
来源:互联网 发布:爱淘宝抢红包入口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 13:27






const mo=1000007;var    h,z:array[] of longint;    t:array[0..1000000] of longint;    a,s:array[0..100000] of longint;    i,j,sum,ans,n,tot,num,wz:longint;function gcd(x,y:longint):longint;begin    gcd:=0;    while x mod y<>0 do    begin        gcd:=x mod y;        x:=y;        y:=gcd;    end;    exit(y);end;procedure qsort(l,r:longint);var i,j,mid:longint;begin    i:=l;j:=r;    mid:=t[(l+r)div 2];    repeat        while t[i]>mid do inc(i);        while mid>t[j] do dec(j);        if i<=j then        begin            tot:=t[i];t[i]:=t[j];t[j]:=tot;            inc(i); dec(j);        end;    until i>j;    if i<r then qsort(i,r);    if l<j then qsort(l,j);end;procedure deal;var i,j:longint;begin    for i:=1 to sum do    if s[i] mod 2=1 then    begin        inc(ans);        t[ans]:=a[i];        dec(s[i]);        for j:=1 to ans-1 do        begin            tot:=gcd(t[j],a[i]);            wz:=(tot-1)mod mo+1;            while z[wz]<>tot do wz:=wz mod mo+1;            dec(s[h[wz]],2);        end;    end;end;begin    readln(n);    for i:=0 to n-1 do        for j:=0 to n-1 do read(t[i*n+j]);    qsort(0,n*n-1);    a[1]:=t[0];s[1]:=1;sum:=1;    wz:=(t[i]-1)mod mo+1;    h[wz]:=1;z[wz]:=t[1];    for i:=1 to n*n-1 do    begin        if t[i]<>t[i-1] then        begin            inc(sum);            a[sum]:=t[i];            wz:=(t[i]-1) mod mo+1;            while h[wz]<>0 do wz:=wz mod mo+1;            h[wz]:=sum;            z[wz]:=t[i];        end;        inc(s[sum]);    end;    fillchar(t,sizeof(t),0);    ans:=0; num:=-1;    while ans<n do    begin        num:=ans;        deal;        if (num=ans)and(ans<n) then        begin            for i:=1 to sum do                if s[i]>0 then break;            inc(ans);            t[ans]:=a[i];            dec(s[i]);            for j:=1 to ans-1 do            begin                tot:=gcd(t[j],a[i]);                wz:=(tot-1)mod mo+1;                while z[wz]<>tot do wz:=wz mod mo+1;                dec(s[h[wz]],2);            end;        end;    end;    qsort(1,ans);    for i:=1 to ans do write(t[i],' ');    writeln;end.
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