#128 Hash Function

来源:互联网 发布:防辐射眼镜 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 09:10


In data structure Hash, hash function is used to convert a string(or any other type) into an integer smaller than hash size and bigger or equal to zero. The objective of designing a hash function is to "hash" the key as unreasonable as possible. A good hash function can avoid collision as less as possible. A widely used hash function algorithm is using a magic number 33, consider any string as a 33 based big integer like follow:

hashcode("abcd") = (ascii(a) * 333 + ascii(b) * 332 + ascii(c) *33 + ascii(d)) % HASH_SIZE 

                              = (97* 333 + 98 * 332 + 99 * 33 +100) % HASH_SIZE

                              = 3595978 % HASH_SIZE

here HASH_SIZE is the capacity of the hash table (you can assume a hash table is like an array with index 0 ~ HASH_SIZE-1).

Given a string as a key and the size of hash table, return the hash value of this key.f


For this problem, you are not necessary to design your own hash algorithm or consider any collision issue, you just need to implement the algorithm as described.


For key="abcd" and size=100, return 78


这题要注意overflow的问题,这里每次的操作我都% HASH_SIZE,并且把中间结果设为long long类型。

Mycode(AC = 18ms):

class Solution {public:    /**     * @param key: A String you should hash     * @param HASH_SIZE: An integer     * @return an integer     */    int hashCode(string key,int HASH_SIZE) {        // write your code here        long long ans = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {            ans = (ans * 33) % HASH_SIZE + int(key[i]) % HASH_SIZE;        }                return ans % HASH_SIZE;    }};

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