            }            else if(i == n-1 || pt[i].first != pt[i+1].first)            {                tmp = Search(root,l,r,pt[i-1].second+1,r-1);            }            else            {                tmp = Search(root,l,r,pt[i-1].second+1,pt[i+1].second-1);            }            //printf("%d %d %d\n",pt[i].second,mx[pt[i].second],tmp);            if(tmp > mx[pt[i].second])            {                f = 0;                break;            }            mx[pt[i].second] = pt[i].first;        }        puts(f? "YES": "NO");    }    return 0;}
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