
来源:互联网 发布:龙舌兰推荐 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:52


package Utilsimport com.google.common.math.{DoubleMath, IntMath}/**  * Created by fhqplzj on 16-8-24 at 下午2:12.  */object Evaluation {  /**    * 检查标签    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    */  private def labelChecker(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]): Unit = {    require(labelsTrue.length == labelsPred.length && labelsTrue.length >= 2, "The length must be equal!" +      "The size of labels must be greater than 1!")  }  /**    * 纯度:Purity    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    * @return    */  def purity(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    val eachCount: Map[(Int, Int), Int] = labelsTrue.zip(labelsPred).groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.length)    eachCount.groupBy(_._1._1).mapValues(_.values.max).values.sum.toDouble / labelsTrue.length  }  /**    * 互信息:Mutual Information    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    */  private def mutualInformation(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    val N: Int = labelsTrue.length    val mapTrue: Map[Int, Int] = labelsTrue.groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.length)    val mapPred: Map[Int, Int] = labelsPred.groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.length)    labelsTrue.zip(labelsPred).groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.length).map {      case ((x, y), z) =>        val wk = mapTrue(x)        val cj = mapPred(y)        val common = z.toDouble        common / N * DoubleMath.log2(N * common / (wk * cj))    }.sum  }  /**    * 熵:Entropy    *    * @param labels    * @return    */  private def entropy(labels: Array[Int]) = {    val N: Int = labels.length    val array: Array[Int] = labels.groupBy(x => x).values.map(_.length).toArray    array.map(x => -1.0 * x / N * DoubleMath.log2(1.0 * x / N)).sum  }  /**    * 标准化互信息:Normalized Mutual Information    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    * @return    */  def normalizedMutualInformation(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    2 * mutualInformation(labelsTrue, labelsPred) / (entropy(labelsTrue) + entropy(labelsPred))  }  /**    * 混淆矩阵    *    * @param TP    * @param FP    * @param FN    * @param TN    */  case class Table(TP: Int, FP: Int, FN: Int, TN: Int)  /**    * 计算混淆矩阵    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    * @return    */  private def contingencyTable(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    def binomial(x: Int) = if (x < 2) 0 else IntMath.binomial(x, 2)    val TPAndFP: Int = labelsPred.groupBy(x => x).values.map(x => binomial(x.length)).sum    val tmp: Map[(Int, Int), Array[(Int, Int)]] = labelsTrue.zip(labelsPred).groupBy(x => x)    val TP: Int = tmp.values.map(x => binomial(x.length)).sum    val FP: Int = TPAndFP - TP    def fun(xs: Array[Int]) = {      val length: Int = xs.length      val sums: Array[Int] = xs.tails.slice(1, length).toArray.map(_.sum)      (xs.init, sums).zipped.map(_ * _).sum    }    val FN: Int = tmp.groupBy(_._1._1).mapValues(_.values.map(_.length).toArray).values.map(fun).sum    val total: Int = binomial(labelsTrue.length)    val TN: Int = total - TPAndFP - FN    Table(TP, FP, FN, TN)  }  /**    * Rand Index值    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    * @return    */  def randIndex(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    val table: Table = contingencyTable(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    1.0 * (table.TP + table.TN) / (table.TP + table.FP + table.FN + table.TN)  }  /**    * 准确率:Precision    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    * @return    */  def precision(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    val table: Table = contingencyTable(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    1.0 * table.TP / (table.TP + table.FP)  }  /**    * 召回率:Recall    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    * @return    */  def recall(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int]) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    val table: Table = contingencyTable(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    1.0 * table.TP / (table.TP + table.FN)  }  /**    * FMeasure    * F值    *    * @param labelsTrue    * @param labelsPred    * @param beta    * @return    */  def FMeasure(labelsTrue: Array[Int], labelsPred: Array[Int])(implicit beta: Double = 1.0) = {    labelChecker(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    val precision1: Double = precision(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    val recall1: Double = recall(labelsTrue, labelsPred)    (math.pow(beta, 2) + 1) * precision1 * recall1 / (math.pow(beta, 2) * precision1 + recall1)  }  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {    val labelTrue = Array.fill(8)(1) ++ Array.fill(5)(2) ++ Array.fill(4)(3)    val labelPred = Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)    println(contingencyTable(labelTrue, labelPred))  }}

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