Spark-Sql源码解析之八 Codegen

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝联盟导购推广步骤 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 10:48
case class Sort(    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],    global: Boolean,    child: SparkPlan)  extends UnaryNode {  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[Row] = attachTree(this, "sort") {    child.execute().mapPartitions( { iterator =>      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, child.output)    }, preservesPartitioning = true)  }  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder}abstract class SparkPlan extends QueryPlan[SparkPlan] with Logging with Serializable {protected def newOrdering(order: Seq[SortOrder], inputSchema: Seq[Attribute]): Ordering[Row] = {  if (codegenEnabled) {//开启动态字节码技术    GenerateOrdering.generate(order, inputSchema)  } else {//否则关闭    new RowOrdering(order, inputSchema)  }}}


class RowOrdering(ordering: Seq[SortOrder]) extends Ordering[Row] {  def this(ordering: Seq[SortOrder], inputSchema: Seq[Attribute]) =    this(, inputSchema)))  def compare(a: Row, b: Row): Int = {    var i = 0    while (i < ordering.size) {      val order = ordering(i)      val left = order.child.eval(a)//虚函数调用,然后装箱      val right = order.child.eval(b)//虚函数调用,然后装箱      if (left == null && right == null) {        // Both null, continue looking.      } else if (left == null) {        return if (order.direction == Ascending) -1 else 1      } else if (right == null) {        return if (order.direction == Ascending) 1 else -1      } else {        val comparison = order.dataType match {          case n: AtomicType if order.direction == Ascending =>            n.ordering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]].compare(left, right)//调用具体对象的compare函数          case n: AtomicType if order.direction == Descending =>            n.ordering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]], right)//调用具体对象的compare函数          case other => sys.error(s"Type $other does not support ordered operations")        }        if (comparison != 0) return comparison      }      i += 1    }    return 0  }}



object GenerateOrdering extends CodeGenerator[Seq[SortOrder], Ordering[Row]] with Logging {  import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ protected def canonicalize(in: Seq[SortOrder]): Seq[SortOrder] =[SortOrder])  protected def bind(in: Seq[SortOrder], inputSchema: Seq[Attribute]): Seq[SortOrder] =, inputSchema))  protected def create(ordering: Seq[SortOrder]): Ordering[Row] = {    val a = newTermName("a")    val b = newTermName("b")    val comparisons = { case (order, i) =>      val evalA = expressionEvaluator(order.child)      val evalB = expressionEvaluator(order.child)      val compare = order.child.dataType match {        case BinaryType =>          q"""          val x = ${if (order.direction == Ascending) evalA.primitiveTerm else evalB.primitiveTerm}//直接指定类型,不涉及虚函数调用          val y = ${if (order.direction != Ascending) evalB.primitiveTerm else evalA.primitiveTerm}//直接指定类型,不涉及虚函数调用          var i = 0          while (i < x.length && i < y.length) {            val res = x(i).compareTo(y(i))            if (res != 0) return res            i = i+1          }          return x.length - y.length          """        case _: NumericType =>          q"""          val comp = ${evalA.primitiveTerm} - ${evalB.primitiveTerm}//直接指定类型          if(comp != 0) {            return ${if (order.direction == Ascending) q"comp.toInt" else q"-comp.toInt"}          }          """        case StringType =>          if (order.direction == Ascending) {            q"""return ${evalA.primitiveTerm}.compare(${evalB.primitiveTerm})"""//直接指定类型,不涉及虚函数调用          } else {            q"""return ${evalB.primitiveTerm}.compare(${evalA.primitiveTerm})"""          }      }      q"""        i = $a        ..${evalA.code}        i = $b        ..${evalB.code}        if (${evalA.nullTerm} && ${evalB.nullTerm}) {          // Nothing        } else if (${evalA.nullTerm}) {          return ${if (order.direction == Ascending) q"-1" else q"1"}        } else if (${evalB.nullTerm}) {          return ${if (order.direction == Ascending) q"1" else q"-1"}        } else {          $compare        }      """    }    val q"class $orderingName extends $orderingType { ..$body }" = reify {      class SpecificOrdering extends Ordering[Row] {        val o = ordering      }    }.tree.children.head    val code = q"""      class $orderingName extends $orderingType {        ..$body        def compare(a: $rowType, b: $rowType): Int = {          var i: $rowType = null // Holds current row being evaluated.          ..$comparisons          return 0        }      }      new $orderingName()      """    logDebug(s"Generated Ordering: $code")    toolBox.eval(code).asInstanceOf[Ordering[Row]]  }}


以具体的SQL语句 select a+b fromtable 为例进行说明,下面是它的解析过程:     1.调用虚函数Add.eval(),需确认Add两边数据类型     2.调用虚函数a.eval(),需要确认a的数据类型     3.确认a的数据类型是int,装箱     4.调用虚函数b.eval(),需确认b的数据类型     5.确认b的数据类型是int,装箱     6.调用int类型的add     7.返回装箱后的计算结果     从上面的步骤可以看出,一条SQL语句的解析需要进行多次虚函数的调用。我们知道,虚函数的调用会极大的降低效率。那么,虚函数的调用为什么会影响效率呢?     有人答案是:虚函数调用会进行一次间接寻址过程。事实上这一步间接寻址真的会显著降低运行效率?显然不是。     流水线的打断才是真正降低效率的原因。     我们知道,虚函数的调用时是运行时多态,意思就是在编译期你是无法知道虚函数的具体调用。设想一下,如果说不是虚函数,那么在编译时期,其相对地址是确定的,编译器可以直接生成jmp/invoke指令; 如果是虚函数,多出来的一次查找vtable所带来的开销,倒是次要的,关键在于,这个函数地址是动态的,譬如 取到的地址在eax里,则在call eax之后的那些已经被预取进入流水线的所有指令都将失效。流水线越长,一次分支预测失败的代价也就越大,如下所示:    pf->test     001E146D mov eax,dword ptr[pf]     011E1470 mov edx,dword,ptr[eax]     011E1472 mov esi,esp     011E1474 mov ecx,dword ptr[pf]     011E1477 mov eax,dword ptr[edx]     011E1479 eax <-----------------------分支预测失败     011E147B cmp esi esp     011E147D @ILT+355(__RTC_CheckEsp)(11E1168h) 
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