
来源:互联网 发布:艾吉森空气净化器 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 02:18



简单介绍下自己,目前在人脸识别从事android开发与测试,公司的产品是人脸识别SDK,成品就是各种终端上的人脸识别设备,总监大人希望最好能有一个跨平台的开发框架,能够以一种语言为主,输出各种app。于是他找到了libGDX,一个多平台开发游戏的框架, 语言为java。libGDX是一个游戏开发工具,确切的说也就是一个java框架,按他的套路进行编写即可。
开始稍微看看游戏,有些误入歧途,然后他说要看看怎么掉摄像头。然后我又误入歧途的寻找寻找了一些有意思的东西:一个是抓幽灵的游戏ChaseWhisplyProject,来自 https://github.com/tvbarthel/ChaseWhisplyProject

另外一个beyondar,来自 https://github.com/BeyondAR/beyondar


当然,上边两个多事在Android内实现的,而非在libgdx中实现,感谢Github,在libGDX的介绍中,有达人分享了他使用libGDX调用android摄像头的实例,他在libGDX中调用摄像头的目的简单来说就是AR,使用者可以通过APP看到设备背后的路面,或者和真实世界有交互,就像PokemonGO一样,当然全部的这些也需要算法支持。但是时间是2013年,我拷贝下来,进行了微调,发现是可以实现的,鉴于目前网络上还真没有许多的实例说明如何在LibGDX中调用android摄像头,我搜索libgdx camera 大部分给我的结果都是libgdx中的镜头,就是跟随演员的镜头,而不是设备摄像头,这里也对这个实例进行一个记录和补充,以及简单的实现。






   AndroidApplicationConfiguration cfg = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();    cfg.r = 8;    cfg.g = 8;    cfg.b = 8;    cfg.a = 8;        DeviceCameraControl cameraControl = new AndroidDeviceCameraController(this);    initialize(new MyGdxGame0606(cameraControl), cfg);


/** number of bits per color channel **/public int r = 5, g = 6, b = 5, a = 0;


同样在AndroidLauncher.class中,将OpenGL surface 模式设置成TRANSLUCENT

if (graphics.getView() instanceof SurfaceView) {    SurfaceView glView = (SurfaceView) graphics.getView();    // force alpha channel - I'm not sure we need this as the GL surface    // is already using alpha channel                    glView.getHolder().setFormat(PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT);}


public void post(Runnable r) {    handler.post(r);}


Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);


相机的工作状态一次是 Ready -> Preview -> autoFocusing -> ShutterCalled -> Raw PictureData -> Postview PictureData -> Jpeg PictureData -> Ready (可以做一个表格)
本实例代码实现的顺序也可以概括为 Ready -> Preview -> autoFocusing -> Jpeg PictureData -> Ready

在core项目中,新建一个DeviceCameraController类,而为了配合core中DeviceCameraControl,在android项目中,新建一个AndroidDeviceCameraController 类,来控制设备的摄像头,它要继承DeviceCameraControl,同时还要实现Camera.PictureCallback:(android.hardware.Camera.PictureCallback)Camera.AutoFocusCallback(android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback),共计三个接口,来实现android摄像头从准备到拍摄的过程。

public class AndroidDeviceCameraController implements DeviceCameraControl, Camera.PictureCallback, Camera.AutoFocusCallback {...}

AndroidDeviceCameraController 新建后,逐步实现摄像头该有的各个功能。


    public class CameraSurface extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {        private Camera camera;public CameraSurface( Context context ) {            super( context );            // We're implementing the Callback interface and want to get notified            // about certain surface events.            getHolder().addCallback( this );            // We're changing the surface to a PUSH surface, meaning we're receiving            // all buffer data from another component - the camera, in this case.            getHolder().setType( SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS );        }public void surfaceCreated( SurfaceHolder holder ) {            // Once the surface is created, simply open a handle to the camera hardware.            camera = Camera.open();        }public void surfaceChanged( SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height ) {            // This method is called when the surface changes, e.g. when it's size is set.            // We use the opportunity to initialize the camera preview display dimensions.            Camera.Parameters p = camera.getParameters();            p.setPreviewSize( width, height );            camera.setParameters( p );// We also assign the preview display to this surface...            try {                camera.setPreviewDisplay( holder );            } catch( IOException e ) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }public void surfaceDestroyed( SurfaceHolder holder ) {            // Once the surface gets destroyed, we stop the preview mode and release            // the whole camera since we no longer need it.            camera.stopPreview();            camera.release();            camera = null;        }public Camera getCamera() {            return camera;        }    }



    @Override    public void prepareCamera() {        if (cameraSurface == null) {            cameraSurface = new CameraSurface(activity);        }        activity.addContentView( cameraSurface, new LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ) );    }
@Overridepublic synchronized void prepareCamera() {    if (cameraSurface == null) {        cameraSurface = new CameraSurface(activity);    }    FrameLayout.LayoutParams params = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams  (680,680);    params.rightMargin=150;//可以通过设置rightMargin控制组件的实际位置    params.leftMargin=200;//可以通过设置rightMargin控制组件的实际位置    params.topMargin=100;    activity.addContentView(cameraSurface, params);}


    @Override    public void prepareCameraAsync() {        Runnable r = new Runnable() {            public void run() {                prepareCamera();            }        };        activity.post(r);    }@Overridepublic void prepareCameraAsync() {    Runnable r = new Runnable() {        public void run() {            prepareCamera();        }    };    activity.post(r);}

当CameraSurface和camera 对象准备好了的时候(通过检测cameraSurface!=null && cameraSurface.getCamera() != null),就可以让相机由准备状态进入预览模式

    @Override    public boolean isReady() {        if (cameraSurface!=null && cameraSurface.getCamera() != null) {            return true;        }        return false;    }
@Overridepublic boolean isReady() {    if (cameraSurface != null && cameraSurface.getCamera() != null) {        return true;    }    return false;}


    @Override    public synchronized void startPreviewAsync() {        Runnable r = new Runnable() {            public void run() {                startPreview();            }        };        activity.post(r);    }    @Override    public synchronized void startPreview() {        // ...and start previewing. From now on, the camera keeps pushing preview        // images to the surface.        if (cameraSurface != null && cameraSurface.getCamera() != null) {            cameraSurface.getCamera().startPreview();        }    }



public void setCameraParametersForPicture(Camera camera) {        // Before we take the picture - we make sure all camera parameters are as we like them        // Use max resolution and auto focus        Camera.Parameters p = camera.getParameters();        List<Camera.Size> supportedSizes = p.getSupportedPictureSizes();        int maxSupportedWidth = -1;        int maxSupportedHeight = -1;        for (Camera.Size size : supportedSizes) {            if (size.width > maxSupportedWidth) {                maxSupportedWidth = size.width;                maxSupportedHeight = size.height;            }        }        p.setPictureSize(maxSupportedWidth, maxSupportedHeight);        p.setFocusMode(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO);        camera.setParameters( p );          }


@Overridepublic synchronized void takePicture() {        // the user request to take a picture - start the process by requesting focus            setCameraParametersForPicture(cameraSurface.getCamera());            cameraSurface.getCamera().autoFocus(this);    }


@Overridepublic synchronized void onAutoFocus(boolean success, Camera camera) {        // Focus process finished, we now have focus (or not)        if (success) {            if (camera != null) {                camera.stopPreview();                // We now have focus take the actual picture                camera.takePicture(null, null, null, this);            }        }    }@Overridepublic synchronized void onPictureTaken(byte[] pictureData, Camera camera) {        this.pictureData = pictureData;    }@Overridepublic synchronized void onAutoFocus(boolean success, Camera camera) {    // Focus process finished, we now have focus (or not)    if (success) {        if (camera != null) {            camera.stopPreview();                            /*增加三个回调函数shutterCallback, rawPictureCallback, jpegPictureCallback后,可以进行拍照,并且成功保存*/            // We now have focus take the actual picture            camera.takePicture(shutterCallback, rawPictureCallback, jpegPictureCallback);//54wall            camera.startPreview();        }    }}@Overridepublic synchronized void onPictureTaken(byte[] pictureData, Camera camera) {    // We got the picture data - keep it    this.pictureData = pictureData;}ShutterCallback shutterCallback = new ShutterCallback() {    @Override    public void onShutter() {    }};    PictureCallback rawPictureCallback = new PictureCallback() {    @Override    public void onPictureTaken(byte[] arg0, Camera arg1) {    }};PictureCallback jpegPictureCallback = new PictureCallback() {    @Override    public void onPictureTaken(byte[] arg0, Camera arg1) {        /*可以在Android项目中中生成图片*///            String fileName = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM)//                    .toString()//                    + File.separator//                    + "PicTest_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg";//            File file = new File(fileName);//            if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) {//                file.getParentFile().mkdir();//            }//            //            try {//                BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));//                bos.write(arg0);//                bos.flush();//                bos.close();        //                //            } catch (Exception e) {//                //            }        pictureData=arg0;    };};


public enum Mode {        normal, prepare, preview, takePicture, waitForPictureReady,    },


    @Override    public void render() {        // Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0.0f, 0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);//黑        // Gdx.gl.glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1);//背景为白色        Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0.57f, 0.40f, 0.55f, 1.0f);// 紫色        Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);// 清屏              render_preview();    }    public void render_preview() {        /* 我已经将preview变为takePicture状态移动到click中,实现先预览再拍照,这样便于理解相机的运行步骤 */        Gdx.gl20.glHint(GL20.GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, GL20.GL_NICEST);        if (mode == Mode.takePicture) {            Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);            if (deviceCameraControl != null) {                deviceCameraControl.takePicture();            }            mode = Mode.waitForPictureReady;        } else if (mode == Mode.waitForPictureReady) {            Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0.0f, 0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);        } else if (mode == Mode.prepare) {            Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0f, 0.6f);            if (deviceCameraControl != null) {                if (deviceCameraControl.isReady()) {                    deviceCameraControl.startPreviewAsync();                    mode = Mode.preview;                }            }        } else if (mode == Mode.preview) {            Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0f);        } else {            /* mode = normal */            Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f, 1.0f);        }        Gdx.gl20.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL20.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);        /* 下边放到texture.bind();时效果一致 */        batch.begin();          stage.act(); // 更新舞台逻辑        batch.draw(texture, 0, 0, 3f*texture.getWidth(), 3f*texture.getHeight());        Gdx.app.log("", String.valueOf(texture.getWidth()));        //先绘制的就先出现,所以演员在texture上边,而不是被覆盖        //batch.draw(actorTexture, firstActor.getX(), firstActor.getY());//原大小        batch.draw(actorTexture, firstActor.getX(), firstActor.getY(),4*actorTexture.getWidth(),4*actorTexture.getWidth());//可控制绘制图像大小        button_move.draw(batch, 1.0f);        stage.draw();// 绘制舞台        batch.end();        Gdx.gl20.glEnable(GL20.GL_DEPTH_TEST);        Gdx.gl20.glEnable(GL20.GL_TEXTURE);        Gdx.gl20.glEnable(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D);        // Gdx.gl20.glEnable(GL20.GL_LINE_SMOOTH);//old        Gdx.gl20.glEnable(GL20.GL_LINE_LOOP);//54wall        Gdx.gl20.glDepthFunc(GL20.GL_LEQUAL);        Gdx.gl20.glClearDepthf(1.0F);        camera.update(true);        // camera.apply(Gdx.gl20);//old        texture.bind();        if (mode == Mode.waitForPictureReady) {            /*注意deviceCameraControl.getPictureData()得到的是byte[],可见整体思路就是,             *将Android摄像头得到byte[],然后将byte[]转换为Pixmap,最后将pixmap存为jpg,这样不适用Android端图片保存模式,             *byte[]----Pixmap----jpg             */            if (deviceCameraControl.getPictureData() != null) {                // camera picture was actually takentake Gdx Screenshot                Pixmap screenshotPixmap = getScreenshot(0, 0,                        Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), true);                Pixmap cameraPixmap = new Pixmap(                        deviceCameraControl.getPictureData(), 0,                        deviceCameraControl.getPictureData().length);                merge2Pixmaps(cameraPixmap, screenshotPixmap);                // we could call PixmapIO.writePNG(pngfile, cameraPixmap);                //仅保存screenshot,对同一时间的图片进行保存然后进行比较                 Pixmap screenshotPixmap_test = getScreenshot(0, 0,                        Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), true);                FileHandle jpgfile_screenshot = Gdx.files                        .external("a_SDK_fail/libGdxSnapshot" + "_" + date                                + "_screenshot.jpg");                deviceCameraControl.saveAsJpeg(jpgfile_screenshot,                        screenshotPixmap_test);                //仅保存cameraPixma,对同一时间的图片进行保存然后进行比较                 Pixmap cameraPixmap_test = new Pixmap(                        deviceCameraControl.getPictureData(), 0,                        deviceCameraControl.getPictureData().length);                FileHandle jpgfile_cameraPixmap = Gdx.files                        .external("a_SDK_fail/libGdxSnapshot" + "_" + date                                + "_camera.jpg");                deviceCameraControl.saveAsJpeg(jpgfile_cameraPixmap,                        cameraPixmap_test);                //保存混合之后的相片                FileHandle jpgfile = Gdx.files                        .external("a_SDK_fail/libGdxSnapshot" + "_" + date                                + ".jpg");                Gdx.app.log("FileHandle", date);                time_1 = System.currentTimeMillis();                deviceCameraControl.saveAsJpeg(jpgfile, cameraPixmap);                time_2 = System.currentTimeMillis();                //可以得到35830ms=35s,所以非常忙,导致Mode非常缓慢的回到Mode.normal                Gdx.app.log("cost", String.valueOf(time_2 - time_1));                deviceCameraControl.stopPreviewAsync();                //保存文件后,mode回到normal继续render循环,所以中间停顿和logcat长时间未动的其实是卡住了Org                mode = Mode.normal;            }        }        // 这个log将会一直出现,所以render其实是一直在执行         // Gdx.app.log("mode", String.valueOf(i_render++));    }


因为AndroidDeviceCameraController 实现两个接口: Camera.PictureCallback,所以可以直接调用,而deviceCameraControl.getPictureData()的byte[]数据则来自AndroidDeviceCameraController,如下

@Overridepublic synchronized byte[] getPictureData() {    // Give to picture data to whom ever requested it    return pictureData;}    if (deviceCameraControl.getPictureData() != null) { // camera picture was actually taken        Pixmap cameraPixmap = new Pixmap(deviceCameraControl.getPictureData(), 0, deviceCameraControl.getPictureData().length);    }


    public Pixmap getScreenshot(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean flipY) {        Gdx.gl.glPixelStorei(GL10.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);final Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(w, h, Format.RGBA8888);        ByteBuffer pixels = pixmap.getPixels();        Gdx.gl.glReadPixels(x, y, w, h, GL10.GL_RGBA, GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);final int numBytes = w * h * 4;        byte[] lines = new byte[numBytes];        if (flipY) {            final int numBytesPerLine = w * 4;            for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {                pixels.position((h - i - 1) * numBytesPerLine);                pixels.get(lines, i * numBytesPerLine, numBytesPerLine);            }            pixels.clear();            pixels.put(lines);        } else {            pixels.clear();            pixels.get(lines);        }return pixmap;    }


/* 仅保存screenshot,对同一时间的图片进行保存然后进行比较 */                Pixmap screenshotPixmap_test = getScreenshot(0, 0,                        Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), true);                FileHandle jpgfile_screenshot = Gdx.files                        .external("a_SDK_fail/libGdxSnapshot" + "_" + date                                + "_screenshot.jpg");                deviceCameraControl.saveAsJpeg(jpgfile_screenshot,                        screenshotPixmap_test);                /* 仅保存cameraPixma,对同一时间的图片进行保存然后进行比较 */                Pixmap cameraPixmap_test = new Pixmap(                        deviceCameraControl.getPictureData(), 0,                        deviceCameraControl.getPictureData().length);                FileHandle jpgfile_cameraPixmap = Gdx.files                        .external("a_SDK_fail/libGdxSnapshot" + "_" + date                                + "_camera.jpg");                deviceCameraControl.saveAsJpeg(jpgfile_cameraPixmap,                        cameraPixmap_test);                /* 保存混合之后的相片 */                FileHandle jpgfile = Gdx.files                        .external("a_SDK_fail/libGdxSnapshot" + "_" + date                                + ".jpg");                Gdx.app.log("FileHandle", date);                time_1 = System.currentTimeMillis();                deviceCameraControl.saveAsJpeg(jpgfile, cameraPixmap);                time_2 = System.currentTimeMillis();                /* 可以得到35830ms=35s,所以非常忙,导致Mode非常缓慢的回到Mode.normal */                Gdx.app.log("cost", String.valueOf(time_2 - time_1));                deviceCameraControl.stopPreviewAsync();


接下来是整合两个PIxmap对象,LibGDX Pixmap对象可以帮助我们实现这个功能,但是因为相机的相片可能有不同的aspect ratio,所以我们也需要分别对待处理

    private void merge2Pixmaps(Pixmap mainPixmap, Pixmap overlayedPixmap) {        // merge to data and Gdx screen shot - but fix Aspect Ratio issues between the screen and the camera        Pixmap.setFilter(Filter.BiLinear);        float mainPixmapAR = (float)mainPixmap.getWidth() / mainPixmap.getHeight();        float overlayedPixmapAR = (float)overlayedPixmap.getWidth() / overlayedPixmap.getHeight();        if (overlayedPixmapAR < mainPixmapAR) {            int overlayNewWidth = (int)(((float)mainPixmap.getHeight() / overlayedPixmap.getHeight()) * overlayedPixmap.getWidth());            int overlayStartX = (mainPixmap.getWidth() - overlayNewWidth)/2;            mainPixmap.drawPixmap(overlayedPixmap,                         0,                         0,                         overlayedPixmap.getWidth(),                         overlayedPixmap.getHeight(),                         overlayStartX,                         0,                         overlayNewWidth,                         mainPixmap.getHeight());        } else {            int overlayNewHeight = (int)(((float)mainPixmap.getWidth() / overlayedPixmap.getWidth()) * overlayedPixmap.getHeight());            int overlayStartY = (mainPixmap.getHeight() - overlayNewHeight)/2;            mainPixmap.drawPixmap(overlayedPixmap,                         0,                         0,                         overlayedPixmap.getWidth(),                         overlayedPixmap.getHeight(),                         0,                         overlayStartY,                         mainPixmap.getWidth(),                         overlayNewHeight);                          }    }



 @Override    public void saveAsJpeg(FileHandle jpgfile, Pixmap pixmap) {        FileOutputStream fos;        int x=0,y=0;        int xl=0,yl=0;        try {            Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixmap.getWidth(), pixmap.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);            // we need to switch between LibGDX RGBA format to Android ARGB format            for (x=0,xl=pixmap.getWidth(); x<xl;x++) {                for (y=0,yl=pixmap.getHeight(); y<yl;y++) {                    int color = pixmap.getPixel(x, y);                    // RGBA => ARGB                    int RGB = color >> 8;                    int A = (color & 0x000000ff) << 24;                    int ARGB = A | RGB;                    bmp.setPixel(x, y, ARGB);                }            }            // Finished Color format conversion            fos = new FileOutputStream(jpgfile.file());            bmp.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, fos);            // Finished Comression to JPEG file            fos.close();        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {            e.printStackTrace();                    }    }


在完成保存图片后,我们将停止预览窗口,并且从Activity窗口中移去CameraSurface,我们同样也将停止camera继续想camera surface继续发送preview,我们同样异步执行这些。

 @Override    public synchronized void stopPreviewAsync() {        Runnable r = new Runnable() {            public void run() {                stopPreview();            }        };        activity.post(r);    }@Override    public synchronized void stopPreview() {        // stop previewing.         if (cameraSurface != null) {            if (cameraSurface.getCamera() != null) {                cameraSurface.getCamera().stopPreview();            }            ViewParent parentView = cameraSurface.getParent();            if (parentView instanceof ViewGroup) {                ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) parentView;                viewGroup.removeView(cameraSurface);            }        }    }

注意在合成两张pixmap也就是混合相机取景和libgdx截图时分辨率有差异。在我们的Pixmaps整合过程中依然还存在一个问题,就是相机的分辨率和我们的截图分辨率也许是不同的(我在我的三星手机上,我把一个480x320屏幕截图延伸到2560x1920 大小的图片)。一个围绕它的解决方法就是扩大Libgdx视图的尺寸到更大,比实际物理设备的尺寸要大,要实现他需要使用setFixedSize()功能。真实的屏幕尺寸是根据BPU内存。

 public void setFixedSize(int width, int height) {        if (graphics.getView() instanceof SurfaceView) {            SurfaceView glView = (SurfaceView) graphics.getView();            glView.getHolder().setFixedSize(width, height);            glView.getHolder().setFormat(PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT);        }    }public void restoreFixedSize() {        if (graphics.getView() instanceof SurfaceView) {            SurfaceView glView = (SurfaceView) graphics.getView();            glView.getHolder().setFixedSize(origWidth, origHeight);            glView.getHolder().setFormat(PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT);        }    }


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