
来源:互联网 发布:windows bt删不干净 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:33
使用WinINet和WinHTTP实现Http访问Http访问有两种方式,GET和POST,就编程来说GET方式相对简单点,它不用向服务器提交数据,在这个例程中我使用POST方式,提交数据value1与value2,并从服务器得到他们的和(value1 + value2)。为实现Http访问,微软提供了二套API:WinINet, WinHTTP。WinHTTP比WinINet更加安全和健壮,可以这么认为WinHTTP是WinINet的升级版本。这两套API包含了很多相似的函数与宏定义,呵呵,详细对比请查阅msdn中的文章“Porting WinINet Applications to WinHTTP”,在线MSDN连接:http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384068.aspx。在这个例程中,通过一个宏的设置来决定是使用WinHttp还是WinINet。代码如下:#define USE_WINHTTP      //Comment this line to user wininet.下面来说说实现Http访问的流程(两套API都一样的流程):1, 首先我们打开一个Session获得一个HINTERNET session句柄;2, 然后我们使用这个session句柄与服务器连接得到一个HINTERNET connect句柄;3, 这样我们使用这个connect句柄来打开Http 请求得到一个HINTERNET request句柄;4, 这样我们就可以使用这个request句柄来发送数据与读取从服务器返回的数据;5, 最后依次关闭request,connect,session句柄。 在这个例程中以上各个流程都进行了简单封装,以便对比两套API函数的些许差异。下面让源代码说话,原工程是一个windows控制台工程,你可以很容易通过拷贝代码重建工程。 另:如果你从服务器得到的返回数据是utf8格式的文本数据,你将需要对返回的数据进行转换才能争取显示(中文,日文等)。仅供参考,转换为ATL CStringW的函数见下: CStringW GetStringWFromUtf8(const std::string& str){    int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), int(str.length()), 0, 0);    CStringW buf;    WCHAR*    dd = buf.GetBuffer(len);    len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), int(str.length()), dd, len);    buf.ReleaseBuffer(len);    return buf;}完整代码如下:  1// HttpPost.cpp written by l_zhaohui@163.com  2// 2007/11/30  3#include "stdafx.h"  4#include <windows.h>  5#include <stdio.h>  6#include <stdlib.h>  7  8#define _ATL_CSTRING_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS  9#include <atlbase.h> 10#include <atlstr.h> 11 12#define USE_WINHTTP    //Comment this line to user wininet. 13#ifdef USE_WINHTTP 14    #include <winhttp.h> 15    #pragma comment(lib, "winhttp.lib") 16#else 17    #include <wininet.h> 18    #pragma comment(lib, "wininet.lib") 19#endif 20#define BUF_SIZE    (1024) 21 22// CrackedUrl 23class CrackedUrl { 24    int m_scheme; 25    CStringW m_host; 26    int m_port; 27    CStringW m_path; 28public: 29    CrackedUrl(LPCWSTR url) 30    { 31        URL_COMPONENTS uc = { 0}; 32        uc.dwStructSize = sizeof(uc); 33 34        const DWORD BUF_LEN = 256; 35 36        WCHAR host[BUF_LEN]; 37        uc.lpszHostName = host; 38        uc.dwHostNameLength = BUF_LEN; 39 40        WCHAR path[BUF_LEN]; 41        uc.lpszUrlPath = path; 42        uc.dwUrlPathLength = BUF_LEN; 43 44        WCHAR extra[BUF_LEN]; 45        uc.lpszExtraInfo = extra; 46        uc.dwExtraInfoLength = BUF_LEN; 47 48#ifdef USE_WINHTTP 49        if (!WinHttpCrackUrl(url, 0, ICU_ESCAPE, &uc)) { 50            printf("Error:WinHttpCrackUrl failed!/n"); 51        } 52 53#else 54        if (!InternetCrackUrl(url, 0, ICU_ESCAPE, &uc)) { 55            printf("Error:InternetCrackUrl failed!/n"); 56        } 57#endif 58        m_scheme = uc.nScheme; 59        m_host = host; 60        m_port = uc.nPort; 61        m_path = path; 62    } 63 64    int GetScheme() const 65    { 66        return m_scheme; 67    } 68 69    LPCWSTR GetHostName() const 70    { 71        return m_host; 72    } 73 74    int GetPort() const 75    { 76        return m_port; 77    } 78 79    LPCWSTR GetPath() const 80    { 81        return m_path; 82    } 83 84    static CStringA UrlEncode(const char* p) 85    { 86        if (p == 0) { 87            return CStringA(); 88        } 89 90        CStringA buf; 91 92        for (;;) { 93            int ch = (BYTE) (*(p++)); 94            if (ch == '/0') { 95                break; 96            } 97 98            if (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '-' || ch == '.') { 99                buf += (char)ch;100            }101            else if (ch == ' ') {102                buf += '+';103            }104            else {105                char c[16];106                wsprintfA(c, "%%%02X", ch);107                buf += c;108            }109        }110111        return buf;112    }113};114115// CrackedUrl116HINTERNET OpenSession(LPCWSTR userAgent = 0)117{118#ifdef USE_WINHTTP119    return WinHttpOpen(userAgent, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);;120#else121    return InternetOpen(userAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);122#endif123}124125HINTERNET Connect(HINTERNET hSession, LPCWSTR serverAddr, int portNo)126{127#ifdef USE_WINHTTP128    return WinHttpConnect(hSession, serverAddr, (INTERNET_PORT) portNo, 0);129#else130    return InternetConnect(hSession, serverAddr, portNo, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0);131#endif132}133134HINTERNET OpenRequest(HINTERNET hConnect, LPCWSTR verb, LPCWSTR objectName, int scheme)135{136    DWORD flags = 0;137#ifdef USE_WINHTTP138    if (scheme == INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS) {139        flags |= WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE;140    }141142    return WinHttpOpenRequest(hConnect, verb, objectName, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags);143144#else145    if (scheme == INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS) {146        flags |= INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE;147    }148149    return HttpOpenRequest(hConnect, verb, objectName, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags, 0);150#endif151}152153BOOL AddRequestHeaders(HINTERNET hRequest, LPCWSTR header)154{155    SIZE_T len = lstrlenW(header);156#ifdef USE_WINHTTP157    return WinHttpAddRequestHeaders(hRequest, header, DWORD(len), WINHTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);158#else159    return HttpAddRequestHeaders(hRequest, header, DWORD(len), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);160#endif161}162163BOOL SendRequest(HINTERNET hRequest, const void* body, DWORD size)164{165#ifdef USE_WINHTTP166    return WinHttpSendRequest(hRequest, 0, 0, const_cast<void*>(body), size, size, 0);167#else168    return HttpSendRequest(hRequest, 0, 0, const_cast<void*>(body), size);169#endif170}171172BOOL EndRequest(HINTERNET hRequest)173{174#ifdef USE_WINHTTP175    return WinHttpReceiveResponse(hRequest, 0);176#else177    // if you use HttpSendRequestEx to send request then use HttpEndRequest in here!178    return TRUE;179#endif180}181182BOOL QueryInfo(HINTERNET hRequest, int queryId, char* szBuf, DWORD* pdwSize)183{184#ifdef USE_WINHTTP185    return WinHttpQueryHeaders(hRequest, (DWORD) queryId, 0, szBuf, pdwSize, 0);186#else187    return HttpQueryInfo(hRequest, queryId, szBuf, pdwSize, 0);188#endif189}190191BOOL ReadData(HINTERNET hRequest, void* buffer, DWORD length, DWORD* cbRead)192{193#ifdef USE_WINHTTP194    return WinHttpReadData(hRequest, buffer, length, cbRead);195#else196    return InternetReadFile(hRequest, buffer, length, cbRead);197#endif198}199200void CloseInternetHandle(HINTERNET hInternet)201{202    if (hInternet)203    {204#ifdef USE_WINHTTP205        WinHttpCloseHandle(hInternet);206#else207        InternetCloseHandle(hInternet);208#endif209    }210}211212int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])213{214    HINTERNET hSession = 0;215    HINTERNET hConnect = 0;216    HINTERNET hRequest = 0;217    CStringW strHeader(L"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded/r/n");218219    // Test data220    CrackedUrl crackedUrl(L"http://www.easy-creator.net/test2/add.asp");221    CStringA strPostData("value1=10&value2=14");222223    // Open session.224    hSession = OpenSession(L"HttpPost by l_zhaohui@163.com");225    if (hSession == NULL) {226        printf("Error:Open session!/n");227        return -1;228    }229230    // Connect.231    hConnect = Connect(hSession, crackedUrl.GetHostName(), crackedUrl.GetPort());232    if (hConnect == NULL) {233        printf("Error:Connect failed!/n");234        return -1;235    }236237    // Open request.238    hRequest = OpenRequest(hConnect, L"POST", crackedUrl.GetPath(), crackedUrl.GetScheme());239    if (hRequest == NULL) {240        printf("Error:OpenRequest failed!/n");241        return -1;242    }243244    // Add request header.245    if (!AddRequestHeaders(hRequest, strHeader)) {246        printf("Error:AddRequestHeaders failed!/n");247        return -1;248    }249250    // Send post data.251    if (!SendRequest(hRequest, (const char*)strPostData, strPostData.GetLength())) {252        printf("Error:SendRequest failed!/n");253        return -1;254    }255256    // End request257    if (!EndRequest(hRequest)) {258        printf("Error:EndRequest failed!/n");259        return -1;260    }261262    char szBuf[BUF_SIZE];263    DWORD dwSize = 0;264    szBuf[0] = 0;265266    // Query header info.267#ifdef USE_WINHTTP268    int contextLengthId = WINHTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH;269    int statusCodeId = WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE;270    int statusTextId = WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_TEXT;271#else272    int contextLengthId = HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH;273    int statusCodeId = HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE;274    int statusTextId = HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_TEXT;275#endif276    dwSize = BUF_SIZE;277    if (QueryInfo(hRequest, contextLengthId, szBuf, &dwSize)) {278        szBuf[dwSize] = 0;279        printf("Content length:[%s]/n", szBuf);280    }281282    dwSize = BUF_SIZE;283    if (QueryInfo(hRequest, statusCodeId, szBuf, &dwSize)) {284        szBuf[dwSize] = 0;285        printf("Status code:[%s]/n", szBuf);286    }287288    dwSize = BUF_SIZE;289    if (QueryInfo(hRequest, statusTextId, szBuf, &dwSize)) {290        szBuf[dwSize] = 0;291        printf("Status text:[%s]/n", szBuf);292    }293294    // read data.295    for (;;) {296        dwSize = BUF_SIZE;297        if (ReadData(hRequest, szBuf, dwSize, &dwSize) == FALSE) {298            break;299        }300301        if (dwSize <= 0) {302            break;303        }304305        szBuf[dwSize] = 0;306        printf("%s/n", szBuf);    //Output value = value1 + value2307    }308309    CloseInternetHandle(hRequest);310    CloseInternetHandle(hConnect);311    CloseInternetHandle(hSession);312313    return 0;314}315

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