
来源:互联网 发布:时序数据库应用场景 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:59

Preparing your Development Environment

For the projects in this course, you'll need to install some software onto your computer:

  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant
  • Git and ssh
  • Packer


If you don't already have Git installed, download Git from Install the version for your operating system.

On Windows, Git will provide you with a Unix-style terminal and shell (Git Bash).
(On Mac or Linux systems you can use the regular terminal program.)

You will need Git to install the configuration for the VM. If you'd like to learn more about Git, take a look at our course about Git and Github.


VirtualBox is the software that actually runs the VM. You can download it from, here. Install the platform package for your operating system. You do not need the extension pack or the SDK. You do not need to launch VirtualBox after installing it.

Ubuntu 14.04 Note: If you are running Ubuntu 14.04, install VirtualBox using the Ubuntu Software Center, not the web site. Due to a reported bug, installing VirtualBox from the site may uninstall other software you need.


Vagrant is the software that configures the VM and lets you share files between your host computer and the VM's filesystem. You can download it from Install the version for your operating system.

Windows Note: The Installer may ask you to grant network permissions to Vagrant or make a firewall exception. Be sure to allow this.


Packer is used to build golden images for installing the software systems you'll be working on in this course. Download it and follow the installation instructions for your platform.

Fork the repo on GitHub

In the real world, you would want to be able to integrate your changes into the code repo. But the Udacity repo is not writable by students. So please use the button on the top right of the GitHub window to fork the existing repo to your own account.

Use Git to fetch the app configuration

Windows: Use the Git Bash program (installed with Git) to get a Unix-style terminal.
Other systems: Use your favorite terminal program.

From the terminal, run the following command, replacing <account-name> with your GitHub username:

git clone<account-name>/devops-intro-project devops

This will give you a directory named devops.

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